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immunförsvarets skadliga angrepp med autoantikroppar på kroppens egen vävnad

saját antigénekkel szemben kialakuló immunválasz [autoallergia, autoimmunitas]infoautoimmunity, if the immune system makes a mistake and attacks the body's own tissues or organs

immunförsvars försvagning infoimmunförsvars försämring

immunrendszer kimerülése [immunoexhaustio]infoT-cell exhaustion, characterized by the stepwise and progressive loss of T-cell functions

immunförsvarskomponent -en -er

immunvédelmi összetevőinfocomponent of immunity, the primary parts of the immune system include the bone marrow and thymus

immunglobulin -et -er infogrupp av proteiner som omfattar organismens antikroppar

gamma-globulin · immunglobulin[immunglobulinum]infoimmunoglobulin, a protein that is made by B cells and plasma cells [types of white blood cells] and helps the body fight infection

immunglobulin mot rabies, humant

humán veszettség elleni immunglobulin [immunglobulinum humanum rabicum]infohuman rabies immune globulin, HRIG,s administered only once, at the beginning of anti-rabies prophylaxis, to previously unvaccinated persons

immunglobulin mot röda hund, humant

humán rubeola immunglobulin [Immunglobulinum humanum rubellae]inforubella immunoglobulin, the presence of detectable IgG-class antibodies indicates immunity to the rubella virus through prior immunization or exposure. Individuals testing positive are considered immune to rubella infection

immunglobulinallotypi -n -er

immunglobulin-allotypiainfoallotypy of immunoglobulin

immunglobulinmolekyl -en -er

immunglobulin-molekula [molecula immunglobulini]infoimmunoglobulin molecule

immunglobulinökning -en -ar

immunglobulin számának megnövekedése [augmentatio immunglobulini]infoan increase in the number of immunoglobulins


immunglobulin-előállító [productus immunglobulini]infoimmunoglobulin producer

immunglobulinsjukdom -en -ar

immunglobulin-betegség [morbus immunglobulini]infoimmunoglobulin disease

immunhämmande respons

immunszuppresszív válasz [immune suppressor response]infoimmunosuppressive response

immunhammare -n · immunhammarn -

immunszuppresszáns [immunsuppressor]infoimmunosuppressant, drugs that keep the immune system in check

immunhämning -en -ar

immungátlás · immunszuppresszióinfoimmunoinhibition, immunosuppression

immunhematologi -n -er

immunhematológia [immunhaematologia]infoimmunohematology

immunhemolys -en -er

immunhaemolysis [immunhaemolysis]infoimmune hemolysis

immunhemolytisk -t -a

immunhaemolytikus [immunhaemolyticus]infoimmune hemolytic

immunhemolytisk anemi

immunhaemolytikus an[a]emia [an[a]emia immunohaemolytica]infoimmune hemolytic anemia, antibodies form against the body's own red blood cells and destroy them

immunhemolytyisk -t -a

immunhemolitikus [immunhaemolyticus]infoimmune hemolytic

immunhemolytyisk anemi

immunhemolitikus vérszegénység [an[a]emia immunhaemolytica]infoimmune hemolytic anemia

immunhistokemi -n

immunhisztokémia · immunszöveti kémia [immunhistochemia]infoimmunohistochemistry, IHC

immunhistokemisk -t -a

immunhisztokémiai [immunhistochemicus]infoimmunohistochemical

immuninterferon -et -

immuninterferon [interferonum immunologicum]infoimmune interferon

immuniseringsrisk -en -er

immunizálási veszély [periculum immunisationis]inforisk of immunization

immunitet index

immunitási index [index immunitatis]infoimmunity index

immunkompetens -en -er

immunkompetencia [immuncompetentia]infoimmunocompetencyce

immunkompetent - -a

immunkompetens [immuncompetens]infoimmunocompetent, having a normal immune response

immunkomplex -et -

immunkomplex [immuno-complexum]infoimmune complex, antigen-antibody complex, antigen-bound antibody, a molecule formed from the binding of multiple antigens

immunkomplexmedierad immunkomplexmedierat

immunkomplex által mediáltinfoimmune complex mediated

immunkomplexreaktion -en -er

immunkomplex-reakció [reactio immuno-complexa]infoimmune complex reaction

immunkomplexsjukdom -en -ar

immunkomplex-betegség [complexus immunicus]infoimmune complex disease

immunlösning -en -ar

immunolízis [immunolysis]infoimmunolysis, the lysis of a cell as a result of an immune reaction

immunmediera -de -t

immun által mediálinfoimmune mediates

immunmedierad immunmedierat

immun által mediált · immunközvetített · immunmediáltinfoimmune mediated

immunmodulativ -t -a infoimmunmodulerande

immunmoduláló [immunmodulator]infoimmunomodulatory, having the ability to alter or regulate immune functions

immunmodulator -n -er

immunmodulátor [immunmodulator]infoimmunomodulator, a substance that affects the functioning of the immune system

immunnedsättning -en -ar

immunitáscsökkenés · immunszuppresszióinfoimmunosuppression, suppression of the body's immune system and its ability to fight infections and other diseases

immunoanalys immunoassay

immunopróbainfoimmunoassay, a highly selective bioanalytical method that measures the presence or concentration of analytes ranging from small molecules to macromolecules in a solution

immunoblot -et -

immunoblotinfoa blot [such as a Western blot] in which an antibody is typically used as the primary molecular probe

immunocyt -en -er

immunocita [immunocyta]infoimmunocyte, cell involved in or related to immune responses