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bukspottkörtelgangkarcinom -et -

hasnyálmirigyvezeték-rák [carcionoma ductus pancreaticus]infopancreatic duct cancer

carcinoma simplex

egyszerű rák [carcinoma simplex]infosimple cancer

cervikofacial aktinomykos

nyaki-arci actinomycosis [actinomycosis cervicofacialis]infocervicofacial actinomycosis, abscess formation, draining sinus tracts, fistulae, and tissue fibrosis

clear cell odontogent carcinom

clear cell odontogén carcinoma [carcinoma odontogenum clear cell]infoclear cell odontogenic carcinoma, a rare intraosseous tumor of the jaw

cystadenokarcinom -et -

tömlős mirigyes rák [cystadenocarcinoma]infocystadenocarcinoma, malignant tumor characterized by prominent cystic and, frequently, papillary growth

deldisciplin inom medicinen

résztudományág az orvostudománybaninfosub-discipline in medicine, a specialist field of study or work within a broader discipline

död inom 24 timmar efter symtomdebut som ej kan förklaras på annat sätt

hirtelen halál [halál a tünetek kezdetét követő 24 órán belül, másként nem magyarázott]infosudden death, any death occurring within 24 h from the onset of symptoms

duktal karcinom

emlő-kivezetőcső állományából kiinduló rák [carcinoma ductalis]infoductal carcinoma,abnormal cells are found in the lining of a breast duct

duodenalkarcinom -et -

duodénumkarcinoma · duodénumrák · nyombélkarcinoma · nyombélrák · patkóbélkarcinoma · patkóbélrák [carcinoma duodenale]infoduodenal cancer

dysgerminom -et - infoelakartad tumör från sädesledarna o. äggstocken

diszgerminóma · csírahám rosszindulatú daganata [disgerminoma, dysgerminoma]infodysgerminoma, malignant tumor of the germinal epithelium

ekinomycin -et

Echinomycin [Echinomycinum]infoEchinomycin, a peptide antibiotic

elakartad tumör av typen carcinom i körtelvävnad infoelakartad tumör i såväl körtelvävnad som bindväv

mirigyrák · mirigy-szarkóma [adenocarcinoma]infoadenocarcinoma, cancer that forms in the glandular tissue

gastrinom -et

gasztrinóma [gastrinoma]infogastrinoma, a tumor that causes overproduction of gastric acid

ghost cell odontogent carcinom

szellemsejtes odontogén carcinomainfoghost cell odontogenic carcinoma, GCOC, a rare malignant odontogenic epithelial tumor with features of calcifying odontogenic cysts

Gowers-Sahlis hemoglobinometer

Gowers-Sahli haemoglobinometerinfoSahli's haemoglobinometer, H.B. meter, used to determine haemoglobin content in blood samples

hemoglobinometer -n - · hemoglobinometrar infohemometer

műszer a vér haemoglobin meghatározására [haemoglobinometer]infohemoglobinometer , haemoglobinometer, a medical device used to measure hemoglobin concentration in blood

hepatocellulärt karcinom

májsejtekből kiinduló rák [carcinoma hepatocellulare]infohepatocellular carcinoma, HCC, a primary tumor of the liver and constitutes more than 90% of the primary tumor of the liver

histidinomsättningsstörning -en -ar

hisztidinanyagcsere-zavar [histidinaemia]infohistidinemia, a rare hereditary metabolic disorder characterized by a deficiency of the enzyme histidase, which is necessary for the metabolism of the amino acid histidine

Hürthlecell carcinoma

Hürthle-sejtes tumorinfoHurthle cell cancer, a rare cancer that affects the thyroid gland

insulinom -en -er infoinsulom: svulst utgången från bukspottkörtelns insulinproducerande celler

inzulinóma · pancreas insularis carcinomája [insulinoma, insuloma]infoinsulinoma, tumor in the pancreas, makes extra insulin, more than the body can use

jättecellkarcinom -et - infojättecellscancer, epiteltumör med ovanligt stora, anaplastiska celler vanligast i lungor o.sköldkörtel

