Magyar-svéd orvosi szótár »

keresztbe font karral svéd orvosi

MagyarSvéd orvosi
Fontana-rés [spatium anguli iridocornealis, spatium Fontani] infoFontana canal, the vascular structure encircling the anterior chamber of the eye and through which the aqueous is returned to the blood circulation

utrymmen av iridokorneal vinkel

külső szemzugot keresztbe leragaszt [T] infocross tape outer corner of eye, glues the outer corner of the eye crosswise

korstejpa yttre ögonvråninfotejpas runt ögat för att skydda det mot uttorkning, -skada

külső karral párhuzamos mag [nucleus parabrachialis lateralis] infolateral parabrachial nucleus [LPBN], located in the dorsolateral pons

yttre parabrachialiskärnan

középső karral párhuzamos mag [nucleus parabrachialis medialis] infomedial parabrachial nucleus, one of the three main nuclei in the parabrachial area at the junction of the midbrain and the pons

inre parabrachialiskärnan

Fontana-féle rés · Fontana-féle űr [spatia anguli iridocornealis] infotrabecular meshwork, tissue located in the anterior chamber angle of the eye

trabekelverk -et

karhoz tartozó · kari · karral kapcsolatos [brachialis] infobrachial, of, relating to, or situated in the arm or an armlike process

brakial -t -a