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SvédMagyar orvosi
immunodiffusion -en -er

immunodiffúzió [immunodiffusio]infoimmunodiffusion, any of several techniques for obtaining a precipitate between an antibody and its specific antigen

immunodysregulation -en -er

immunodiszreguláció · immunszabályozási zavar [immunodysregulatio]infoimmunodysregulation, any proposed or confirmed breakdown or maladaptive change in molecular control of immune system processes

immunoelektrofores -en -er

immunoelektroforézis [immunoelectrophoresis]infoimmunoelectrophoresis, a general name for a number of biochemical methods for separation and characterization of proteins based on electrophoresis

immunogenetik -en

immunogenetika [immunogenetica]infoimmunogenetics, a branch of immunology concerned with the interrelations of heredity, disease, and the immune system and its components

immunogenetisk encefalopati hos lamm

juhok immun-agyi bántalma [encephalopathia immunogenetica]infoimmunogenetic encephalopathy in sheeps

immunogenetisk glomerulonefrit

immuncomplex vesegyulladás [glomerulonephritis immunogenetica]infoimmunogenetic glomerulonephritis

immunogenicitet -en -er

immunogenicitás [immunogenicitas]infoimmunogenicity, the ability of therapeutic protein products to stimulate an immune response, specifically, the development of antidrug antibodies, ADAs

immunoglobulin -et -er

immunoglobulin [immunglobulinum]infoimmunoglobuline, a protein that is made by B cells and plasma cells and helps the body fight infection

immunoglobulin Km-allotyper infoärftliga allotypmarkörer förenade med den lätta kedjan hos IgG

immunoglobulin Km-allotípusokinfoimmunoglobuline Km-allotypes, allelic variants of the kappa light chains

immunohematologi -n

immunohematológia [immunohaematologia]infoimmunohematology, the study of RBC antigens and antibodies associated with blood transfusions

immunologisk desensibilisering

immunológiai deszenzibilizáció [desensibilisatio immunologica]infoimmunological desensitization

immunologisk graviditetstest

immunológiai terhességi próba [examinatio graviditatis immunologica]infoimmunological pregnancy test

immunologiska cytotoxicitetstest

immunológiai cytotoxicitási tesztinfoimmunological cytotoxicity test

immunologiska fönster

immunológiai ablakinfoimmunological window

immunologiskt minne

immunológiai emlék · immunológiai memóriainfoimmunological memory

immunomedierad immunomedierat

immunomediált [immunomediatus]infoimmunomediated

immunopati -[e]n -er

immunopátia [immunopathia]infoimmunopathy, any disease of the immune system

immunoprecipitering -en -ar

immunprecipitációinfoimmunoprecipitation, IP, the technique of precipitating a protein antigen out of solution using an antibody that specifically binds to that particular protein

immunosuppression -en -er

immunoszuppresszió · immunreakció elnyomása · immunválasz csökkenése [immunosuppressio]infoimmunosuppression, suppression of immune reaction, reduction of immune response

immunosuppressionsbehandling -en -ar

immunoszuppressziós kezelés [cura immunosuppressiva]infoimmunosuppression treatment

immunosuppressivt tillstånd infoimmunosupressiv stat

immunoszuppressziós állapot [status immunosuppressivus]infoimmunosuppressive state

immunosupprimerad immunosupprimerat

immunválasz csökkentettinfoimmunosuppressed, having a weakened immune system

immunotolerans -en -er infotolerans av immunsystemet till en viss antigen

immunológiai válaszképtelenség [immunotolerantia]infoimmunotolerance, immunological unresponsiveness

immunparalys -en -er

immunrendszer gátolt állapota [immunparalysis]infoimmunological paralysis, condition produced in the host by an antigen given in such amount that a subsequent immunizing dose fails to stimulate active immunity

immunpatologisk -t -a

immunpatológiai [immunogeneticus, immunopathologicus]infoimmunopathological, immunogenetical

immunpatologisk leverinflammation

immunpatológiai májgyulladás [hepatitis immunogenetica]infoimmunopathological hepatitis

immunprecipitation -en -er

immunkicsapódás · immunkicsapás · immunprecipitáció [immunpraecipitatio]infoimmunoprecipitation, IP, the technique of precipitating a protein antigen out of solution using an antibody that specifically binds to that particular protein

immunprofylax -en -er

immunprofilaxis [immunprophylaxis]infoimmunoprophylaxis, the prevention of disease by the production of active or passive immunity

immunproliferativ rubbning i tunntarmen

immunproliferativ bélbetegség [morbus intestinalis immunproliferativus]infoimmunoproliferative small intestinal disease, IPSID, a variant of the B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, MALT

immunradiometrisk -t -a

immun-radiometriás [immunradiometricus]infoimmunoradiometric

immunradiometrisk analys

immunradiometriás analízis [analysis immunradiometricus]infoimmunoradiometric assay, IRMA, uses radiolabeled antibodies

immunreaktion -en -er

immunreakció [immunreactio]infoimmune response, a bodily response to an antigen that occurs when lymphocytes identify the antigenic molecule as foreign

immunrejektion -en -er infoimmunsystemets celler invaderar de transplanterade cellerna

átültetett szerv kilökődése [immunorejectio]infoimmunorejection, rejection of foreign tissue by the immune system

immunserum -et · [-] · [immunsera] infoantikroppar mot en bestämd mikroorganism l. dess toxin

immunsavó · immunszérum[immunserum]infoimmune serum, contains antibodies

immunserum mot botulism

botulizmus elleni immunszérum [Immunoserum botulinicum]infoimmune serum against botulism

immunserum mot difteri

diftéria elleni immunszérum [Immunoserum diphthericum]infoimmune serum against diphtheria

immunserum mot europeisk huggorm

európai viperaméreg elleni immunszérum [Immunoserum contra venena viperarum europaearum]infoimmune serum against European viper venom

immunserum mot gasbrand infoblandat

gázgangréna elleni immunszérum [Immunoserum gangraenicum mixtum]infoimmune serum against gas gangrene

immunserum mot gasbrand [novyi alpha] för veterinär användning

gázgangréna [novyi alpha] elleni állatgyógyászati immunszérum [Immunoserum clostridii novyi alpha ad usum veterinarium]infoveterinary immune serum against gas gangrene novyi

immunserum mot gasbrand [novyi]

gázgangréna [novyi] elleni immunszérum [Immunoserum gangraenicum [Clostridium novyi]infoimmune serum against gas gangrene novyi