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hemorragisk koli

vérzéses vastagbél · vérömléses vastagbél gyulladás [colon hemorrhagica, CH]infocolon Hemorrhage, CH, lower gastrointestinal tract [rectum, anus] bleeding

hemorragisk leptomeningit

vérzéses lágyagyburok gyulladás [leptomeningitis haemorrhagica]infohemorrhagic leptomeningitis, inflammation of the meninges of the brain,

hemorragisk meningit

vérzéses agyhártyagyulladás [P: Bacillus anthracis] [meningitis haemorrhagica]infohemorrhagic meningitis, anthrax meningitis, anthrax is inhaled

hemorragisk nekros infohemorragisk infarkt

vérzéses elhalás [infarctus haemorrhagicus]infohemorrhagic infarct, typically seen in the brain, lungs, and the GI tract

hemorragisk njursjukdom

vérzéses vesemegbetegedés [nephropathia haemorrhagica, nephrosonephritis haemorrhagica]infohemorrhagic kidney disease

hemorragisk ooforit

vérzéses petefészek-gyulladás [oophoritis haemorrhagica]infohemorrhagic oophoritis

hemorragisk ovarial follikelcysta

haemorrhagiás follicularis petefészek cystainfohemorrhagic follicular ovarian cyst

hemorragisk perikardit infoperikardit haemorragica

vérzéses szívburokgyulladás [pericarditis haemorrhagica]infohemorrhagic pericarditis

hemorragisk peritonit infobukhinneinflammation haemorragica

vérzéses hashártyagyulladás [peritonitis haemorrhagica]infohemorrhagic peritonitis

hemorragisk pleurit

vérzéses mellhártyagyulladás [pleuritis haemorrhagica]infohemorrhagic pleurisy

hemorragisk purpur

thrombopeniás vérzékenység · véres 'tarjag' [purpura haemorrhagica]infopurpura hemorrhagica, a swelling of the blood vessels usually after strangles

hemorragisk salpingit

vérzéses petevezeték-gyulladás [salpingitis haemorrhagica]infohemorrhagic salpingitis

hemorragisk septikemi

vérömléses vérmérgezés [P: viral hemorrhagic septicemia, VHS, virus] [septikaemia haemorrhagica piscium]infoviral hemorrhagic septicemia, VHS, bulging eyes, pale gills, bleeding around the eyes, bases of the fins, sides and head, dark colouration, distended belly, corkscrew swimming behaviour, high death rate

hemorragisk sjukdom hos nyfödda

K-vitamin hiány okozta vérzékenységinfobleeding caused by vitamin K deficiency

hemorragiskt syndrom

vérzéses-szindróma [pl. csirkék K-avitaminosisában] [syndroma haemorrhagica]infohemorrhagic syndrome in K vitamin deficiency, hemorrhages may appear on the breast, legs, wings, in the abdominal cavity, and on the surface of the intestine, prolonged blood clotting

hemorrhagisk feber

hemorrhágiás láz [P: arenavirusok, filovirusok, bunyavirusok, flavivirusok]infohemorrhagic fever: Alkhurma hemorrhagic fever, Chapare hemorrhagic fever, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, Ebola [Ebola Virus Disease], Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, HPS, Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, HFRS

hemorrhagisk gastroenterit

eb hemorrhágiás gasztroenteritisez · eb vérzéses gyomor-bélgyulladása [P: Clostridium perfringens, canine parvovirus, parazita, trauma] [gatroenteritis haemorrhagica]infohemorrhagic gastroenteritis, HGE, acute hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome, AHDS, an acute disorder of dogs, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, painful abdomen, decreased appetite, lethargy, fever

hemorrhagisk leptomeningit

vérömléses lágyagyburok-gyulladás [leptomeningitis haemorrhagica]infoleptomeningitis haemorrhagica

hemorrhagisk pyelit

vérzéses vesemedence-gyulladás [pyelitis haemorrhagica]infohemorrhagic pyelitis

hemorrhagisk septikemi

hemorrhágiás szeptikémia [P: Pasteurella multocida] [septikaemia haemorrhagica]infohemorrhagic septicemia, HS, swelling of the subcutis and muscle of the submandibular region, neck, and brisket by clear to blood-tinged edema fluid in cattle and water buffalo

