Magyar-svéd orvosi szótár »

görbe svéd orvosi

MagyarSvéd orvosi
görbe hát · görnyedtség · púpos hát infocow back, crooked back, hunchback, hunched back

kuvrygg -en -arinfokutrygg

görbe hátú · görnyedt · púpos [dorso inflexo, -curvus, -incurvus, -pandus] infocrooked, hunched

kuvryggig -t -a

görbe olló · hajlított olló [forfex curvata] [T] infocurved scissors

böjd sax

görbelábujj-betegség [clinodactylia, curled toe disease] infoclinodactyly, a curve of the finger that resembles a hook

klinodaktyli -n -erinfofelställning hos fingrarna

abszorpciós görbe infoabsorption curve

absorptionskurva -n absorptionskurvor

donga-térdállás · görbelábúság · horgaslábúság · lőcscslábúság · ólábúság [genu varum] infobow-leggedness, bandiness, bandy-leg

hjulbenthet -en

dózishatásgörbe [effectus dosis curvatura] infodose effect curve

dos-effektkurva -n dos-effektkurvor

ECG-vel regisztrált görbe [electrocorticogramm, ECG] infoelectrocorticogramm, ECoG, a record of brain waves obtained by placing electrodes directly on the surface of the brain

elektrokortikogram -met -

EDG-al regisztrált görbe [electrodermatogramm] infoelectrodermatogram, curve registered with EDG

elektrodermatogram -met -

elektroenkefalogramm · elektroenkefalográffal regisztrált görbe [electroencephalogramm, EEG] infoelectroencephalogram, EEG, a recording of electrical activity in the brain

elektroencefalogram -met - [EEG]

elektrokardiogram · szíváramgörbe [electrocardiogramm, ECG] infoelectrocardiogram, ECG, EKG, records the electrical signal from the heart to check for different heart conditions

elektrokardiogram -met -

lázgörbe [curva febris] infofever curve

feberkurva -n feberkurvor

mély görbe csípőartéria · mély görbe csípőütőér · mély görbe csípőverőér [arteria circumflexa ilium profunda] infodeep circumflex iliac artery, a branch of the external iliac artery, located within the greater pelvis, on the medial aspect of the ala of ilium alongside the iliac crest

höftbenets cirkumflex artär

okklúziós görbe · fogsorzáródási görbe [curvatura occlusionis] infoocclusion curve, curve of Spee; von Spee's curve, Spee's curvature, the curvature of the mandibular occlusal plane beginning at the tip of the lower cuspid and following the buccal cusps of the posterior teeth, continuing to the terminal molar

ocklusal kurvainfoocklusionskurva

percentilis görbe infopercentile curve, the child's growth exceeds that percentage of other children their age

tillväxt diagram

szagittális okklúziós görbe · Spee-görbe [curvatura occlusalis sagittalis] infocurve of Spee, arc of a curved plane that is tangent to the incisal edges and the buccal cusp tips of the mandibular dentition

sagittal ocklusionskurvainfoSpees kurva

Wilson-görbe infocurve of Wilson, curve, viewed from the front, that contacts the buccal and lingual cusps of the molars, being lower in the middle due to the lingual inclination of the long axes of the mandibular molars

tvärgående ocklusal kurva