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interferon beta

béta-interferon [Interferonum beta]infobeta interferons have been shown to slow down activity and disease progression in MS

interferon gamma-1b

gamma-1b-interferon [Interferonum gamma-1b]infointerferon gamma-1b injection, used to reduce the frequency and severity of serious infections in people with chronic granulomatous disease

interferon gamma-1b-lösning, koncentrerad

tömény gamma-1b-interferonoldat [Interferoni gamma- 1b solutio concentrata]infointerferon gamma-1b concentrated solution, a solution of the N-terminal methionyl form of interferon gamma, a protein which is produced and secreted by human antigen-stimulated T lymphocytes in response to viral infections and various other inducers

interferonefekt -en -er

interferonhatás [effectus Interferoni]infointerferon effect


interferonhoz hasonló · interferonszerűinfointerferon-like

interferonmedicin -en -er

interferon-gyógyszerinfointerferon medicine

interferonpreparat -et -

interferonkészítmény [praeparatum interferoni]infointerferon preparation

jättecellsgranulom perifert i gingiva

fogíny perifériás óriássejtes granulomája [peripheral giant cell granuloma of gingiva]infoperipheral giant cell granuloma of gingiva, a reactive proliferation caused by chronic irritation of the gingival mucosa

kalciferol -en

Kalciferol [vitaminum D, Calciferolum]infoCalciferol, one of the D vitamins [vitamin D2], a sterol that is formed when its isomer ergosterol is exposed to ultraviolet light, and which is routinely added to dairy products

kaliumferrocyanid -en -er

ferro-ciánkálium · kálium-ferrocianid · kálium-hexaciano-ferrát · sárgavérlúgsó [Kalium ferrocyanatum]infopotassium ferrocyanide, used in some medicines and medicines containing calcium or iron

karbamoyltransferas -en -er infoenzym

karbamoil transzferázinfoOrnithine transcarbamylase, OTC, ornithine carbamoyltransferase enzyme, catalyzes the reaction between carbamoyl phosphate, CP, and ornithine

karboanhydras ferment

karboanhidráz-fermentuminfoCarbonic anhydrase ferment, carbonate dehydratase enzyme

kärl som i fostret förbinder navelvenen med vena cava inferior

vénás vezeték [ductus venosus]infovenous conduit, vessel that in the fetus connects the umbilical vein with the inferior vena cava

ketonstoffer i urinen infoketonuri

ketontestek ürülése a vizelettel [ketonuria, acetonuria]infoketonuria, acetonuria, the presence of excess ketone bodies in the urine in conditions [as diabetes mellitus and starvation acidosis]

kloramfenikol acetyltransferas infoenzym

Kloramfenikol acetil transzferázinfoChloramphenicol acetyltransferase enzyme, responsible for high-level bacterial resistance to the antibiotic chloramphenicol

klorfenol-kamfer -n

Klórfenol-kámfor [gyökércsatorna tisztító oldat] [Chlorophenolum, Camphorum]infoCamphorated para chlorophenol Liq., disinfection of the dentine after cavity preparation

Kofferath-syndrom -et -

Kofferath-szindrómainfoKofferath syndrome, unilateral paralysis in newborns often caused by forceps during delivery

kolekalciferol -et

Kolekalciferol [Cholecalciferolum]infoCholecalciferol, colecalciferol, vitamin D3, a type of vitamin D that is made by the skin when exposed to sunlight

kolekalciferolkoncentrat -et - infovattendispergerbar form

Kolekalciferol-koncentrátum [vízben diszpergálható forma] [Cholecalciferolum in aqua dispergibile]infoCholecalciferol concentrate, extra vitamin D3 in water dispersible form

koncentrerad interferon alpha-2-lösning

tömény alfa-2-interferonoldat [Interferoni alfa-2 solutio concentrata]infoalpha-2 interferon concentrated solution, helps the immune system fight viral infections [chronic hepatitis C, Philadelphia chromosome positive chronic myelogenous leukemia, hairy cell leukemia]

