Hungarian-English dictionary


English-Hungarian dictionary

Hungarian-English dictionary – Meaning pairs, phrases, and example sentences: 505,770

DictZone is one of the most beloved Hungarian-English translator and dictionary among Hungarian users, featuring over 500,000 meaning pairs, synonyms, and illustrative example sentences

In the following post, we will provide some useful tips on how to use our dictionary easily and effectively. Additionally, we will introduce you to the supplementary features that can assist you in language learning and translation.

The Basics of How the DictZone Hungarian-English Dictionary Works

At the top of the webpage, in the center, you'll find the search field where you should enter the word you want to translate. As you start typing the letters, a dropdown menu will immediately suggest numerous expressions to you, making the search easier. The gray icon next to them indicates whether these phrases are available in the dictionary in English (EN) or Hungarian (HU).

You can choose from the list as you like, and with a single click, you can access the details page of any expression, where the English translation is also visible. We have grouped every result by parts of speech, helping you better understand the specific word or expression. If we have the necessary data, we also show the translation frequency associated with each meaning pair at the end of the rows.

Indicating Inflections

After English words, we indicate their inflections in square brackets:

  • noun [plural] - e.g., "work [works]"
  • verb [past tense, (past participle), present participle, 3rd person singular present tense] - e.g., "work [worked, working, works]"

Since we strive to provide a user-friendly interface for everyone, you can edit the results yourself by clicking on the downward arrow at the end of each row. You can submit new meanings, modify existing data, or even mark expressions for deletion. We only ask that you provide some explanation for the changes or link to the source you worked from, and please include your email address so we can notify you of any changes we implement. This way, you can contribute to the development of the DictZone Hungarian-English dictionary.

One of the users' favorites is the sound icon that appears before the search results, which allows you to listen to the correct pronunciation of the word or expression. You also have the opportunity to learn both the British and American accents. However, this feature can also be useful for those who are just getting acquainted with the Hungarian language, as we also display sound icons next to Hungarian words.

Beneath the exact translation, you will find expressions and sentence parts that are related in some way to the search. These are important to learn during language study because the more expressions you acquire, the easier it will be for you to express yourself in English.

Additional Features for Using the Hungarian-English Translator

The Hungarian-English translator comes with several additional features. For example, at the bottom of the page, you can find the "Additional Search Options" section, where you can further research the searched word or expression on Google, Wikipedia, and Wiktionary.

In addition, on the right side of the webpage, you can review your search history at any time and go back to results you were previously interested in. This can be especially useful when translating longer texts where an unfamiliar word or expression appears multiple times but you didn't manage to remember its meaning. In such cases, simply browse through the Hungarian-English dictionary's history, and quickly find the element you need.

Furthermore, the sidebar contains other useful grammatical references. By clicking on the appropriate link, you can quickly access subpages such as irregular English verbs, plural forms of nouns, the English alphabet, conversion of length units, assistance with conversion between American and English volume units, and Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature conversion. These can be useful not only for translation but also in everyday life.

If you are already familiar with the International Phonetic Alphabet, our dictionary also helps with learning pronunciation through phonetic notation. We have indicated British pronunciation with UK and American pronunciation with US. If you are not yet familiar with this special notation system and would like to learn more about it, you can find plenty of interesting information on the International Phonetic Alphabet Wikipedia page.

Source: tkltrans

Editing and supplementation: Dr. László J. Kovács

License: GPL2

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