Angol-Latin szótár »

full (of) latinul

full of waves, stormy adjective

fluctuosus [fluctuosa, fluctuosum]adjective

full of wax adjective

cerosus [cerosa, cerosum]adjective

full of whirlpools or eddies adjective

verticosus [verticosa, verticosum]adjective

full of wine adjective

vinulentus [vinulenta, vinulentum]adjective

full of wonder / astonishment (L+S) adjective

mirabundus [mirabunda, mirabundum]adjective

full of wrinkles, folds or creases adjective

rugosus [rugosa, rugosum]adjective

abounding in rabbits, full of rabbits adjective

cuniculosus [cuniculosa, cuniculosum]adjective

abounding in silver, full of silver (L+S) adjective

argentosus [argentosa, argentosum]adjective

active, busy, energetic, full of life adjective

actuosus [actuosa, actuosum]adjective

affectionate, kind, full of inclination / affection / love adjective

adfectuosus [adfectuosa, adfectuosum]adjective

affectuosus [affectuosa, affectuosum]adjective

aged, old, full of years adjective

annosus [annosa, annosum]adjective

anxious, full of anxiety, uneasy adjective

anxiosus [anxiosa, anxiosum]adjective

be full of youthful vigor verb

vireo [virere, virui, -](2nd)

be leafy / full of trees (place) verb

frondeo [frondere, frondui, fronditus](2nd) INTRANS

become very afraid / full of fear / thoroughly terrified verb

compavesco [compavescere, -, -](3rd) INTRANS

conpavesco [conpavescere, -, -](3rd) INTRANS

brine, water full of salt noun

salsugo [salsuginis](3rd) F

characterized by / full of cartilage / other tough fibrous tissue, very gristly adjective

cartilaginosus [cartilaginosa, cartilaginosum]adjective

eager, keen, full of zeal adjective

studiosus [studiosa -um, studiosior -or -us, studiosissimus -a -um]adjective

glorious, full of glory adjective

glorificus [glorifica, glorificum]adjective

gloriosus [gloriosa -um, gloriosior -or -us, gloriosissimus -a -um]adjective

growing / teeming / abounding / full of adjective

fetus [feta, fetum]adjective

foetus [foeta, foetum]adjective

gummy, full of gum adjective

cumminosus [cumminosa, cumminosum]adjective

gumminosus [gumminosa, gumminosum]adjective

hilly, full of hills adjective

clivosus [clivosa, clivosum]adjective

juicy, full of sap adjective

sucidus [sucida, sucidum]adjective

knotty, full of knots adjective

geniculatus [geniculata, geniculatum]adjective

own / full (of brother / sister) adjective

germanus [germana, germanum]adjective

person suffering from catarrh / rheumy / full of phlegm noun

pituitosus [pituitosi](2nd) M

place full of shrubs / bushes noun

frutetum [fruteti](2nd) N

fruticetum [fruticeti](2nd) N

proud, full of pride (L+S) adjective

fastosus [fastosa, fastosum]adjective

fastuosus [fastuosa, fastuosum]adjective

stony, full of stones adjective

lapidosus [lapidosa, lapidosum]adjective

superstitious, full of unreasoning religious awe adjective

superstitiosus [superstitiosa, superstitiosum]adjective

tied into many knots, full of knots, knotty adjective

nodosus [nodosa, nodosum]adjective

turbulent, full of commotion or uproar adjective

tumultuosus [tumultuosa -um, tumultuosior -or -us, tumultuosissimus -a -um]adjective

vehement, energetic, strong, full of motion adjective

contortus [contorta, contortum]adjective


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