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hem jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
hemolit -en -er

vérérfalban képződött kő [haemolith]infohemolith, haemolith, a concretion in the wall of a blood vessel.

hemolymphangioma -n

vér- és nyirokérdaganat [haematolymphangiom]infohematolymphangioma, a congenital tumor consisting of dilated blood vessels and lymphatics

hemolys -en -er infobortfall av röda blodkroppar med upplösning av deras hemoglobininnehåll i blodplasman

hemolízis [hemolysis]infohemolysis, the rupture or destruction of red blood cells

hemolysera -de -t

hemolizál [haemolysare]infohemolyzes, breaks down the red blood cells

hemolyserad hemolyserat

hemolizált [haemolysatus]infohemolyzed, the red blood cells in the sample burst

hemolysin -et infobryter ned blodceller

vértestoldó anyag [a sejtmembrán megbontásával a vörösvértestek lízisét okozza] [haemolysin]infohemolysin, haemolysin, lipids and proteins that cause lysis of red blood cells by disrupting the cell membrane

hemolytisk -t -a

haemolytikus · hemolizáló · hemolízises · hemolízist okozó · vörösvértest-oldódásos · vörösvértest-oldódással járó [haemolyticus]infohemolytic, relating to or involving the rupture or destruction of red blood cells

hemolytisk anemi

hemolítikus anémia [an[a]emia haemolytica [congenita]]infohemolytic anemia, a disorder in which red blood cells are destroyed faster than they can be made and cause anemia

hemolytisk icterus

szerzett véroldódásos sárgaság [icterus haemolyticus acquisitus]infoacquired hemolytic jaundice

hemolytisk sjukdom

hemolytikus betegség [erythroblastosis]infoerythroblastosis, abnormal presence of erythroblasts in the circulating blood

hemolytisk sjukdom hos nyfödda

eritroblasztózis foetális [erytroblastosis fetalis, morbus haemolyticus neonatorum, fetal erythroblastosis]infofetal erythroblastosis, abnormal presence of erythroblasts in the circulating blood of fetus

újszülöttkori izoimmun haemolytikus anaemia [morbus haemolyticus neonatorum]infohemolytic disease of the newborn, hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn, HDN, HDFN, erythroblastosis foetalis

hemolytisk solaninförgiftning

solaninmérgezés hemolyticus alakja [solanismus haemolyticus]infohemolytic form of solanine poisoning

hemolytiskt uremiskt syndrom [HUS]

hemolítikus urémiás-szindróma [syndroma uraemica haemolytica]infohemolytic uremic syndrome, HUS, a condition that can occur when the small blood vessels in the kidneys become damaged and inflamed

hemomyelogram -met -

csontvelőminta hematológiai vizsgálati eredménye [haemomyelogramm]infohemomyelogram, hematological examination result of bone marrow sample

hemoperfusion -en -er

hemoperfúzió [hemoperfusio]infohemoperfusion, a method of filtering the blood extracorporeally to remove a toxin

hemoperikardium hemoperikardiet

vérömleny a szívburokban [haematoma subpericardiale, haemopericardium]infohemopericardium, results from penetrating trauma directly into the pericardial sac resulting in cardiac tamponade

hemoperikardium komplikation till akut hjärtinfarkt

heveny szívizomelhalás utáni haemopericardium [haemopericardium as current complication following acute myocardial infarction]infohemopericardium as current complication following acute myocardial infarction

hemoperitoneum hemoperitoneet

hasüregi vérömleny · vérzés a szabad hasüregbe [haemoperitoneum]infohemoperitoneum, intra-abdominal hemorrhage, intraperitoneal hemorrhage, a type of internal bleeding in which blood gathers in the peritoneal cavity

hemopexin -et

haemkötő plasmafehérje [haemopexin]infohemopexin, haemopexin, Hpx, Hx, beta-1B-glycoprotein, a glycoprotein

hemopneumotorax -en infoansamling av blod o. gas i pleurahålan

hemopneumotorax · vérzéses légmell · levegő- és vérgyülem a pleurális űrben [pneumohaemothorax, haemo-ptx]infohemopneumothorax, haemopneumothorax, the condition of having both air and blood in the chest cavit

