Angol-Latin szótár »

full (of) latinul

full of (kindly) feeling adjective

adfectiosus [adfectiosa -um, adfectiosior -or -us, adfectiosissimus -a -um]adjective

adfectuosus [adfectuosa -um, adfectuosior -or -us, adfectuosissimus -a -um]adjective

affectiosus [affectiosa -um, affectiosior -or -us, affectiosissimus -a -um]adjective

affectuosus [affectuosa -um, affectuosior -or -us, affectuosissimus -a -um]adjective

full (of) adjective
[UK: fʊl]
[US: ˈfʊl]

repletus [repleta, repletum]adjective

full of / abounding in caves / burrows (L+S) adjective

cuniculosus [cuniculosa, cuniculosum]adjective

full of / abounding in clay, clayey adjective

argillosus [argillosa, argillosum]adjective

full of / abounding in young sprouts adjective

cymosus [cymosa, cymosum]adjective

full of / afflicted with trouble / suffering, wretched adjective

aerumnosus [aerumnosa, aerumnosum]adjective

full of / covered with spider webs, cobwebby adjective

araneans [(gen.), araneantis]adjective

araneosus [araneosa, araneosum]adjective

full of / smeared with glue adjective

glutinosus [glutinosa, glutinosum]adjective

full of / surrounded by rain clouds adjective

nimbosus [nimbosa, nimbosum]adjective

full of affection / attachment adjective

adfectiosus [adfectiosa, adfectiosum]adjective

affectiosus [affectiosa, affectiosum]adjective

full of ashes (L+S) adjective

cinerosus [cinerosa, cinerosum]adjective

full of bile, bilious adjective

biliosus [biliosa, biliosum]adjective

full of cart-ruts adjective

orbitosus [orbitosa, orbitosum]adjective

full of cavities / holes adjective

cavernosus [cavernosa, cavernosum]adjective

full of chasms adjective

voraginosus [voraginosa, voraginosum]adjective

full of clusters adjective

botruosus [botruosa, botruosum]adjective

full of confidence (L+S) adjective

credulus [credula, credulum]adjective

full of copper adjective

aerosus [aerosa, aerosum]adjective

full of cracks or fissures adjective

rimosus [rimosa, rimosum]adjective

full of deception / deceit adjective

fallaciosus [fallaciosa, fallaciosum]adjective

full of desire adjective

concupiscentialis [concupiscentialis, concupiscentiale]adjective

full of dew adjective

rorulentus [rorulenta, rorulentum]adjective

full of dilated veins adjective

varicosus [varicosa, varicosum]adjective

full of discord, mutinous adjective

discordiosus [discordiosa, discordiosum]adjective

full of dregs / sediment adjective

faeculentus [faeculenta, faeculentum]adjective

full of faults, faulty adjective

mendosus [mendosa, mendosum]adjective

full-of-fish adjective

pisculentus [pisculenta, pisculentum]adjective

full of folds / recesses adjective

sinuosus [sinuosa, sinuosum]adjective

full of grass adjective

graminus [gramina, graminum]adjective

full of grass or herbs adjective

herbifer [herbifera, herbiferum]adjective

full of guilt, vicious adjective

noxiosus [noxiosa -um, noxiosior -or -us, noxiosissimus -a -um]adjective

full of hair adjective

capillosus [capillosa, capillosum]adjective

full of hidden dangers adverb

insidiose [insidiosius, insidiosissime]adverb

full of hillocks adjective

tumulosus [tumulosa, tumulosum]adjective

full of holes adjective

confossus [confossa -um, confossior -or -us, confossissimus -a -um]adjective