Svéd-magyar orvosi szótár »

kanal jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
kaliumkanalaktivitet -en -er

káliumcsatorna-aktivitásinfoPotassium channel activity

kaliumkanalblockering -en -ar

káliumcsatorna-blokkolás [potassium channel block]infoPotassium channel block, used for treating arrhythmias

korsbenkanal -en -er

keresztcsonti csatorna [canalis sacralis]infosacral canal, a continuation of the spinal canal, lodges the sacral nerves, via the anterior and posterior sacral foramina

kronisk interstitiell inflammation i muskel av Fallopp kanalen, som producerar förtjockning

petevezeték megvastagodással járó gyulladása [pachysalpingitis, mural salpingitis]infoparenchymatous salpingitis, infection in Fallopian tubes causes them to become enlarged, hyperemic, and tender

lårbenskanal -en -er infolårkanal

combcsatorna [canalis femoralis]infofemoral canal, located in the anterior thigh

leverkanal sten

májkő [hepatolith]infohepatolith, a gallstone in the biliary duct of the liver

liten kanal av klippben

sziklacsonti csatornácska [canaliculus mastoideus [Arnoldi]infomastoid canaliculus, Arnold's canal, arises from the pars vascularis of the foramen jugulare and runs to the mastoid

liten kanal av tympanisk sträng

dobhúr csatornácskája [canaliculus chordae tympani, canalis Civinini]infocanaliculus for chorda tympania. Civinini's canal.a small canal that opens off the facial canal just before its termination, transmitting the chorda tympani nerve into the tympanic cavity

livmoderhalsens kanal infolivmoderhalskanal

méhnyakcsatorna [canalis cervicis uteri]infocervical canal passes through the cervix

livmodershalskanal -en -er

méhnyakcsatorna [canalis cervicalis]infocervical canal, passes through the cervix

ljudkanal inuti cochlea

csiga felső folyadéktere [scala vestibuli]infoscala vestibuli, a perilymph-filled cavity inside the cochlea of the inner ear that conducts sound vibrations to the cochlear duct

ljumskkanal -en -er

lágyékcsatorna [canalis inguinalis]infoinguinal canal, a passage in the lower anterior abdominal wall located just above the inguinal ligament

mandibulär kanal

állkapocscsatorna [canalis mandibularis]infomandibular canal, a canal within the mandible that contains the inferior alveolar nerve, inferior alveolar artery, and inferior alveolar vein

mandibularkanal -en -er

állkapcsi csatorna · állkapocscsatorna [canalis mandibulae]infomandibular canal, inner structure of the mandible, or lower jaw, a small canal that contains the inferior alveolar artery and vein, as well as the alveolar nerve

medfödd Gartners kanal cysta

Gartner-járat cysta [f.r.]infoGartner duct cyst, cystic lesions that typically present in the anterolateral wall of the vagina

membran kanal TBC infohomopentamer

TBC membrán csatorna [homopentamer]infohomopentamer, a pentamer, especially a biologically active one, derived from five identical monomers

mesonefroskanal -en -er infoWolffs gång, mesonefrostub

elővesecsatorna · ősvesecsatorna [ductus mesonephricus]infomesonephric duct, Wolffian duct, connects the primitive kidney [mesonephros] to the cloaca

mindre palatinal kanal

kis szájpadlási csatorna [canalis palatinalis minor]infolower palatal canal, accessory palatal canal, small palatal canal, lesser palatal canal, passage in the palatine bone for the lower and middle palatal nerves and vessels

nasopalatinal cysta i incisivkanalen

nazopalatinális ciszta a canalis incisivusban [cysta canalis incisivi, nasopalatine duct cysts, NPDC]infonasopalatine duct cyst, incisive canal cyst, arises from embryogenic remnants of nasopalatine duct, the communication between the nasal cavity and anterior maxilla in the developing fetus

nasoplatinal kanal

orr-szájpadlási rés [canalis nasoplatinus]infonasopalatine canal, NPC, a passage located in the premaxilla region connecting the hard palate to the nasal floor

nervkanal för den tolfte hjärnnerveb infohålet i kondylerna

nyelv alatti ideg csontos csatornája · XII. agyideg csatornája [canalis nervi hypoglossi]infobony canal of sublingual nerve · bony canal of erve XII. [canalis nervi hypoglossi

neuralkanal -en -er

velőcső [canalis neuralis]infoneural canal, a cavity or system of cavities in the vertebrae embryo which forms the ventricles of the brain and central canal of the spinal cord

obturator kanal

tömési csatorna [canalis obturatorius]infoobturator canal, a passageway formed in the obturator foramen by part of the obturator membrane and the pelvis

occipital avflödeskanal

nyakszirti levezetőcsatorna [emissarium occipitale]infooccipital emissary canal

övre mag-tarmkanalen

felső gastrointestinalis rendszerinfoupper gastrointestinal, GI, tract composed of the oral cavity

palatinal kanal

keményszájpadi csatorna [canalis palatinus]infogreater palatine canal, pterygopalatine canal, a passage in the skull that transmits the descending palatine artery, vein, and greater and lesser palatine nerves between the pterygopalatine fossa and the oral cavity

perikanalikulär -t -a

mirigyjáratokat körkörösen burkoló [pericanalicularis]infopericanalicular, of, relating to, occurring in, or being the tissues surrounding a canaliculus

perikanalikulärt fibroadenom

mirigyjáratokat körkörösen burkoló kötőszövet-burjánzás [fibroadenoma pericanaliculare]infopericanalicular fibroadenoma, proliferation of connective tissue surrounding gland ducts

pterygoid kanal infoVidian kanal

röpcsatorna [canalis pterygoideus]infopterygoid canal, Vidian canal, a passage in the skull leading from just anterior to the foramen lacerum in the middle cranial fossa to the pterygopalatine fossa

pterygopalatinal kanal infostörre palatinal kanal

nagy szájpadlási csatorna [canalis pterygopalatinus, canalis palatinae major]infogreater palatine canal, pterygopalatine canal, a passage in the skull that transmits the descending palatine artery

rekanalisation av tromben

thrombus rekanalizációja [thrombus recanalisatio]infothrombus recanalization

rotkanal brotsch inforotkanalsfil

gyökércsatorna tágítóinforeamer drill, enlarge the size of a previously formed hole by a small amount but with a high degree of accuracy to leave smooth sides

rotkanalförträngning -en -ar

gyökércsatorna-szűkület [coarctatio canalis radicis dentis]inforoot canal stenosis, abnormal narrowing of the root canal

rotkanalinlägg -et - inforotkanalsstift

gyökércsapinforoot pin, root canal pin

rotkanalnål -en -ar inforotformning o. fyllning nål

gyökércsatornatűinforoot canal needle

rotkanalsantiseptikum -et · rotkanalsantiseptika

gyökércsatorna-antiszeptikuminforoot canal antiseptic, topically applied to root canals within the pulpless teeth to treat the root canal and periapical infections

rotkanalsavtryck -et -

gyökércsatorna-lenyomatinforoot canal impression

rotkanalscement -en · -et

gyökércsatorna-cementinforoot canal cement

rotkanalsinstrument -et -

gyökércsatorna-eszközinforoot canal instrument

rotkanalskruv -en -ar

gyökércsatorna-csavarinforoot canal screw, a post, a small metal 'screw' that adds strength by connecting the top and bottom halves of a tooth