hemorragisk -t -a

haemorrhagiás · hemorrhagikus · vérveszteség miatti · vérzéses · vérzéssel kapcsolatos [haemorrhagicus]infohemorrhagic, due to blood loss

hemorragisk anemi

vérzéses vérszegénység [an[a]emia haemorrhagica]infohemorrhagic anemia, anemia due to excessive bleeding , loss of red blood cells exceeds production of new red blood cells

hemorragisk arenaviralfeber

arenavírus által okozott vérzéses láz [P: hemorrhagic fever virus]infoarenaviral hemorrhagic fever

hemorragisk Chikungunya-feber

chikungunya haemorrhagiás láz [P: Chikungunya virus is an alphavirus]infochikungunya fever, causes a rash, an acute febrile illness, and arthralgia

hemorragisk chock

haemorrhagiás sokkinfohemorrhagic shock, the depletion of intravascular volume through blood loss to the point of being unable to match the tissues demand for oxygen

hemorragisk corpus luteum-cysta

haemorrhagiás corpus luteum cystainfohemorrhagic corpus luteum, HCL, ovarian cyst formed after ovulation and caused by spontaneous bleeding into a corpus luteum, CL, cyst

hemorragisk cystit infoblåskatarr haemorragica

vérzéses hólyaggyulladás [cystitis haemorrhagica]infohemorrhagic cystitis, A condition in which the lining of the bladder becomes inflamed and starts to bleed

hemorragisk denguefeber

hemorrhagiás dengueláz [P: Dengue vírus]infodengue hemorrhagic fever, DHF, severe dengue, dengue hemorrhagic fever, dengue shock syndrome, happens when the blood vessels become damaged and leaky

hemorragisk diates infoblödningsbenägenhet

hajlam vérzésre · vérzéses hajlam [diathesis haemorrhagica]infohemorrhagic diathesis, bleeding diathesis refers to the increased tendency to bleed or bruise

hemorragisk diates hos kycklingar infobrist på K-vitamin hos kycklingar

csirkék haemorrhagiás syndromája [K-avitaminosis]infoVit K deficiency in poultry, have delayed blood clotting, and will excessively bleed even with minor injuries

hemorragisk enterit

vérzéses bélhurut · vérömléses bélgyulladás[enteritis [P: hemorrhagic enteritis virus, HEV, II. típusú adenovírus] haemorrhagica]infohemorrhagic enteritis, HE, in turkeys

hemorragisk esofagit

vérző nyelőcsőgyulladás [oesophagitis haemorrhagica]infohemorrhagic esophagitis, esophagus hemorrhage

hemorragisk feber av virus

vírusos haemorrhagiás láz [P: arenavirusok, filovirusok, bunyavirusok, flavivirusok]infoviral haemorrhagic fever

hemorragisk feber med njurpåverkan

haemorrhagiás láz veseszindrómával · koreai vérzéses láz · vérzéses láz veseelégtelenséggel [P: hantavírus] [febris haemorrhagica epidemica]infohaemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome due to hantavirus

hemorragisk gastrit

hemorrhágiás gasztritisz · vérzéses gyomorgyulladás [gastritis haemorrhagica]infohemorrhagic gastritis, common cause of upper GI hemorrhage

hemorragisk gastrit med blödning

heveny vérzéses gyomorgyulladás [gastritis haemorrhagica acuta]infoacute haemorrhagic gastritis, an erosive gastritis due to imbalance between physiologic mucosal protection and causative noxious agents or mechanisms

hemorragisk gastroenterit

vérömléses gyomor-bélgyulladás [gastroduodenitis eosinophilica]infohemorrhagic gastroenteritis, a condition that causes inflammation throughout the digestive system

hemorragisk inflammation

vérömléses gyulladás [inflammatio haemorrhagica]infohemorrhagic inflammation, traumatic injury, hemorrhagic shock, T/HS, elicits an acute inflammatory response

hemorragisk junin-virusfeber

junin haemorrhagiás láz [P: junin vírus]infojunin haemorrhagic fever, Argentine hemorrhagic fever, causes a febrile illness with high mortality rates from vascular or neurologic complications