Portugál-Angol szótár »

tânia angolul

Tânia proper noun

Tania(female given name)
proper noun
[UK: ˈtɑː.njə] [US: ˈtɑː.njə]

Aquitânia proper noun

Aquitaine(former region of France)
proper noun
[UK: ˌæ.kwə.ˈteɪn] [US: ˌæ.kwə.ˈteɪn]

capitânia noun
{m} {f}

flagship [flagships](ship occupied by the fleet's commander)
[UK: ˈflæɡ.ʃɪp] [US: ˈflæg.ˌʃɪp]

Catânia proper noun

Catania(province of Sicily)
proper noun
[UK: kə.ˈteɪ.nɪə] [US: kə.ˈteɪ.njə]

Cisleitânia proper noun

Cisleithania(areas of Austria-Hungary to the west of the River Leitha)
proper noun

Lusitânia proper noun

Lusitania(ancient Roman province)
proper noun
[UK: ˌluː.sə.ˈteɪ.niə] [US: ˌluː.sə.ˈteɪ.niə]

Mauritânia proper noun

Mauritania(Islamic Republic of Mauritania)
proper noun
[UK: ˌmɒ.rɪ.ˈteɪ.nɪə] [US: ˌmɔː.rə.ˈteɪ.niə]

nau capitânia noun

flagship [flagships](ship occupied by the fleet's commander)
[UK: ˈflæɡ.ʃɪp] [US: ˈflæg.ˌʃɪp]

Occitânia proper noun

Occitania(Occitania, a region of Europe)
proper noun

Occitanie(region of France)
proper noun

Titânia proper noun

Titania(moon of Uranus)
proper noun
[UK: tə.ˈtɑː.njə] [US: tə.ˈtɑː.njə]