Svéd-magyar orvosi szótár »

le jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
LE infoLED

LE [lupus erythematosus]infoLE, lupus erythematosus, systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE, the most common type of lupus, an autoimmune disease, the immune system attacks its own tissues, causing widespread inflammation and tissue damage in the affected organs

LE infolungemboli

TE [tüdőembólia]infoPE, pulmonary embolism

LE-cell -en -er infoamorfa, rund kropp med neutrofila granulocyter

LE-beteg csontvelő-leukocita · LE-sejtinfoLE-patient bone marrow leukocyte, LE-cell, a telltale sign of autoimmune process that results from phagocytosis of apoptotic bodies

Le Fort I infomaxillär fraktur

Le Fort I-es típusú felső állcsonttörés [fractura maxillae Le Fort I]infoLe Fort 1 fracture, horizontal maxillary fracture, separating the teeth from the upper face

Le Fort II infopyramid fraktur

Le Fort II-es típusú felső állcsonttörés [fractura maxillae Le Fort II]infoLe Fort 2, extend superiorly in the midface to include the nasal bridge, maxilla, lacrimal bones, orbital floor, and rim

Le Fort III infokraniofacial avlösning

Le Fort III-mas típusú felső állcsonttörés [fractura maxillae Le Fort III]infoLe Fort 3, craniofacial disjunction, separates the maxilla from the skull base

Leber syndrom infoidiopatisk, familjär ärftlig synnervatrofi

Leber-féle látóideg sorvadásinfoLeber's optic atrophy, Leber hereditary optic neuropathy, LHON, a rare mitochondrial disorder, progressive visual loss due to optic neuropathy in young males

Lebers kongenitala amauros

Leber-féle veleszületett vakság [amaurosis congenitalis Leberi]infoLeber congenital amaurosis, LCA, a rare type of inherited eye disorder that causes severe vision loss at birth

lecitas -en -er infoenzym som kan avspjälka fettsyregrupper från lecitinmolekylen

lecitáz [lecithase]infolecithase enzyme, cleaves fatty acid groups from the lecithin molecule

lecitin-kolesterol-acyltransferas -en -er infoenzym

lecitin-koleszterin acil-transzferázinfolecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase enyzme, LCAT, a plasma enzyme that esterifies cholesterol and raises high-density lipoprotein cholesterol

lecitinas -en -er infoenzym som katalyserar hydrolys av lecitin

lecitinázinfolecithinase enzyme, catalyzes the hydrolysis of lecithin

led mellan bröstbenet och nyckelbenet

szegycsont-kulccsont ízület [articulatio sternoclavicularis]infosternoclavicular, SC, joint, one of the four joints that make up the shoulder

led mellan bröstbenet och revbenets brosk

borda-szegycsonti ízületek [articulationes sternocostales]infosternocostal joints, sternochondral joints, costosternal articulations, synovial plane joints of the costal cartilages of the true ribs with the sternum

led mellan caput costae och fovea costalis superior infoled mellan revbenshuvud och kotor

bordafej-csigolyák közötti ízület [articulatio capitis costae]infoarticulatio capitis costae & ligaments of the heads of ribs, costovertebral joint and related ligaments

led mellan tarmben och ländkota

csípőcsont-ágyéki szalag [ligamentum iliolumbale]infoiliolumbar ligament, a strong band of connective tissue and one of the three vertebropelvic ligaments

led mellan tuberculum costae och processus transversus

bordagumó-harántnyúlvány közötti ízület [articulatio costotransversaria]infocostotransverse joint, CTJ, small arthrodial joint which articulate with the costal tuberosity on the transverse process of the thoracic vertebrae

ledbandsgrop medialt i lårbenshuvudets ledyta

ízületiszalag-árok [fovea capitis femoris]infofovea capitis, a small, oval-shaped dimple on the head of top of the femur

ledbandskada -n ledbandskador !O

ínszalagsérülés · ízületiszalag-sérülés [laesio ligamenti articuli]infoligament damage, ligament injury

ledblödning -en -ar

ízületbevérzés [haemorrhagia articuli]infohemarthrosis, bleeding into the space around one of the joints

