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erg jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
fraktur på skuldergördel

vállövtörés [fractura cinguli membri superiores]infoshoulder girdle fracture

framkalla allergi

allergiát előidéz · allergiát kelt · allergiát kivált · allergiát okoz [inducere-, producere allergiam]infocause allergy, induces an allergy, triggers an allergy

Freiberg-Kohler syndrom

Freiberg-Köhler-szindróma · Freiberg-féle betegség [osteochondrosis juvenilis capitis metatarsi II]infoFreiberg's disease, avascular necrosis of the metatarsal head

gangrenös ergotism

idült gangrénás anyarozsmérgezés [ergotismus chronicus gangraenosus]infoergotism, poisoning produced by eating food affected by ergot, typically resulting in headache, vomiting, diarrhoea, and gangrene of the fingers and toes

gastrointestinal allergi

élelmiszer-allergiás gyomor-bél bántalom [allergia gastrointestinalis]infogastrointestinal allergy include abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea

gemensam levergång

máj kivezető csöve [ductus hepaticus communis]infocommon hepatic duct, a tube that carries bile from the liver

generaliserad aspergillos

generalizált aszpergillózis [P: Aspergillus] [aspergillosis generalisata]infodisseminated aspergillosis

getinggiftallergi -n -er

darázsméreg-allergiainfobee venom allergy

glutamaterg -t -a infosvarar på glutamat, som innehåller glutamat [neurotransmitter]

glutamaterginfoglutamatergic, related to glutamate

glutenallergi -n -er

gluténallergiainfogluten allergy, celiac disease, celiac sprue, gluten-sensitive enteropathy, an immune reaction to eating gluten

glutenallergiker -n -

gluténallergiás [személy]infogluten allergic [person]

glycinerg -t -a

glicinerginfoglycinerg, activated by glycine

Goldberg-Maxwell syndrom infoen typ av hermaphroditismus, gonadal dysgenes hos normala kvinnor

Goldberg-Maxwell-szindrómainfoGoldberg-Maxwell syndrome, gonadal dysgenesis in normal-looking females

gördelvindlingens övergångsparti

homloklebeny összekötőrész [isthmus gyri cinguli]infoisthmus of cingulate gyrus, connects the cingulate gyrus to the parahippocampal gyrus

gränsövergången mellan hjärnans undersida och ö-området

az agy alsó oldala és a szigetterület közötti határátmenet [limen insulae]infolimen insulae, translates as the threshold to the insula, and is the point at which the insular cortex is continuous with cortex over the amygdala and superior temporal gyrus

Grönblad-Strandberg syndrom

Grönblad-Strandberg-szindróma [ pseudoxanthoma elasticum]infoGrönblad-Strandberg syndrome, pseudoxanthoma elasticum, dysplasic disorder of the connective tissue, characterized by a progressive abnormal mineralization and dystrophic calcification of elastic tissues and collagen

Hench-Rosenberg-syndrom -et -

rheumatismus egyik fajtájainfoa type of rheumatism

hHyperglykemiskt hyperosmolärt non-ketotisk syndrom [HNKS]

hiperglikémiás hiperozmoláris nem ketózisos-szindrómainfohyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome, HHNS, hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state, HHS,

Hijmans van den Bergh reaktion

Hijmans van den Bergh-reakcióinfoVan den Bergh reaction, a chemical reaction used to measure bilirubin levels in blood

hjärtmuskelischemi övergående hos nyfödd

átmeneti szívizom iszkémia újszülöttben [ischemia myocardialis transiens]infotransient myocardial ischemia in a newborn

högergren -en -ar

jobboldali Tawara-szárinforight branch

högergrenblock -et -

jobboldali Tawaraszár-blokk · jobbszár-blokkinforight bundle branch block, RBBB, a slowing of electrical impulses to the heart's right ventricle

