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leukodystrofi -n

leucodystrophia · központi idegrendszer elvelőtlenedése [leucodystrophia]infoleukodystrophy, rare, inherited neurological disorder, affects myelin in the brain and spinal cord

leukoencefalit -en -er

velőshüvelyszéteséssel-járó betegség [leukoencephalitis]infoleukoencephalitis, it can follow a measles or rabies vaccination, the infection or vaccination initiates an autoimmune response in the body that leads to it

leukoencefalomalaci -n -er

központi idegrendszer fehérállományában fejlődő lágyulás [leukoencephalomalacia]infoleukoencephalomalacia, softening of the white matter of the central nervous system

leukoencefalomalaci hos häst [ELEM]

lovak leukoencephalaciás betegségeinfoequine leukoencephalomalacia, ELEM, mouldy corn poisoning, a disease of the central nervous system that affects horses, mules, and donkeys. It is commonly associated with feeding of moldy corn over several days to weeks

leukoencefalomyelit -en -er

agy- és gerincvelő fehérállományában lezajló gyulladások [leukoencephalomyelitis]infoleukoencephalomyelitis, inflammations in the white matter of the brain and spinal cord

leukoencefalopati -en -er

központi idegrendszer fehérállományának degeneratív betegsége [leukoencephalopathia]infoleukoencephalopathia, degenerative disease of the white matter of the central nervous system

leukoerytroblastisk -t -a

leukoeritroblasztos [leukoerythroblasticus]infoleukoerythroblastic, showing the presence of nucleated red cells and immature white cells

leukokeratos -en -er

pofanyálkahártya elszarusodása [leukoplakia buccalis, leukokeratosis]infoleukoplakia buccalis, leukokeratosis, keratinization of the buccal mucosa

leukokori -n infogråvit pupill

leukokoria [leukocoria]infoleukocoria, white pupillary reflex, an abnormal white reflection from the retina of the eye

leukomyelitis [en]

gerincvelő fehérállományának gyulladása [leukomyelitis]infoleukomyelitis, an inflammatory process involving the white matter of the spinal cord

leukomyelopati -n -er

gerincvelő fehérállományának bántalma [leukomyelopathia]infoleukomyelopathy, any systemic disease involving the white matter or the conducting tracts of the spinal cord

leukoplaki -n infoleukokeratos, leukoplakia: förekomst av vita fläckar i slemhinna

leukoplákia [leucoplacia, leukokeratosis]infoleukoplakia, a white patch in the mouth

leukoplaki i läpp

ajaknyálkahártya elszarusodása [leukoplakia labii]infooral leukoplakia, lesions and disorders of the oral mucosa

leukoplaki i vulva

női külső nemi szervek felhámjának elszarusodása [leukoplakia vulvae]infovulvar leukoplakia, a chronic lymphocyte mediated inflammation of the skin of the vulva

leukopoes -en infobildning av vita blodkroppar

fehérvérsejtképződés [leucopoesis, leukopoiesis]infoleukopoiesis, the formation of white blood cells

leukopoetin -et

leukopoetin [leucopoetinum]infoleucopoietin, a hypothetical substance presumed to be the humoral means of regulating leukopoiesis

leukorragi -n -er inforiklig klar o. tunn leukorré

bőséges fehér folyás · hüvelyi folyás · leukorrhea [leukorrhagia, leucorrhoea]infoleukorrhea, vaginal discharge, can be a normal physiological process, or it can be caused by infections like trichomonal vaginitis, candidiasis, and other sexually transmitted diseases

leukos -en -er

leukémiás megbetegedés · leukózis [leucosis]infoleukosis, a leukaemic disease of animals, especially one of a group of malignant viral diseases of poultry or cattle

leukosarkom -et -

leukoszarkóma · lymphoid sejtek tumora [leukosarcoma]infoleukosarcoma, lymphosarcoma accompanied by leukemia

