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idegdúc svéd orvosi

MagyarSvéd orvosi
idegdúc infotract support

traktstöd -et -

idegdúc [ganglionum] infoganglion, a mass of nerve cells

anhopning as nervceller

idegdúcból kiinduló daganat [ganglioma] infoganglioma, a tumor of a ganglion

gangliom -en -erinfofrån ganglier o. även från lymfkörtlar utgående svulst

idegdúcgyulladás · spinalis gangliongyulladás [ganglionitis] infoganglionitis, inflammation of a ganglion

inflammation i nervcentrum

idegdúcok közötti [interganglionaris] infointerganglionary, situated between ganglions

mellan ganglier

felső nyaki idegdúc [ganglion cervicale superius] infosuperior cervical ganglion, an elongated oval-shaped ganglion that marks the superior extent of the cervical sympathetic trunk

övre halsnervknutaninfoden största o. översta av de paravertebrala sympatiska ganglierna

ganglion… · idegdúc… [gangli…] infoganglion…


ganglion · idegdúc [ganglion] infoganglion, a structure containing a number of nerve cell bodies, typically linked by synapses, and often forming a swelling on a nerve fibre

ganglie -n -t -rinfonervknut, ansamling av nerver utanför det centrala nervsystemet

ganglion gangliet ganglier

ganglionalakú · idegdúcalakú [gangliformis] infogangliform, having the form of a ganglion

ganglieformad ganglieformat

ganglioneuróma · idegdúcsejtekből álló daganat [ganglioneuroma, gangliocytoma] infoganglioneuroma, benign tumor composed of a proliferation of nerve fibers

ganglioneurom -et -

ganglionlánc · idegdúcfonat · idegdúclánc [plexus autonomicus] infoplexus autonomicus, periarterial automic plexus of the brachial artery

gangliekedja -n gangliekedjor

ganglionsejt · idegdúcsejt [cellula ganglionalis] infoganglion cell, a nerve cell having its body outside the central nervous system

gangliecell -en -er

hallóhólyag fali idegdúc [gangion acusticum] infoacoustic gangion, a group of nerve cells forming a nerve center, especially one located outside the brain or spinal cord

otiskt ganglion

hallóhólyag fali idegdúca · allóideg-ganglion [ganglion acusticum] infospiral [cochlear] ganglion, a group of neuron cell bodies in the modiolus, the conical central axis of the cochlea

hörselnervsganglion hörselnervsgangliet hörselnervsganglier

keresztcsonti idegdúc [ganglion sacrale] infosacral nerve ganglion, a group of four ganglia situated along the inferior sacral [or pelvic] ends of the sympathetic trunks

sakralt ganglion

nyaki idegdúc [ganglion cervicale] infocervical ganglion, any of three sympathetic ganglia on each side of the neck

halsnervknuta -n halsnervknutor

nyelvgaratideg idegdúcának gödre [fossula petrosa] infopetrosal fossula.a small depression in the bony ridge between the carotid canal and the jugular fossa

liten grop på klipbenets undre yta till trumhålan

sugárdúc, -sugártesti idegdúc hosszú gyökere [radix longa ganglii ciliaris] inforadix longa ganglii ciliaris, sensory fibers passing from the eyeball through the ciliary ganglion to their cell bodies in the trigeminal ganglion through the nasociliary nerve

lång roten av ciliära ganglion