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inom jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
nonseminom-patient -en -er

nonszeminómás beteg · hererákos beteg [patiens cum nonseminoma]infononseminoma patient, patient with testicular cancer

öcellskarcinom -et - infoLangerhanka öceller isolerade från bukspottkörteln levereras till leverkärlen

szigetsejtes carcinóma [insulinoma]infoinsulinoma, a rare tumor that starts in the endocrine cells in the pancreas

odontogena carcinom

odontogen carcinoma [carcinoma odontogenicum]infoodontogenic carcinoma, clear cell odontogenic carcinoma, CCOC, a rare odontogenic tumor of the jaws, histologically characterized by the presence of agglomerates of cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm

ornitinomsättningsrubbning -en -ar

ornitin-anyagcserezavarinfoOrnithine metabolism disorder, the urea cycle disorder

pankreasgångkarcinom -et -

hasnyálmirigyvezetékrák [carcionoma ductus pancreaticus]infocancer of the pancreatic duct, pancreatic duct cancer, ductal carcinoma, adenocarcinoma

papillärt adenokarcinom

szemölcsös rák [bolyhozott-, kelvirágalakú mirigyrák] [adenocarcinoma papillare]infopapillary adenocarcinoma

paraffinom -et -ar

kötőszövet-burjánzás paraffin befecskendezési helyén [paraffinoma, oleogranuloma]infooleogranuloma, a foreign body granuloma that results from the injection of an oily substance into the skin or subcutaneous tissue

primärt intraosseöst carcinom

primaer csonton belüli rák [carcinoma intraossea primaria]infoprimary intraosseous carcinoma, PIOC, a rare malignant odontogenic tumor that predominantly occurs in males older than 50 years

pulmonell aktinomykos

tüdő-aktinomikózis [P: Aktinomyces-fajok] [actinomycosis pulmonalis]infopulmonary actinomycosis

rinometri -n

rinometria [orrléguti átjárhatóságának vizsgálatára] [rhinometria]infoacoustic rhinometry, objective test that have been attempted to assess nasal airway patency

seminom -et -

here rosszindulatú daganata [seminoma, dysgerminoma, pure seminoma, classical seminoma]infoseminoma, a malignant germ cell tumor that involves most commonly the testicle or less frequently the mediastinum, the retroperitoneum, or other extra-gonadal sites

skvamöst karcinom

pikkelysejtes carcinomainfosquamous cell carcinoma, skin cancer caused by an overproduction of squamous cells in the epidermis

småcelligt karcinom

kissejtes karcinómainfosmall-cell carcinoma, small-cell cancer, most often occurs in the lung

somatostatinom -

szomatosztatinóma [somatostatinoma]infosomatostatinoma, a rare neuroendocrine tumor, NET, originates from the delta cells of the pancreas,y contains somatostatin with trace quantities of other pancreatic hormones such as insulin, glucagon, gastrin, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide

spektinomycindihydrokloridpentahydrat -et - -er

Spectinomycin dihidroklorid pentahidrát [Spectinomycini dihydrochloridum pentahydricum]infokissing ulcer, ulcers on both sides of the skin fold

spektinomycinsulfattetrahydrat för veterinär användning

Spektinomycin-szulfát-tetrahydrat állatorvosi felhasználásra [Spectinomycini sulphatum tetrahydricum]infoSpectinomycin dihydrochloride pentahydrate, Trobicin, antibiotic

sympatiska gränssträngsganglier inom throrax

mellkasi ganglionok [ganglia thoracica]infothoracic ganglia, paravertebral ganglia

tolvfingertarmskarcinom -et -

duodenumrák · epésbélrák · nyombélrák · patkóbélrák · tizenkétujjnyibél-rák [carcinoma duodeni]infoduodenal carcinoma

trabekulärt adenokarcinom

típusos hengerhámsejtekből álló rákos mirigydaganat [adenocarcinoma trabeculare]infotrabecular adenocarcinoma, a malignant epithelial neoplasm characterized by the presence of a trabecular glandular architectural pattern

tungaktinomykos -en -er

nyelv aktinomycosis [P: Actinomyces spp.] [actinomycosis linguae]infoactinomycosis of the tongue, an uncommon, suppurative infection of lingual mucosa

urinom -et

urinóma · hólyagciszta · húgyhólyagciszta [urinoma]infourinoma, extravasation of urine from a disruption of the urinary collecting system at any level from the calix to the urethra

valinomicin -et

Valinomicin [Valinomycinum]infoValinomycin,used in the transport of potassium and as an antibiotic

verruköst karcinom

verrucosus carcinoma [carcinoma verrucosum]infoverrucous carcinoma,squamous cell carcinoma