leukosfri status

leukózismentes státuszinfoleukosis-free status

leukostas -en -er

leukosztázis [leucostasis]infoleukostasis, white cell plugs are seen in the microvasculature

leukotrien -en -er

leukotrién [LT]infoleukotriene, any of a group of eicosanoids that participate in allergic responses [such as bronchial constriction]

leukotrien receptor infoleukotrienreceptor

leukotrién-receptorinfoleukotriene receptor

leukotrienantagonist -en -er

leukotrién-antagonistainfoleukotriene antagonist


leukotrién-blokkolóinfoleukotriene blocker


lassan reagáló anafilaxiát okozó szubsztanciák [SRS-A]infoslow reacting substance of anaphylaxis, SRS-A, belongs to a group of substances which produce a slow progressive and sustained contraction of some smooth muscles

leukotrienreceptorantagonist -en -er

leukotriénreceptor-antagonista [LTRA]infoleukotriene receptor antagonist, LTRA, treating chronic asthma

leukovorin -et

leucovorin [Leucovorinum, citrovorum factor]infoleucovorin, a metabolically active form of folic acid that has been used in cancer therapy to protect normal cells

leupeptin -et infoproteashämmare

leupeptininfoleupeptin, a naturally occurring protease inhibitor that can inhibit cysteine, serine and threonine

leuprolid -en

Leuprolid · leuprorelin [Leuprolid, Leuprorelin]infoLeuprolide, Leuprorelin, a hormone used to treat prostate cancer, breast cancer, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, as part of transgender hormone therapy, for early puberty, or to perform chemical castration of violent sex offenders

levadopa -n

L-dopa · levodopainfoL-dopa, Levodopa, a dopamine replacement agent for the treatment of Parkinson disease

levamisol för veterinär användning

Levamizol állategészségügyi célra [Levamisolum ad usum veterinarium]infoLevamisol, used to treat parasitic worm infections, specifically ascariasis and hookworm

levamisolhydroklorid -en -er

Levamizol-hidroklorid [Levamisoli hydrochloridum]infoLevamisole hydrochloride, used to treat parasitic worm infections, specifically ascariasis and hookworm

levande gumborovaccin för fjäderfä

élő gumboro-vaccina baromfi részére [Vaccinum bursitidis infectivae aviariae vivum]infolive vaccine against Infectious Bursal Disease [Gumboro disease] for use in chickens.

levande IBR-vaccin

élő IBR-vakcina [Vaccinum rhinotracheitidis infectivae bovinae vivum]infolive IBR-vaccine, contains a modified live infectious-bovine-rhinotracheitis [IBR] virus [bovine herpes virus type 1]

levande vaccin av mjältbrandssporer för veterinär användning

élő lépfenespórákat tartalmazó oltóanyag állategészségügyi célra [vaccinum anthracis vivum ad usum veterinarium]infovaccine containing live anthrax spores for veterinary use

levande vaccin mot ankpest

kacsapestis elleni élő oltóanyag [Vaccinum pestis anatis vivum]infoduck plague vaccine, DPV, a live attenuated freeze dried vaccine of chick-embryo origin

levande vaccin mot Aujeszkyis sjukdom hos svin för parenteral användning

sertések Aujeszky-betegsége elleni élő oltóanyag parenterális célra [Vaccinum morbi Aujeszkyi ad suem vivum ad usum parenterale]infoAujeszky's disease vaccine [live] for pigs for parenteral administration, a preparation of a suitable strain of Aujeszky's disease virus

levande vaccin mot gula febern

sárgaláz elleni élő oltóanyag [Vaccinum febris flavae vivum]infoyellow fever vaccine, contains a weakened form of the yellow fever virus

levande vaccin mot hönskoppor

baromfihimlő elleni élő oltóanyag [Vaccinum variolae gallinaceae vivum]infofowl pox vaccine, contains a live recombinant fowlpox virus