ledbråck -et - infovätskeansamling i slemsäck o. senskida

ínhüvelysérv [hygroma]infohygroma, a cystic tumor of lymphatic origin

leden mellan dens axis och atlas

1. és 2. nyakcsigolya közötti ízület [articulatio atlantoaxialis mediana]infomedian atlantoaxial joint, a pivot type of synovial joint, formed by the dens of C1 vertebrae and two ligamentous structures anteriorly and posteriorly

leden mellan S1 och L5

1. ágyék-5. keresztcsonti ízület [articulatio lumbosacralis]infolumbosacral joint, a joint between the last lumbar vertebra and the first sacral segment of the vertebral column

leden mellan skulderbladshöjden och nyckelbenet

lapocka vállcsúcsi nyúlványa-kulcscsonti ízesülés [articulatio acromioclavicularis]infoacromioclavicular joint, AC joint, where the clavicle and the scapula meet

Lederer-Brill syndrom

Lederer-Brill-szindróma [R]infoLederer-Brill disease, an autoimmune haemolytic aneamia with spherocytosis and splenomegaly

Lederer sjukdom infoakut hemolytisk anemi Lederer

Lederer-féle an[a]emia [R]infoLederer's anemia, a form of acute acquired hemolytic anemia associated with abnormal hemolysins and sometimes with hemoglobinuria

ledfasett -en -er

fognyúlvány árka [fovea dentis atlantis]infofacet of atlas for dens. pit of atlas for dens, a circular facet on the posterior [inner] surface of the anterior arch of the atlas which articulates with the dens of the axis

ledfistel -n ledfistlar

ízületi sipoly [fistula articularis]infosynovial fistula of the ankle joint, an uncommon complication from an ankle sprain

ledförbindelser för revbensbrosk

bordáknak megfelelő bemélyedések a szegycsont oldalsó szélein [incisurae costales sterni]infoincisurae costales, costal notches, indentations on the lateral borders of the sternum for the costal cartilages

ledhuvud -et -en · - infoupphöjning framtill lateralt om foramen magnum

ízfelszínek a nyakszírtcsonton [condyli occipitales]infooccipital condyle, a protrusion on the occipital bone of the skull that forms a joint with the first cervical vertebra

ledinfektion -en -er

ízületfertőzés [infectio articularis]infojoint infection, septic arthritis is a painful infection in a joint

ledkapselinflammation -en -er

synoviális hártya gyulladása [synovitis]infosynovitis, synovial inflammation

ledknapp på på nackbenets undersida

nyakszirtcsont bütyke, -ízfelszíne [condylus occipitalis]infooccipital condyle, undersurface protuberances of the occipital bone

ledkräfta -n ledkräftor

ízületi rák [arthrocarcinoma, osteosarcoma]infoarthrocarcinoma, joint cancer, osteosarcoma

ledläpp -en -ar

csípőízület rostos porcszegélye [labrum acetabulare]infoacetabular labrum, acetabular labral tear, a band of tough cartilage and connective tissue that lines the acetabulum

lednerv -en -er

ízületi ideg [nervus articularis]infoarticular nerve

ledningsbana -n ledningsbanor

vezetőpálya [axon]infoaxon, portion of a nerve cell (neuron) that carries nerve impulses away from the cell body.


a massa lateralison felfelé tekintő két ízfelszín [fovea articularis superior]infosuperior articular facet faces upward and works like a hinge with the inferior articular facet

ledrulle -n

ugrócsont proximális irányú ízületi pörgéje [trochlea tali]infotrochlea tali, trochlea of talus, a convex articular surface for the proximal part of articulation with tibia and fibula [only with tibia in horses]

ledskålsvinkel -n ledskålsvinklar

vápatető szögeinfoangle of trench, the angle of the trench roof provides valuable information regarding the depth of the trench. In the case of a value of around 60 degrees, we have to count on a shallow vapa

ledtuberkulos -en -er

ízület-tuberkulózis [P: Mycobacterium tuberculosis] [tuberculosis articularis]infojoint tuberculosis


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