Svéd | Angol |
sex- adjektiv | sexual(of or relating to having sex) |
sex- och samlevnadsundervisning substantiv | sex educationnoun |
sex appeal substantiv | sex appeal(sexual attractiveness) |
sex tusen räkneord | six thousand(6000) |
sex substantiv | nookie(sexual intercourse) |
sex substantiv {n} | sex [sexes](act of sexual intercourse) |
sexa [~n sexor] substantiv {c} | sixth(person or thing in sixth place) |
sexbening substantiv | hexapod [hexapods](organism or being with six legs) |
sexblading substantiv {c} | sexfoil(shape) |
sexbrottsling [~en ~ar] substantiv {c} | sex offender(somebody who has committed a crime of a sexual nature) |
sexdrift [~en] substantiv {c} | sex drive(tendency to engage in sexual activity) |
sexfoting [~en ~ar] substantiv {c} | hexapod [hexapods](arthropod with six feet) |
sexhundra räkneord | six hundred(cardinal number 600) |
sexhörnig adjektiv | hexagonal(geometry: having six edges, or having a cross-section in the form of a hexagon) |
sexhörning [~en ~ar] substantiv {c} | hexagon(A polygon with six sides and six angles) |
sexig [~t ~a] adjektiv | lush [lusher, lushest](beautiful, sexy) sexy [sexier, sexiest](having sexual appeal) |
sexigt adverb | sexily(in a sexy manner) |
sexism [~en ~er] substantiv {c} | sexism(gender discrimination or dislike) |
sexistisk [~t ~a] adjektiv | sexist(unfairly against one sex in favour of the other) |
sexköpare [~n ~, ~köparna] substantiv {c} | whoremonger(frequent customer of whores) |
sexleksak [~en ~er] substantiv {c} | sex toy(sex aid) |
sexliv [~et] substantiv {n} | sex life [sex lives](part of a person's life that is directly concerned with sexual activity) |
sexmänning substantiv {c} | fifth cousinnoun |
sexobjekt [~et ~] substantiv {n} | sex object(person seen only as sexually attractive) |
sexolog [~en ~er] substantiv {c} | sexologist [sexologists](someone who studies, or is an expert in, sex and sexuality) |
sexologi [~n] substantiv {c} | sexology [sexologies](study of sex and sexuality) |
sexpack [~et ~en ~] substantiv {n}; tvättbräda {c} | six-pack [six-packs](set of six beverage cans) |
sexslav [~en ~ar] substantiv {c} | slave [slaves](person forced to perform sexual acts; (nonconsensual) sex slave) |
sexslavinna substantiv {c} | slave [slaves](person forced to perform sexual acts; (nonconsensual) sex slave) |
sexsymbol [~en ~er] substantiv {c} | sex symbol(person who embodies sexual ideals) |
sextant [~en ~er] substantiv {c} | sextant [sextants](navigational instrument) |
sextett [~en ~er] substantiv {c} | sextet [sextets](composition for six voices or instruments) |
sextifjärdedelsnot substantiv {n} | hemidemisemiquaver(music) |
sextio räkneord | sixty(cardinal number) |
sextioen räkneord {c} | sixty-one(cardinal number) |
sextioett räkneord | sixty-one(cardinal number) |
sextiofyra räkneord | sixty-four(cardinal number) |
sextionde adjektiv | sixtieth(the ordinal form of the number sixty) |
sextionio räkneord | sixty-nine(cardinal number) |