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levercirros i cirkulationssvikt

májcirrózis keringési elégtelenségben [cirrhosis cardiaca]infocardiac cirrhosis, a term used to include the spectrum of hepatic disorders that occur secondary to hepatic congestion due to cardiac dysfunction, especially the right heart chambers

levercysta -n levercystor

májciszta [cysta hepatis]infohepatic cyst, fluid-filled cavities in the liver generally asymptomatic

leverencefalopati -n -er

hepatikus encephalopathia [encephalopathia hepatica] · májkóma [coma hepaticum]infohepatic coma, hepatic encephalopathy, a disorder of consciousness occurring in patients with. severe liver disease

leverenzym -et -er - · -

májenziminfoliver enzyme, the aspartate aminotransferase, AST, and alanine aminotransferase, ALT, the most sensitive indicators of hepatocyte injury

leverfibros -en -er

májfibrózis [fibromatosis hepatica]infoliver fibrosis occurs when the healthy tissue of the liver becomes scarred and cannot work as well

leverfosforylas -en -er infoenzym

májfoszforilázinfoliver phosphorylase enzyme, glycogen phosphorylase catalyzes the sequential phosphorolysis of glycogen to release glucose-1-phosphate

leverfosforylasbrist -en -er infoenzymbrist

májfoszforiláz hiányinfoliver phosphorylase deficiency, Hers disease, is usually a mild form of glycogenosis, glycogen storage disease type VI, GSDVI

levergång -en -ar

közös májvezeték [ductus hepaticus communis]infocommon hepatic duct, CHD,s formed by the right and left hepatic ducts junction. It joins the cystic duct to form the common bile duct, CBD

levergångens beskärning för stenavlägsning

ductus hepaticus metszése kőeltávolítás miatt [hepaticolithotomia]infohepaticolithotomy, surgical removal of one or more calculi from a hepatic duct

leverglykogen -et -

májglikogéninfoliver glycogen helps regulate the blood glucose levels

leverhilus -

májkapu [hilus hepatis]infoliver hilum, porta hepatis, a fissure or opening that allows various structures to pass into and out of the liver

leverkanal sten

májkő [hepatolith]infohepatolith, a gallstone in the biliary duct of the liver

leverkancer -n levercancrar

májrák [carcinoma hepatis]infohepatocellular carcinoma, HCC, primary liver cancer, the most common form of liver cancer

leverkapsel -n leverkapslar infofibrös perivaskulär kapseln i levern

májkapszula · májtok [capsula fibrosa perivascularis hepatis, tunica fibrosa hepatis]infocapsule of the liver, Glisson's capsule, alayer of connective tissue surrounding the liver, ensheathing the hepatic artery, portal vein, and bile ducts within the liver

leverkoma -n · t

májkóma [coma hepaticum]infoliver coma, hepatic coma, occurs as a result of severe liver disease, this causes a buildup of toxins in the bloodstream, which can lead to brain damage

leverlipas -en -er infoenzym

májlipázinfohepatic lipase, a lipolytic enzyme, synthesized in the hepatocytes, secreted, and bound extracellularly to the liver

leverlob -en -er

májlebeny [lobus hepatis]infolobus hepatis, falciform ligament, visible on the front of the liver, makes a superficial division of the right and left lobes of the liver

leverlobul -en -er

májlebenyke [lobulus hepatis]infolobulus hepatis, formes the chief mass of the hepatic substance

leverlukt -en -er

májelégtelenségben észlelhető jellegzetes lehelet- és izzadságszag [foetor hepaticus]infofetor hepaticus, 'breath of the dead', a condition of liver failure in which the breath of the patient is sweetish, musty, and occasionally fecal in nature

leverlymfknuta -n leverlymfknutor

májnyirokcsomó · májnyirokmirigy [lymphoglandula hepatica, lymphonodus hepaticus]infohepatic lymph node, drains lymph vessels from the esophagus, stomach, liver and gall bladder, the pancreas, diaphragm, mediastinum and peritoneum

levermagband -et infoligament som förbinder levern med magsäcken

máj-gyomor szalag [ligamentum hepatogastricum]infohepatogastric ligament, gastrohepatic ligament connects the liver to the lesser curvature of the stomach

levermikrosom -en -er lever mikrosomer

májmikroszóma [liver microsoma]infoliver microsome, subcellular particle derived from the endoplasmic reticulum of hepatic cells

levermitokondrie -n -r

májmitokondrium [liver mitochondrium]infoliver mitochondrion, the main energy source in hepatocytes and play a major role in extensive oxidative metabolism and normal function of liver

levernekros -en

májelhalás · májnekrózis [necrosis hepatis, atrophia hepatis]infoliver atrophy, hepatic atrophy, can result from a variety of causes leading to the obstruction of a major bile duct or portal vein branch

levernekros med leversvikt

májelhalás májelégtelenséggel [necrosis hepatis cum insufficientia hepatica]infohepatic necrosis, death of hepatocytes caused by a direct hepatotoxin. Acute liver failure is characterized by acute liver injury, hepatic encephalopathy and an elevated prothrombin time/international normalized ratio, INR

leverns bakre flik

máj farkalt lebenye [lobus caudatus [Spiegeli] [hepatis]infocaudate lobe, Spigelian lobe of the liver

leverns diafragmatisk eventration

májlebeny mellüregbe jutása rekeszsérven át [eventratio hepatis diaphragmatica]infoliver lobe entering the chest cavity through a diaphragmatic hernia

leverns egen artär

máj saját artériája · májütőér · májverőér [arteria hepatica propria]infoproper hepatic artery, hepatic artery proper, a short vessel that primarily supplies the left and right lobes of the liver, as well as the gallbladder and part of the stomach

leverns fyrkantiga lob

máj négyszögű lebenye [lobus quadratus hepatis]infoquadrate lobe of the liver, an area of the liver situated on the undersurface of the medial segment left lobe

leverns högra flik infoleverns svanslob

máj farkalt lebenye [lobus caudatus hepatis [Spiegeli]]infocaudate lobe, posterior hepatic segment I, situated upon the posterosuperior surface of the liver on the right lobe of the liver, opposite the tenth and eleventh thoracic vertebrae

leverns högra inre flik

jobb belső májlebeny [lobus hepatis dexter medialis]inforight medial lobe of liver, the portion that extends caudally beyond the ventral portion of the costal arch

leverns lob

májlebeny [lobus hepaticus]infoliver lobe

leverns vänster flik

máj bal lebenye [lobus sinister hepatis]infoleft lobe of the liver smaller and more flattened than the right

leverns vänstra vänstra och högre flik

jobb és bal májlebeny [lobulus hepatis dexter et sinister]infoleft and right lobe of the liver

leverns vänstra yttre flik

bal szélső májlebeny [lobus hepatis sinister lateralis]infoleft lateral branch, represented by more vessels, supplying the large, left lateral lobe of the liver

leverns visceral ytan

máj zsigeri felülete [facies visceralis hepatis]infovisceral surface of the liver

leverpelios -en -er

elszórt vérzések a májban [peliosis hepatis]infopeliosis hepatis, a vascular condition in which the sinusoids of the liver proliferate, resulting in engorgement of the capillary bed and cavities within the liver

leverresektion -en -er

máj egy részének műtéti eltávolítása [partialis hepatectomia, resectio hepatis]infoliver resection, the surgical removal of all or a portion of the liver

leversegment -et -

májszegmentum [segmentum hepatis]infoliver segment one of eight segments of the liver as described in the widely used Couinaud classification

leverskyddande invertsocker

májvédő invertcukor-készítmény [Infusio invertosi 10%]infoliver protective invert sugar preparation