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MagyarSvéd orvosi
hemoglobin erede … [haemoglobinogen] info… of hemoglobin

… av hemoglobin

hipofíziserede elhízás [obesitas hypophyseogenetica] infohypothalamic obesity, caused when the hypothalamus doesn't function normally

hypofysisk övervikt

hipotalamikus · hipotalamusz-erede · hipotalamuszos · hypotalamushoz tartozó [hypothalamicus] infohypothalamic, of hypothalamic origin

hypotalamisk -t -a

hypophysis-erede Cushingkór infoCushing's disease of pituitary origin, a pituitary adenoma, a benign tumor on the pea-size pituitary gland, makes too much adrenocorticotropic hormone, ACTH

hypofysberoende Cushings syndrom

hámerede … [epithelialis] info… of epithelial origin

… av epitelursprung

hámerede izomelemek [myoepithel] infomyoepithelium, large contractile cells of epithelial origin which are located at the base of the secretory cells

epitelial-relaterade muskel elementinfomyoepitel

háromszögle ajakizom [musculus depressor anguli oris, musculus triangularis] infodepressor anguli oris muscle, triangularis muscle, a facial muscle

triangulär muskel

hólyag erede vérvizelés [haematuria vesicalis] infovesical hematuria

vesikal hematuri

hörgői erede nehézlégzés [dyspnoe bronchialis] infobronchial dyspnoea

bronkial dyspné

ideges erede farkaséhség [bulimia nervosa] infobulimia nervosa, bulimia, a serious, potentially life-threatening eating disorder

hetsätande -t -n

idegi erede bőratrófia infoneurogenic skin atrophy

neurogen hudatrofi

idegi erede nyaki elferdülés [torticollis neurogenetica] infoneurogenic torticollis, pressure or irritation on the accessory nerve XI

neurogenetisk naskspärrinfoneurogenetisk naskstelhet, neurogenetisk naskstyvhet

idegrendszeri erede [neurogen] infoneurogen, of nervous system origin

härledd från nervsystemetinfoneurogen

idegrendszeri erede bőrbetegség [dermatoneurosis] infodermatoneurosis, any cutaneous eruption due to emotional stimuli

dermatoneuros -en

idegsejt Nissl-szemcséinek elnése [chromatolysis, tigrolysis] infochromatolysis, the dissolution of the Nissl bodies in the cell body of a neuron

kromatolys -eninfoNissl-kroppars sönderdelning i mindre enheter

idiopátiás betegség · ismeretlen erede betegség [morbus idiopathicus, morbus originalis] infoidiopathic disease, disease of unknown origin

idiopatisk sjukdom

idült csontvelő-erede leukémia · idült myeloid leukémia · krónikus myeloid leukémia [leukaemia myelodia chronica] infochronic myeloid leukaemia, CML, a type of cancer that affects the white blood cells and tends to progress slowly over many years

kronisk myeloisk leukemi [KML]

idült csontvelő-erede vérrák [leukaemia myeloida chronica] infochronic myeloid leukemia, CML chronic myelogenous leukemia

KMLinfoKronisk Myeloisk Leukemi

immunbiológiai rés · immunrőképesség [immuntolerantia] infoimmunobiological tolerance, immunotolerance

immuntolerans -en -er

injekciós ktől iszonyodó [trypanofobicus] infotrypanophobic, extremly phobic of medical procedures involving injections or needles

trypanofobisk -t -a

injekciós ktől való félelem [trypanophobia] infotrypanophobia, extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections or needles

trypanofobi -n -er

ismeretlen erede … [idiopathicus, originalis] info… of unknown origin

… av okänt ursprung

ismeretlen erede arcidegbénulás [paralysis nervi facialis idiopathica] infoidiopathic facial nerve palsy, sudden weakness of the muscles of facial expression on one side of the face

idiopatisk ansiktsförlamninginfoidiopatisk facialpares

ismeretlen erede gyulladásos porcszövetlágyulás infoMeyenburg-Altherr-Uehlinger syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by recurring inflammation of cartilage which results in deterioration of the cartilage

Meyernburg-Altherr-Uehlinger-syndrom -et -

ismeretlen erede hiperszomnia · ismeretlen erede kóros álmosság [hypersomnia idiopatica] infoidiopathic hypersomnia, IH, a sleep disorder, a person is excessively sleepy during the day and has great difficulty being awakened from sleep

idiopatisk hypersomniinfodjup sömn

ismeretlen erede láz [febris incertae causae] infofever of unknown origin

febris incertae causae

ismeretlen erede láz [febris incertae originis] infofever of unknown origin

feber av okänt ursprung

ismeretlen erede szemfenék-pigmentáció infoSiegrist's streaks, line of pigment spots along choroidal arteries in the fundus in advanced hypertensive retinopathy, indicate fibrinoid necrosis

Siegrist-syndrom -et -

ismeretlen erede szürkületi vakság [hemeralopia idiopathica] infoidiopathic hemeralopia

idiopatisk hemeralopi

ismeretlen erede teljes izomzat megmerevedés infoMoersch-Woltman syndrome, stiff person syndrome, continuous isometric contraction of many of the somatic muscles; contractions are usually forceful and painful and most frequently involve the trunk musculature

Moersch-Wolfman-syndrom -et -

ivartalanítás erede elhízás [obesitas ex castratione] infoobesity due to castration

adipositet pga kastration

járványos kiütéses typhus [P: te által beoltott Rickettsia prowazekii] infoepidemic [louse-bone] typhus

lusburen fläcktyfus

kamrai erede korai ütés infopremature heartbeat of ventricular origin

dubbelslag -et -infoför tidigt hjärtslag av ventrikulärt ursprung, vanligt hos folk som tränar mycket

kardiális cirrhózis · szívelégtelenség erede májelfajulás [cirrhosis cardialis] infocardiac cirrhosis, any right-sided pathology that can generate right heart failure that causes an increase in venous congestion and increase of pressure in the hepatic sinusoids

hjärt cirros

kis mére myeloblast [micromyeloblast] infomicromyeloblast, a small, immature myelocyte, often the predominating cell in myeloblastic leukemia

mikromyeloblast -en -erinfosmå myeloblast

kisagyi erede mozgási zavar · kisagyi mozgás-koordinációs zavar [ataxia cerebellaris] infocerebellar ataxia, CA, lack of accuracy or coordination of movement

cerebellär ataxi

kisugárzás · sugárzás · szétágazás [pl. közös erede idegrostoké] [radiatio] inforadiation, divergence out from a central point, in particular evolution from an ancestral animal or plant group into a variety of new forms

strålning -en -ar

klimaxszal összefüggő endokrin-erede hyperkeratosis infohyperkeratosis of endocrine origin associated with climax

Haxthausen-syndrom -et -

kopoltyúív-erede tömlő infobranchial cleft cysts form during development of the embryo

gälgång hålscysta

kopoltyúív-erede üreg, -sipoly, -tömlő infobranchial cyst, cavity originating from the gill arch, -fistula

gälgångscysta -n gälgångscystor