Howship-Rombergs syndrom infonerv neuralgi obturatorius

Howship-Romberg-szindrómainfoHowship-Romberg sign, an indication of obturator nerve irritation resulting in inner thigh pain that may extend to the knee on internal rotation of the hip

hypergammaglobulinemi -n -er infoöverskott av gammaglobuliner i blodet

fokozott gammaglobulin-tartalom a vérben [hypergammaglobulinaemia]infohypergammaglobulinemia, polyclonal gammopathy, overproduction of more than one class of immunoglobulins by plasma cell

hypergenitalism -en -er

nemi mirigyek fokozott működése [hypergenitalismus, macrogenitosomia praecox]infomacrogenitosomia praecox, a disorder in which gonadal maturation [puberty] and the adolescent growth spurt in bodily height occur in the first decade of life

hyperglobulinemi -n -er infoförhöjt totalt serumprotein

vér globulintartalmának emelkedése [hyperglobulinaemia]infohyperglobulinemia, the presence of excess globulins in the blood

hyperglykemiskt hyperosmolärt icke-ketotiskt koma

hiperglykemiás hiperozmoláris nem ketózisos kómainfohyperosmolar nonketotic diabetic coma, HHNC, acute decompensation of diabetes mellitus, marked hyperglycemia, hyperosmolarity, severe dehydration, occasional neurological signs, obtunded sensorium, absence of ketonemia or acidosis

hyperglykemiskt koma

hiperglikémiás eszméletlenség [coma diabeticum]infodiabetic coma, hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia can lead to a diabetic coma

hypergonadism -en -er infotillstånd av överaktiva könskörtlar

ivarmirigyek fokozott elválasztásával járó állapot [hypergonadismus]infohypergonadism, the gonads overproduce hormones, higher-than-normal levels of testosterone and estrogen

hypergonadotrop -t -a

hipergonadotróp [hypergonadotrophus]infohypergonadotropic

hypergonadotrop hypogonadism

hipergonadotróp hipogonadizmus [hypogonadismus hypergonadotrophica]infohypergonadotropic hypogonadism, reduced function of the gonads associated with excess pituitary gonadotropin secretion and resulting in delayed sexual development and growth delay

hypergranulation -en -er infosvallkött: granulationsvävnad som växer högre än hudplanet

papillomás túlburjánzás [hypergranulatio]infohypergranulation, over granulation, proud flesh, excessive granulation that rises above the wound surface, imposing a barrier to the inward-migrating epidermis

hypoallergen -t -a

hipoallergén [hypoallergenus]infohypoallergenic, relatively unlikely to cause an allergic reaction

intergender -

intergenderinfointergender, a variation in sex characteristics including chromosomes and or genitals that do not allow an individual to be directly identified as male or female

interglobular dentin infointerglobulärdentin

interglobuláris dentin [interglobular dentine, interglobular space of Owen]infointerglobular dentine, IGD, an area of poorly mineralized dentine matrix

interimistiska övergångsperiod provisorisk protes

ideiglenes fogműinfotemporary partial dentures, immediate dentures,removable replacement teeth attached to a frame made of metal or plastic

invasiv lungaspergillos

invázív tüdőaszpergillózis [P: Aspergillus] [aspergillosis pulmonis invasiva]infoinvasive pulmonary aspergillosis, IPA, a severe fungal infection with a high mortality rate

kabergolin -et

Kabergolin [dopaminerg gyógyszer] [Cabergolinum]infoCabergoline, a long-acting dopamine receptor agonist with high affinity for the dopamine D2 receptor

kallbrand med bortdöende av ergotism

elhalással járó ergotizmus [ergotismus gangraenosus]infoergotism with necrosis

Kaposis-Juliusberg sjukdom infoKaposis varicelliforma eruption, KVE

Kaposi-Juliusberg szindróma [P: herpes simplex vírus 1 és 2] [pustulos acuta varioliformis juliusberg]infoKaposi-Juliusberg's syndrome, a severe herpes simplex virus cutaneous infection, accompanied by general signs