Svéd-magyar orvosi szótár »

fer jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
differentiering antigen infodifferentieringsantigen

differenciálódási antigéninfodifferentiation antigen

dihidrolipoamid succinyl transferas

dihidro-lipoamid szukcinil transzferázinfoDihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase, E2o, catalyzes the transfer of a succinyl group from the S-succinyldihydrolipoyl moiety to coenzyme A

discus intervertebralis perifera fibrösa brosk

discus intervertebralis perifériás rostos gyűrűje [anulus fibrosus]infoanulus fibrosus, the tough circular exterior of the intervertebral disc that surrounds the soft inner core

dl-alfa-tokoferylvätesuccinat -et

dl-alfa-tokoferil-hidrogén-szukcinát [dl-alpha-tocopherylis hydrogenosuccinas]infodl-alpha-tocopheryl hydrogen succinate

DNA-bindande ferritin homolog [DPS]

DNS kötő ferritin-homológ [DPS]infoDNA-binding ferritin homolog, DPS

Dödföddhet Mumifikation Embryodödlighet och Infertilitet [SMEDI]

Halvaszületés Mumifikáció Embrióhalál és Terméketlenség [P: Porcine parvovirus, PPV, Porcine enterovirus]infoStillbirth Mummification Embryo Mortality and Infertility, SMEDI, a reproductive disease of swine caused by Porcine parvovirus (PPV) and Porcine enterovirus

efferens -en -er

efferens · elvezető · kivezető [efferens]infoefferent, carrying away

efferens från Darkschewitsch kärna till olivainferiorkomplexet

belső tegmentumpálya [tractus tegmentalis medialis]infocentral tegmental tract, a structure in the midbrain and pons

efferent - -a infoutåtförande, om blodkärl o. nerver som leder bort från ett organ l. cellkropp

elvezető · kilépő · kivezető [efferens]infoefferent, conducted or conducting outwards or away from something

efferent glomerulär arteriole infoefferent blodkärl

efferens glomerularis arteriola [vas efferens]infoefferent glomerular arteriole, carries blood away from the glomerulus

efferent lymfkärl

efferens nyirokérinfoefferent lymphatic vessel

efferent nerv

efferens ideg · kilépő ideg [nervus efferens]infoefferent nerve

efferent nervbana

efferens idegpálya · kilépő idegpálya [efferent påthway]infoefferent nerve pathway, outgoing nerve pathway

efferent neuron

efferens idegrost · efferens neuron · kilépő idegrost [neuron efferens]infoefferent nerve fiber, efferent neuron, outgoing nerve fiber

efferent parasympatisk nervtråd

efferens paraszimpatikus idegszálinfoefferent parasympathetic nerve fiber

efferent ven

egy szervtől vért elszállító véna [vena efferens]infovas efferens, any of a number of short ducts that carry sperm from the testis to the epididymis

efferenta kanaler

elvezető csatornák · kivezető csatornák [ducti efferentes]infoefferent ducts, collect and store spermatozoa and conduct it from the rete testis into the head of the epididymis

ondócsatornácskák [ductuli efferentes testis [vas -, vasa efferens]infoefferent vein, outgoing vein

ektropium pga konjunktiva proliferation

szemhéjkifordulás kötőhártya burjánzásban [ectropium luxurians]infoeyelid prolapse in conjunctival proliferation

embryo transfer

embrióbeültetésinfoembryo implantation

embryo transfer med komplikationer

embrióbeültetési szövődményekinfoproblems with embryo implantation

embryotransfer -n

embrióátvitel · embriótranszfer · peteátültetés [embryotransfer, embryotransplantatio]infoembryo transfer, the final procedure of the in vitro fertilization process that involves transfer of one or more embryos into the uterine cavity

endoferment -et -

endofermentum [endofermentum]infoendoferment

enzym neomycinfosfotransferas [NPT II]

neomicin-foszfotranszferáz enzim [NPT II]infoneomycin phosphotransferase enzyme, NPT II, the most widely used selectable marker in the transformation of organisms including yeast, Dictyostelium discoideum, mammals, and plants

ergokalciferol -en

D2-vitamin · ergokalciferol [vitaminum D2, Ergocalciferolum]infoErgocalciferol, vitamin D2

exciterande lillhjärnsefferens

ingerlő kisagyi efferensinfostimulating cerebellar efferent

extrakorporal fotoferes

extracorporális fotóferesis [photopheresis extracorporalis]infoextracorporeal photopheresis, blood is removed from the body and treated with ultraviolet light and drugs that become active when exposed to light

fasettlederna mellan processus articularis superior et inferior

ízület a csigolyák [processus articularis superior vertebrae és a processus articularis inferior vertebrae] között [articulationes zypapophysiales]infointervertebral joints, joint between the vertebrae

förbindelse mellan vena umilicalis och vena cava inferior i fostret

magzati összeköttetés a venae umbilicales és a vena cava inferior között [ductus venosus Arantii]infoductus venosus of Arantius, shunts a portion of umbilical vein blood flow directly to the inferior vena cava in the fetus

fosfotransferas -en -er

foszfotranszferáz enziminfophosphotransferase enzyme

fotoferes -en -er

fotoferesis [photoferesis]infophotopheresis, white blood cells are treated with a photoactive drug which is then activated with ultravioulet [UV] light

fysiologisk infertilitet

élettani meddőség [infertilitas physiologica]infophysiological cause of infertility, can include ovulatory disorders, endometriosis, low sperm count or low testosterone

gamma-efferent -en -er

gamma-efferens [gamma-efferens]infogamma-efferent, the efferent part of the fusimotor system

gamma-glutamyltransferas -en -er infoenzym

gamma-glutamil-transzferázinfogamma-glutamyl transferase, GGT, an enzyme that's mainly found in the liver

gamma-interferon -en

gammai-nterferoninfogamma interferon, an interferon that is produced by T cells, regulates the immune response

gamma-tokoferol -et

gammatokoferol [Gamma tocopherolum]infogamma-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol is the most abundant tocopherol in the diet

gammaglobulin transfer

gammaglobulin transzferinfogamma globulin transfer

gammainterferon test

gamma-interferon-tesztinfogamma interferon test, interferon gamma release assay, IGRA, test, a blood test used to see whether a person has been exposed to the tuberculosis, TB, bacteria

GAR formyl transferas infoenzym

GAR formil-transzferázinfophosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase, GAR transformylase, GART, is an essential enzyme that catalyzes the third step in de novo purine

gatstensliknande retinal perifer degeneration

kockakőszerű ideghártya degeneratioinfopavingstone [cobblestone] degeneration, cobblestoning in the eyes, giant papillae [with a cobblestone appearance] on the tarsal conjunctiva