Svéd | Angol |
blod [~et] substantiv | blood, sweat and tears(person's determination and hard work) |
blod [~et] substantiv {n} | blood [bloods](vital liquid flowing in human and animal bodies) |
blod är tjockare än vatten phrase | blood is thicker than water(relationships are stronger within the family) |
bloda ner verb | blood [blooded, blooding, bloods](to cause to be covered with blood) |
blodapelsin [~en ~er] substantiv {c} | blood orange [blood oranges](type of orange) |
blodbad [~et ~] substantiv | bloodbath(indiscriminate killing or slaughter) |
blodbank [~en ~er] substantiv {c} | blood bank [blood banks](place where human blood or blood plasma is typed and stored) |
blodbok [~en ~ar] substantiv {c} | copper beech(type of beech) |
blodbrist [~en] substantiv | anemia [anemias](medical condition with decreased oxygen transport) |
blodcancer [~n] substantiv {c} | leukemia [leukemias](cancer of blood forming tissue) |
bloddränkt [~, ~a] adjektiv | bloodsoaked(soaked in blood) |
blodfläck [~en ~ar] substantiv {c} | bloodstain [bloodstains](a spot that has absorbed blood) |
blodflöde [~t ~n] substantiv {n} | blood flow(continuous circulation of blood in the cardiovascular system) |
blodförgiftning [~en ~ar] substantiv {c} | sepsis [sepses](serious medical condition in which the whole body is inflamed) |
blodförlust [~en ~er] substantiv {c} | blood loss(loss of blood) exsanguination [exsanguinations](excessive loss of blood due to hemorrhage) |
blodgivare [~n ~, ~givarna] substantiv {c} | blood donor [blood donors](person who donates blood) |
blodgrupp [~en ~er] substantiv {c} | blood type [blood types](blood classification) |
blodhund [~en ~ar] substantiv {c} | bloodhound [bloodhounds](dog) sleuth [sleuths](bloodhound) |
blodig [~t ~a] adjektiv | bloody [bloodier, bloodiest](covered in blood) rare [rarer, rarest](cooked very lightly) sanguinary(accompanied by bloodshed) |
blodigel [~n ~iglar] substantiv {c} | leech [leeches](annelid) |
blodkorv [~en ~ar] substantiv {c} | blood sausage(type of sausage) pudding [puddings](sausage made primarily from blood) |
blodkropp [~en ~ar] substantiv {c} | blood cell [blood cells](any of the cells normally found in the blood) |
blodkräkning substantiv | hematemesis [hematemeses](vomiting with blood) |
blodkärl [~et ~] substantiv {n} | blood vessel [blood vessels](component of the circulatory system that carries blood) |
blodomlopp [~et ~] substantiv {n} | bloodstream [bloodstreams](flow of blood through the circulatory system of an animal) |
blodplasma [~n] substantiv {c} | blood plasma(clear fluid portion of blood) |
blodplätt [~en ~ar] substantiv | platelet [platelets](particle found in the blood of mammals) |
blodpropp [~en ~ar] substantiv {c} | blood clot [blood clots](clot formed from platelets and other elements) thrombus [thrombuses](blood clot formed in blood vessels that leads to thrombosis) |
blodprov [~et ~ ~er] substantiv | blood test [blood tests](a serologic analysis of a sample of blood) |
blodprov [~et ~ ~er] substantiv {n} | blood [bloods](blood test or blood sample) blood sample [blood samples](a sample of blood) |
blodpudding [~en ~ar] substantiv {c} | blood sausage(type of sausage) pudding [puddings](sausage made primarily from blood) |
blodrot [~en] substantiv | tormentil [tormentils](Potentilla erecta) |