Svéd-magyar orvosi szótár »

brosk ... jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi

porc… [chondr…, chondro…]infochondr…, chondro…


porc … [chondr[o]…]infochondr[o]…

brosk -et - infostödvävnad, en form av bindväv

porc · porcogó [cartilago, chondros]infocartilage, a strong, flexible connective tissue that is found in various parts of the body, including the joints, the outer ear, and the larynx

brosk av blygd i bäckenbensfogen är uppdelad för att vidga bäckenet

symphysis pubis műtéti szétválasztása [synchondrotomia, symphysiotomia]infosymphysiotomy, the operation of dividing the pubic symphysis [as to facilitate childbirth]

brosk av yttre hörselgången

külső hallójárat porca [cartilago meatus acustici externi]infocartilage of the ear's auricle, the outermost portion of the ear

brosk benbildning

porcos csontosodás [ossificatio endochondralis]infoendochondral ossification, bone tissue formation

brosk för förflyttning

átültetett porcszövet · porctranszplantátum [cartilago transplantata]infochondrocyte implantation, cartilage transplantion, allows repairing cartilage defects with autologous articular cartilage cells

brosk i nässkiljevägg

orrsövény porca [cartilago septi nasi]infonasal septal cartilage, cartilages of the nose

brosk kring benbildning

porckörüli csontosodás [ossificatio perichondralis]infoperchondral ossification, perichondral bone formation

brosk mellan kotorna infomellankotlig brosk

csigolyák közötti porc [cartilago intervertebralis]infointervertebral disc, intervertebral fibrocartilage], lies between adjacent vertebrae in the vertebral column

brosk nässkiljeväggen

porcos orrsövény [s[a]eptum cartilagineum]infoseptal nasal cartilage, cartilage of the septum, quadrangular cartilage

brosk skallen

porcos koponya [chondrocranium]infothe cartilaginous parts of an embryonic cranium, the part of the adult skull derived therefrom

brosk skelett av de övre extremiteterna

felső végtagok porcos váza [stylopodium]infocartilaginous skeleton of the upper extremities, cartilaginous skeleton of upper limbs

brosk yta infot.ex. förbening

porcfelszíni [perichondralis]infoperichondral, relating to, formed by, or being ossification that occurs peripherally beneath the perichondrium of a cartilage

broskaktig -t -a infobroskartad

porcos · porcszerű [cartilagineus, chondroidus, chondrinus]infocartilaginous

broskanlag -et -

porckezdemény [primordium cartilaginis, -chondroicum]infoprimordial cartilage

broskas anteriort om helix

belszegély a fülkagylón [anthelix, antihelix]infoa part of the visible ear, the pinna

broskavstötning -en -ar

porcleválás [osteochondrosis dissecans]infoa joint condition in which bone underneath the cartilage of a joint dies due to lack of blood flow

broskbeklädnad -en -er

porchártya [perichondrium]infothe connective tissue that envelops cartilage where it is not at a joint

broskbildande -t -n

porcképzés · porcképződés [chondrogenesis]infocartilage formation

broskbildande cell

porcképző sejtinfocartilage-forming cell

broskbit -en -ar

porcdarabinfoa piece of cartilage

broskborttagning -en -ar

porc műtéti eltávolítása] [chondrectomia]infochondrectomy, surgical removal of joint cartilage

broskborttagning från hoven

pataporc eltávolítása [chondrectomia ungularis, resectio cartilaginis ungulae]inforemoval of hoof cartilage

broskbrott -et -

porctörés [fractura cartilaginis]infocartilage fracture

broskcancer -n

porcrák [chondrocarcinoma]infochondrocarcinoma, carcinoma with chondroid metaplasia

broskdelen som övergås från os costale

bordaporc [cartilago costalis]infocostal cartilage, segments of cartilage that connect the sternum to the ribs and help to extend the ribs into a forward motion

broskdestruktion -en -er

porcdestrukció · porcpusztulás [destructio cartilaginis]infocartilage destruction

broskfog -en -ar infobroskfog mellan två skelettben

porcos összeköttetés [synchondrosis, symphysis]infofibrous cartilage connection

broskforming cell

porcképzősejt [chondroblast]infochondroblast, perichondrial cell,cell that play an important role in the formation of cartilage, chondrogenesis

broskförbindelse mellan två ben infobroskförbindelse

összeporcosodás · csontok közti porcos összeköttetés [synchondrosis]infosynchondrosis, an almost immovable joint between bones bound by a layer of cartilage, as in the spinal vertebrae

broskförening -en -ar

porcos összeköttetés [symphisis]infosymphisis, a place where two bones are closely joined, either forming an immovable joint or completely fused

broskförkalkning -en -ar

porccsontosodás [chondrocalcinosis]infochondrocalcinosis, defined as mineralization of hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage

álköszvény · pyrophosphat arthropathia [chondrocalcinosis, calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease, CPPD]infocalcium pyrophosphate deposition [CPPD] disease, 'pseudogout', a painful form of arthritis that comes on suddenly

broskhaltig -t -a

porcban gazdag [cartilaginosus, cartilagineus]inforich in cartilage

broskhinna -n broskhinnor

porchártya · porc körüli kötőszövet [perichondrium]infothe connective tissue that envelops cartilage where it is not at a joint

broskig -t -a

porcos [cartilagineus, chondroidus, chondrinus]infocartilaginous

broskig hörselgång

porcos hallójárat [meatus acusticus externus, pars cartilaginea et pars ossea s. annulus tympanicus]infothe ear canal, external acoustic meatus, external auditory meatus

broskig nässkiljevägg

porcos orrsövény [s[a]eptum cartilagineum]infoseptal nasal cartilage, cartilage of the septum, quadrangular cartilage, composed of hyaline cartilage

broskinflammation -en -er

porchártya gyulladása [perichondritis]infoan infection of the skin and tissue surrounding the cartilage of the outer ear