koncentrerad interferon gamma-1b-lösning

tömény gamma-1b-interferonoldat [Interferoni gamma-1b solutio concentrata]infogamma-1b-interferon concentrated solution, used for the treatment of chronic granulomatous disease and osteopetrosis

kongenital infertilitet

világrahozott meddőség [f.r.] [infertilitas connatalis]infoconnatal infertility

Kupffercell -en -er

Kupffersejt · Kupffer-csillagsejtinfoKupffer cells, Kupffer–Browicz cells, stellate macrophages, liver-specific mesenchymal cells that play vital roles in liver physiology and fibrogenesis

lactoferrin -et

Laktoferrin [Lactoferrinum]infoLactoferrin, [LF, a component of the whey protein of milk of most mammals, probably with the exception of dogs and rats

laktoferrin -et

B2-vitamin [riboflavinum, lactoflavinum, vitaminum B2]infoLactoferrin, lactotransferrin, LTF, a multifunctional, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-cancer protein

laterotrusionsinterferens -en -er infointerferens vid sidorörelser av UK

fogérintkezések az állkapocsízület oldalfelé mozgásakorinfotooth contacts during lateral movement of the jaw joint

lecitin-kolesterol-acyltransferas -en -er infoenzym

lecitin-koleszterin acil-transzferázinfolecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase enyzme, LCAT, a plasma enzyme that esterifies cholesterol and raises high-density lipoprotein cholesterol

leukaferes -en -er

fehérvérsejtek aferezises összegyűjtése [leukapheresis]infoleukapheresis, performed in cancer patients to harvest stem cells, manufacture therapeutic vaccines, follow immunologic response to therapy

leukocytinterferon -et -

leukocitainterferon [leucocyte interferon, lymphoblast interferon, alpha interferon]infointerferon-alpha,s produced predominantly by B lymphocytes but may be derived from leukocytes, lymphoblasts or by recombinant DNA technology

luciferas -et infoenzym

luciferáz [enzim] [Luciferase]infoluciferase enzyme, catalyses the oxidation of a luciferin, causing it to produce a visible glow

membranproliferativ glomerulonefrit

membránproliferativ glomerulonephritis [glomerulonephritis membranoproliferativa]infomembranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, MPGN, a pattern of glomerular injury on kidney biopsy with characteristic light microscopic changes, including hypercellularity and thickening of the glomerular basement membrane, GBM

metod Töpfer

Töpfer-eljárás [gyomorsav kimutatása]infoToepfer test for free hydrochloric acid

mikrocystoid retinal perifer degeneration

microcystás ideghártya-degeneráció [degeneratio retinae microcystica]infomicrocystic degeneration of the retina, a cluster of tiny vesicles or vacuole, it involves the middle and outer retina, limited by the inner plexiform layer

mjölkkoagulerande ferment av bukspott

pancreasnedv tejalvasztó fermentuma [chimotrypsinogen]infochymotrypsinogen, enzyme, hydrolytically cleave peptide bonds

musculus obliquus inferior

alsó ferde szemizom [musculus obliquus inferior]infolower oblique eye muscle, esponsible for extorsion, elevation, and abduction

musculus rectus inferior

alsó egyenes szemizom [musculus rectus inferior]infoinferior rectus eye muscle, located at the bottom part of the eye and allows the eye to move downward

muskelkarnitinpalmityltransferas -en -er infoenzym

izom-karnitin-palmitiltranszferázinfomuscle carnitine palmitoyltransferase enzyme, CPT, catalyzes the transfer of long- and medium-chain fatty acids from cytoplasm into mitochondria, where oxidation of fatty acids takes place

muskelkarnitinpalmityltransferasbrist -en -er

izom-karnitin-palmitiltranszferáz enzimhiányinfomuscle carnitine palmitoyltransferase deficiency

myeloproliferativ sjukdom

myeoloproliferatív betegséginfomyeloproliferative disease, a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by cellular proliferation of one or more hematologic cell

myeoloproliferativ -t -a

myeoloproliferatív [myeoloproliferativus]infomyeloproliferative, associated with excessive bone marrow production of one or more blood cell types