Magyar-svéd orvosi szótár »

hajhiány ● teljes kopaszság [f.r.] [alopecia totalis] svéd orvosi

MagyarSvéd orvosi
alopecia totalis [alopecia capitis totalis] infototal alopecia, a skin condition that causestotal hair loss

alopeci totalisinfoalopecia totalis, fullständig hårlöshet, fullständig skallighet

hajhiány · teljes kopaszság [f.r.] [alopecia totalis] infobaldness, the partial or complete absence of hair from areas of the body where it normally grows

avsaknad av huvudhår

kopaszság [akomia, alopecia] infobaldness

akomi -n -erinforävskorv, håravfall, skallighet

alopecia [alopecia, calvities] infoalopecia, : loss of hair, wool, or feathers

alopeci -n -erinfoalopecia, hårlöshet, skallighet

veleszületett kopaszság [alopecia adnata, alopecia congenitalis] infohypotrichiasis, hypotrichosis, congenital alopecia, congenital baldness

ärftlig skallighet

alopecia-egyesület infoalopecia association

alopeciförbund -et

alopecia mucinosa [alopecia mucinosa, mucinosis follicularis] infoalopecia mucinosa, follicular mucinosis, the appearance of mucin around hair follicles

alopecia mucinosainfofollikulär mucinos, ett mikroskopiskt mucin runt hårsäckarna

alopecia areata [alopecia areata, alopecia circumscripta, porrigo decalvans] infoalopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that causes the hair to come out, often in clumps the size and shape of a quarter

alopecia areatainfoett i runda fläckar uppkommet håravfall

hegesedő alopecia [alopecia cicatricosa] infocicatricial alopecia, scarring alopecia, an inflammatory condition that destroys hair follicles, causing scarring and permanent hair

ärrbildning alopeci

androgén alopecia [alopecia androgena] infoandrogenic alopecia

androgen alopeciinfohåravfall av maskulin typ

univerzális alopecia [alopecia universalis] infouniversal alopecia, condition characterized by the complete loss of hair on the scalp and body

alopecia universalisinfoalopeci i hela kroppen

heges alopecia [alopecia cicatriciosa] infoscarred alopecia, scarring, cicatricial alopecia, is an inflammatory condition that destroys hair follicles, causing scarring and permanent hair loss

alopecia cicatrizans

veleszületett alopecia [f.r.] [alopecia ceongenitalis] infocongenital alopecia

medfödd alopeci

androgén alopecia [alopecia hereditaria] infoandrogenic alopecia

ärftligt håravfall

heges alopecia [alopecia cicatricosa] infoscarring, cicatricial alopecia, is an inflammatory condition that destroys hair follicles, causing scarring

ärrbildande alopeci

szülés utáni alopecia [alopecia postpartum] infopostpartum alopecia, postpartum shedding, is the condition of hair loss after having a baby

alopeci postpartum

röntgensugárzás okozta alopecia infoalopecia caused by X-rays

alopeci av röntgenstrålning

citosztatikum okozta alopecia infocytostaticum induced alopecia

alopeci av cytostatika

gyógyszer-okozta androgen alopecia infodrug-induced androgenic alopecia

läkemedelsutlöst androgen alopeci

szifilisz fertőzés okozta hajhullás · szifiliszhez társuló kopaszság [P: Treponema pallidum] [alopecia syphilitica] infosyphilitic alopecia, SA, an uncommon non-scarring hair loss in secondary syphilis

syfilitisk alopeci

foltos hajhullás · foltos kopaszság · oltos szőrhullás · körülírt kopaszság [alopecia areata, alopecia circumscripta] infopatchy hair loss, patchy baldness, grafted hair loss, circumscribed baldness

fläckvis håravfallinfofläckvis skallighet