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Sfântul Vicențiu și Grenadine proper noun

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines(country in the Caribbean)
proper noun
[UK: seɪnt ˈvɪnsnt ənd ðə] [US: ˈseɪnt ˈvɪn.sənt ænd ðə]

Spiritul Sfânt proper noun

Holy Spirit(Christian: person of the Holy Trinity)
proper noun
[UK: ˈhəʊ.li ˈspɪ.rɪt] [US: ˈhoʊ.li ˈspɪ.rət]

Stefania proper noun

Stephanie(female given name)
proper noun
[UK: ˈste.fə.ni] [US: ˈste.fə.ni]

triptofan [~, {inv}, ~ul, {inv}, ~ului, {inv}, ~ule, {inv}] substantiv

tryptophan [tryptophans](essential amino acid)
[UK: trˈɪptɒfən] [US: trˈɪptɑːfən]

triumfant adjectiv

triumphant(celebrating victory)
[UK: traɪ.ˈʌm.fənt] [US: traˈjəm.fənt]

trompa elefantului substantiv

love-lies-bleeding [love-lies-bleeding](plant)
[UK: ˈlʌv laɪz ˈbliːd.ɪŋ] [US: ˈlʌv ˈlaɪz ˈbliːd.ɪŋ]

vânător de fantome substantiv

ghosthunter(person who tries to track down ghosts)

Xenofan proper noun

Xenophanes(a Greek philosopher and a poet)
proper noun

Ziua Sfântului David proper noun

Saint David's Day(the feast day of Saint David, patron saint of Wales)
proper noun

Ștefan proper noun

Stephen(biblical martyr)
proper noun
[UK: ˈstiːv.n̩] [US: ˈstiːv.n̩]

Ștefan proper noun

Stephen(male given name)
proper noun
[UK: ˈstiːv.n̩] [US: ˈstiːv.n̩]

șoarece elefant substantiv

elephant shrew(Any member of the order Macroscelidea)

Țefania proper noun

Zephaniah(book of the Bible)
proper noun