Angol-Latin szótár »

that latinul

that comes from the author adjective

autenticus [autentica, autenticum]adjective

authenticus [authentica, authenticum]adjective

that creeps on ground (L+S) adjective

chamaetortus [chamaetorta, chamaetortum]adjective

that cures toothache (w / herba) adjective

dentarius [dentaria, dentarium]adjective

that deals in silk adjective

sericarius [sericaria, sericarium]adjective

that deserves punishment adjective

castigabilis [castigabilis, castigabile]adjective

that deserves reproach adjective

blasphemabilis [blasphemabilis, blasphemabile]adjective

that deserves to be hated adjective

odibilis [odibilis, odibile]adjective

that dies a violent death adjective

biaeothanatus [biaeothanata, biaeothanatum]adjective

biothanatus [biothanata, biothanatum]adjective

that directs or sends in any direction adjective

derectorius [derectoria, derectorium]adjective

directorius [directoria, directorium]adjective

that disintegrates, that falls / goes to pieces adjective

dilabidus [dilabida, dilabidum]adjective

that does honor adjective

honorificatus [honorificata, honorificatum]adjective

honorificus [honorifica -um, honorificentior -or -us, honorificentissimus -a -]adjective

that does not correspond (math) adjective

alogus [aloga, alogum]adjective

that does not form the letters properly in speaking adjective

atypus [atypa, atypum]adjective

that due / ought to occur noun

debitum [debiti](2nd) N

that dwells / situated on this / near side of mountains adjective

cismontanus [cismontana, cismontanum]adjective

that easily cooks / ripens early (L+S) adjective

coctivus [coctiva, coctivum]adjective

that easily passes through adjective

commeabilis [commeabilis, commeabile]adjective

that emits hot blast / vapor, steaming adjective

anhelus [anhela, anhelum]adjective

that encircles / bounds (figure), surrounding / bounding / bordering, running around adjective

circumcurrens [(gen.), circumcurrentis]adjective

that encloses / marks an area adjective

clusaris [clusaris, clusare]adjective

that existed before birth adjective

antegenitalis [antegenitalis, antegenitale]adjective

that expunges / erases adjective

deletilis [deletilis, deletile]adjective

that feeds sows adjective

scrofipascus [scrofipasca, scrofipascum]adjective

that fetters or restrains adjective

compedus [compeda, compedum]adjective

conpedus [conpeda, conpedum]adjective

that flows in seven streams ("seven-flowing mouth of the Nile") adjective

septemfluus [septemflua, septemfluum]adjective

that follows closely / eagerly adjective

sequax [sequacis (gen.), sequacior -or -us, sequacissimus -a -um]adjective

that follows on foot adjective

pedisecus [pediseca, pedisecum]adjective

pedisequus [pedisequa, pedisequum]adjective

pedissequus [pedissequa, pedissequum]adjective

that gives rise to something adjective

efficiens [(gen.), efficientis]adjective

that group(s) together adjective

congregabilis [congregabilis, congregabile]adjective

that grows over arches (of a kind of gourd) adjective

camararius [camararia, camararium]adjective

camerarius [cameraria, camerarium]adjective

that guests adjective

hospes [(gen.), hospitis]adjective

that has a bald forehead adjective

recalvaster [recalvastra, recalvastrum]adjective


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