óriássejtes rák [carcinoma cellulae gigantae]infogiant cell carcinoma, epithelial neoplasm characterized by unusually large anaplastic cells, most common in the lung and thyroid

karcinom -et -er infocancersvulst som utgår från epitel

hámszövet rosszindulatú daganata · karcinóma · rák [tumor malignus telae epithelicae, carcinoma, cancer]infocarcinoma, cancer, malignant tumor of epithelial tissue

karcinom i munhålan

szájüregi karcinóma [carcinoma orale]infooral cancer, oral cavity cancer, several types of cancers grouped in a category called head and neck cancers

karcinom in situ

in-szitu-karcinóma · in-szitu-rák [carciona in situ]infoin-situ cancer, carcinoma in situ refers to a group of abnormal cells that have not spread from the location where they first formed, although they may later spread into normal tissue and become cancer

karcinomatös lymfangit

ráksejtes kötegek a nyirokerekben [lymphangitis carcinomatosa]infolymphangitic carcinomatosis, the infiltration and inflammation of lymphatic vessels secondary to the spread of malignancy from a primary site

kolangiocarcinom -et -

cholangiocarcinoma · Klatskin-tumor [cholangiocarcinoma]infocholangiocarcinoma, Klatskin tumor, cancer that forms in the bile duct] that carry the digestive fluid bile

kolangiokarcinom -et -

cholangiocarcinoma · epeutak rákos megbetegedése [cholangiocarcinoma]infocholangiocarcinoma, a type of cancer that forms in the bile ducts

koriokarcinom -et -

choriokarcinóma [choriocarcinoma, chorioepithelioma]infochoriocarcinoma, a malignant, trophoblastic cancer, usually of the placenta

medullärt karcinom

medullaris carcinoma [carcinoma medullare]infomedullary carcinoma, a rare form of breast cancer that starts in the milk duct cells of the breast

merkelcell karcinom infomerkelcellskarcinom

Merkel-sejtes karcinómainfoMerkel cell carcinoma, a rare type of skin cancer that usually appears as a flesh-colored or bluish-red noduli on the face, head or neck

mucinöst adenokarcinom

mucinosus adenocarcinoma [colloid carcinoma, mucinous adenocarcinoma, mucinous carcinoma, mucoid carcinoma]infomucinous colloid carcinoma, a rare type of cancer. It starts in the mucin

mucinöst cystadenokarcinom

tömlős mirigyes rák [cystadenocarcinoma]infocystadenocarcinoma, a rare malignant tumor, prominent cystic and, frequently, papillary growth, but it lacks features that characterize cystic variants of other more common salivary gland carcinomas

muköst adenokarcinom

nyákot termelő rákos mirigydaganat [adenocarcinoma muciparum]infomucinous adenocarcinoma, MAC, an unique clinicopathological subtype of colorectal cancer

mus-bröstkörtelkarcinom virus

egér emlő-carcinoma vírusinfomouse mammary tumor virus, MMTV,a betaretrovirus that induces mammary carcinomas in mice

muskarcinom -et -er

egér-carcinomainfomouse carcinoma

naevocarcinoma -

naevus-sejtekből kiinduló festékes daganat [naevocarcinoma]infonevocarcinoma, a carcinoma developing from a nevus

neurinom -et infogodartad tumör som utgår från sensoriska nervers märgskidor

Schwann-sejtek daganata · idegrostdaganat [lemmocytoma, neurinoma, schwannoma]infoneurinoma, schwannoma, neurilemmoma, composed of Schwann cells

neurinomatos -en

neurinomatózis [neurinomatosis]infoneurinomatosis, a condition involving neurinoma formation

njurcellskarcinom -et -

veserák [carcinoma renale]infokidney cancer, rena cancer, malignant cells form in tubules of the kidney

nonseminom -

nonszeminóma [nonseminoma]infononseminoma, atype of testicular cancer that arises in germ cells