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ENeG infoelektroneurografi

ENeG [ENeG [electroneurographia]infoENG, electroneuronography, electroneurography, a neurological non-invasive test used to study the facial nerve in cases of muscle weakness in one side of the face [Bell's palsy]

ENeG infoelektroneurogram

ENeG [ENeG [electroneurogram]infoENG, electroneurogram, diagnostic test used to measure the electrical activity of the brain's neurons

blödningsbenegenhet -en -er

vérzéses hajlaminfobleeding tendency, a common medical problem that is usually caused by either coagulation factors abnormalities, platelets disorders, or vasculopathy

elektroneurografi -n -er [ENeG]

elektroneurográfia [electroneurographia, ENeG]infoelectroneuronography, electroneurography, ENeG, a neurological non-invasive test used to study the facial nerve in cases of muscle weakness in one side of the face [Bell's palsy]

elektroneurogram -met - [ENeG]

elektroneurogramm [electroneurogramm, ENeG]infoelectroneurogram, ENG, a method used to visualize directly recorded electrical activity of neurons in the central nervous system [brain, spinal cord]

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