hemorrhoidal kolik

végbélgörcs [colica haemorrhoidalis, analis sphincter achalasia, analis sphinchter achalasia, dyschesia, anismus]inforectal spasms [proctalgia fugax] can cause pain in the rectum

hemorrojd -en -er infohemorrojdaltagg, utvidgade vener vid anus

aranyeres csomó · aranyércsomó · haemorrhoidális csomó [nodus haemorrhoidalis]infohemorrhoidal nodule, a painful dark bluish lump at the verge of the anal canal

hemorrojdal -t -a

aranyeres · aranyérhez tartozó · aranyéri [haemorrhoidalis]infohemorrhoidal, pertaining to hemorrhoids

hemorrojdektomi -n -er infohemorrojdoperation

aranyeres csomók sebészi eltávolítása · aranyérműtét [haemorrhoidectomia]infohemorrhoidectomy, surgery to remove internal or external hemorrhoids that are extensive or severe

hemorrojder under barnsängstid

aranyér a gyermekágyban [nodi haemorrhoidales in puerperio]infohemorrhoids in childbirth

hemorrojder under graviditet

aranyér a terhességben [nodi haemorrhoidales in graviditate]infohemorrhoids in pregnancy

hemorrojdinstrument -et -

aranyéreszköz [instrumentum nodi haemorrhoidalis]infohemorrhoid instrument, ligator, consists of forceps surrounded by a cylinder with ¼-inch [½-centimeter] rubber bands placed on one end

hemorrojdligatur -en -er

aranyérlekötés · aranyérlekötő [ligatura nodi haemorrhoidalis]infohemorrhoid ligation, rubber band ligation, the hemorrhoid is tied off at its base with rubber bands, cutting off the blood flow to the hemorrhoid


aranyérszerű [pl. vérzés]infohemorrhoid-like

hemosiderin -et infoett gulaktigt, järnhaltigt färgämne som bildas vid nedbrytning av blodets hemoglobin

hemosziderin [haemosiderin]infohemosiderin, found within cells [macrophages], composed chiefly of aggregates of ferritin, typically associated with bleeding and the breakdown of red blood cells [in hemolytic anemia]

hemosideros -en -er

hemosziderózis · hemosziderin-lerakódás [haemosiderosis]infohemosiderosis, excessive accumulation of hemosiderin in the tissues

hemosiderosis in levercirros

vaspigment lerakódás cirrózisos májban [cirrhosis haemosiderotica]infohemosiderotic cirrhosis

hemospermi -n -er

hemospermia · véres ejaculatum ürítése [haemopsermia]infohematospermia, hemospermia, presence of blood in the semen

hemosporidium hemosporidiet hemosporidier infoprotozoner som parasiterar i blodceller

hemosporidium [Haemosporidium]infoHemosporidium, a blood parasite of the order Haemosporidia

hemostas -en infoblodstockning, blodstillning

hemosztázis · vérpangás · vérzéscsillapítás · vérzéscsillapulás [haemostasis, haematischesis]infohemostasis, the stopping of a flow of blood

hemostasrubbning -en -ar

vérzéscsillapítási zavar [defectus-, disturbantia haemostasis]infohemostasis disorders, hereditary bleeding disorders: hemophilia A [factor VIII deficiency], hemophilia B [factor IX deficiency], von Willebrand disease

hemostatikum -et hemostatika infoblodstillande medel

hemosztatikum · vérzéscsillapító szer [haematostaticum, haemostaticum]infohemostatic, hemostatic agent, substance to help prevent/stop bleeding from the bleeding site and involves the dependent reactions of plasma proteins, calcium ions and blood platelets

hemostatisk -t -a

vérzéscsillapító [pl. hatás] [haemostaticus, haemostypticus]infohemostatic

hemostatisk effekt

vérzéscsillapító hatás [effectus haemostaticus]infohemostatic effect

hemoterapi -n

hemoterápia [haemotherapia]infohemotherapy, treatment of disease by the use of blood or blood products from blood donation [by others or for oneself]


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