Portugál-Angol szótár »

do que angolul

do que preposition

than(Introduces a comparison)
[UK: ðæn] [US: ˈðæn]

do que adianta phrase

what's the good of(What is the purpose or advantage of)

do que alguém é feito noun

what someone is made ofnoun

a pena é mais forte do que a espada phrase

the pen is mightier than the sword(more power can achieved writing than fighting)
[UK: ðə pen ɪz ˈmaɪ.tɪə(r) ðæn ðə sɔːd] [US: ðə ˈpen ˈɪz ˈmaɪ.tiər ˈðæn ðə ˈsɔːrd]

antes tarde do que nunca adverb

better late than never(it's better to do something late, than to never do it at all)
[UK: ˈbe.tə(r) leɪt ðæn ˈne.və(r)] [US: ˈbe.tər ˈleɪt ˈðæn ˈne.vər]

considerando que conjunction

whereas(it being the case that…)
[UK: weər.ˈæz] [US: hwer.ˈæz]

dado que conjunction

given that(in consideration of the fact that)

whereas(it being the case that…)
[UK: weər.ˈæz] [US: hwer.ˈæz]

dar um passo maior do que a perna verb

bite off more than one can chew(To try to do too much)
[UK: baɪt ɒf mɔː(r) ðæn wʌn kæn tʃuː] [US: ˈbaɪt ˈɒf ˈmɔːr ˈðæn wʌn ˈkæn ˈtʃuː]

de modo que conjunction

so that(in order to)
[UK: ˈsəʊ ðæt] [US: ˈsoʊ ˈðæt]

mais do que tudo adverb

most of all(to a greater extent than anything else)
[UK: məʊst əv ɔːl] [US: moʊst əv ɔːl]

mais para lá do que para cá preposition

on one's last legs(about to die)
[UK: ɒn wʌnz lɑːst leɡz] [US: ɑːn wʌnz ˈlæst ˈleɡz]

mais vale um pássaro na mão do que dois voando phrase

a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush(small but certain advantage is preferable)
[UK: ə bɜːd ɪn ðə hænd ɪz wɜːθ ˈtuː ɪn ðə bʊʃ] [US: ə ˈbɝːd ɪn ðə ˈhænd ˈɪz ˈwɝːθ ˈtuː ɪn ðə ˈbʊʃ]

melhor do que nada adjective

better than nothing(almost worthless)
[UK: ˈbe.tə(r) ðæn ˈnʌ.θɪŋ] [US: ˈbe.tər ˈðæn ˈnʌ.θɪŋ]

nem tudo que reluz é ouro phrase

all that glitters is not gold(things that appear valuable or worthwhile might not actually be so)
[UK: ɔːl ðæt ˈɡlɪ.təz ɪz nɒt ɡəʊld] [US: ɔːl ˈðæt ˈɡlɪ.tərz ˈɪz ˈnɑːt ɡoʊld]

prevenir é melhor do que remediar phrase

prevention is better than cure(It is better to prevent the creation of a problem than to have to deal with it afterwards.)
[UK: prɪ.ˈven.ʃn̩ ɪz ˈbe.tə(r) ðæn kjʊə(r)] [US: pri.ˈven.ʃn̩ ˈɪz ˈbe.tər ˈðæn ˈkjʊr]

quem tudo quer tudo perde phrase

grasp all, lose all(one who wants everything, may lose it all)
[UK: ɡrɑːsp ɔːl luːz ɔːl] [US: ˈɡræsp ɔːl ˈluːz ɔːl]

sendo que conjunction

whereas(it being the case that…)
[UK: weər.ˈæz] [US: hwer.ˈæz]

tudo que vai volta phrase

what goes around comes around(actions have consequences)
[UK: ˈwɒt ɡəʊz ə.ˈraʊnd kʌmz ə.ˈraʊnd] [US: ˈhwʌt ɡoʊz ə.ˈraʊnd ˈkəmz ə.ˈraʊnd]

tudo que é bom acaba phrase

all good things come to an end(nothing good lasts forever)

tudo que é proibido é mais gostoso phrase

forbidden fruit is the sweetest(forbidden things seem more appealing)
[UK: fə.ˈbɪd.n̩ fruːt ɪz ðə ˈswiː.tɪst] [US: fər.ˈbɪd.n̩ ˈfruːt ˈɪz ðə ˈswiː.təst]

ácaro-do-queijo noun

cheese mite(category of mite)

é mais fácil dizer do que fazer adjective

easier said than done(easy to propose, but difficult to accomplish)
[UK: ˈiː.zɪə(r) ˈsed ðæn dʌn] [US: ˈiː.ziər ˈsed ˈðæn ˈdən]

é mais fácil falar do que fazer adjective

easier said than done(easy to propose, but difficult to accomplish)
[UK: ˈiː.zɪə(r) ˈsed ðæn dʌn] [US: ˈiː.ziər ˈsed ˈðæn ˈdən]

é melhor prevenir do que remediar phrase

a stitch in time saves nine(a timely effort can prevent larger problems)
[UK: ə stɪtʃ ɪn ˈtaɪm seɪvz naɪn] [US: ə ˈstɪtʃ ɪn ˈtaɪm ˈseɪvz ˈnaɪn]

better safe than sorry(it is preferable to be cautious)
[UK: ˈbe.tə(r) seɪf ðæn ˈsɒ.ri] [US: ˈbe.tər ˈseɪf ˈðæn ˈsɑː.ri]