Angol-Latin szótár »

that latinul

that can be preserved adjective

conservabilis [conservabilis, conservabile]adjective

that can be recognized / known, cognizable adjective

agnitionalis [agnitionalis, agnitionale]adjective

agnoscibilis [agnoscibilis, agnoscibile]adjective

that can be seized adjective

comprehendibilis [comprehendibilis, comprehendibile]adjective

comprehensibilis [comprehensibilis, comprehensibile]adjective

conprehendibilis [conprehendibilis, conprehendibile]adjective

conprehensibilis [conprehensibilis, conprehensibile]adjective

that can be shaken adjective

concussibilis [concussibilis, concussibile]adjective

that can be warmed / made hot adjective

calefactabilis [calefactabilis, calefactabile]adjective

that can be worn / wearied out (L+S) adjective

delassabilis [delassabilis, delassabile]adjective

that can laugh adjective

risibilis [risibilis, risibile]adjective

that can swim adjective

natatilis [natatilis, natatile]adjective

that can take adjective

captibilis [captibilis, captibile]adjective

that can't be summoned / held / drawn back / undone / reversed adjective

inrevocabilis [inrevocabilis, inrevocabile]adjective

inrevocabilus [inrevocabila, inrevocabilum]adjective

irrevocabilis [irrevocabilis, irrevocabile]adjective

irrevocabilus [irrevocabila, irrevocabilum]adjective

that cannot be defiled / sullied / contaminated / tainted adjective

intaminabilis [intaminabilis, intaminabile]adjective

that cannot be dissolved / loosened / untied (knot) adjective

indissolubilis [indissolubilis, indissolubile]adjective

indissolutus [indissoluta, indissolutum]adjective

that cannot be divided noun

indivisio [indivisionis](3rd) F

that cannot be embarrassed / abashed / confused adjective

inconfusibilis [inconfusibilis, inconfusibile]adjective

that cannot be evaded by expiatory rites adjective

inexpiabilis [inexpiabilis, inexpiabile]adjective

that cannot be mingled (Souter) adjective

inconfusibilis [inconfusibilis, inconfusibile]adjective

that cannot be overtaken adjective

incomprehensibilis [incomprehensibilis, incomprehensibile]adjective

that cannot be refused adjective

inrecusabilis [inrecusabilis, inrecusabile]adjective

irrecusabilis [irrecusabilis, irrecusabile]adjective

that cannot be repaid / compensated / remunerated adjective

inremunerabilis [inremunerabilis, inremunerabile]adjective

irremunerabilis [irremunerabilis, irremunerabile]adjective

that cannot be repaid / loosed / refuted / destroyed adjective

insolubilis [insolubilis, insolubile]adjective

that cannot be sated / filled adjective

inexplebilis [inexplebilis, inexplebile]adjective

that cannot be stained adjective

immaculabilis [immaculabilis, immaculabile]adjective

that cannot be swum adjective

innabilis [innabilis, innabile]adjective

that cannot be taken in (Latham) adjective

incapabilis [incapabilis, incapabile]adjective

that cannot be torn away adjective

inevulsibilis [inevulsibilis, inevulsibile]adjective

that causes an impression adjective

commovens [commoventis (gen.), commoventior -or -us, commoventissimus -a -um]adjective

that causes financial loss adjective

damnosus [damnosa -um, damnosior -or -us, damnosissimus -a -um]adjective

that causes loss adjective

damnificus [damnifica, damnificum]adjective

that causes movement (of soul) noun

agitatrix [agitatricis](3rd) F

that cleans / makes white adjective

candificus [candifica, candificum]adjective