Magyar-svéd orvosi szótár »

hold alakú barázda [sulcus lunatus [cerebri] svéd orvosi

MagyarSvéd orvosi
barázda [gyrus] infofolding, gyrification, a convoluted ridge between anatomical grooves, convolution

veck -et - ·-er [R]

sajka-holdascsont [os carpi intermedioradiale, os scapholunatum] infointermedioradial carpal bone, scapholunatum

första och översta karpalbenet

sejthálózat alakú [cellretiform] infoshape of a cell network, retiform

cellnätformig -t -a

emlő alakú [mastoideus] infobreast-shaped

bröstvårtsliknandeinfobröstvårteliknande, som liknar bröstvårtorna, mastoid

C-alakú [sigmoide[u]s] infoC-shaped

C-formig -t -a

hajlítási barázda [pl. íné] infobending groove

böjningsfåra -n böjningsfåror

singcsonti barázda [sulcus nervi ulnaris] infoulnar groove

ulnar spår

oldalsó barázda [sulcus cerebri lateralis, fissura Sylvii, sulcus Sylvii] infolateral sulcus, Sylvian fissure, a very deep fold on the lateral surface of the hemisphere

sidofåra -n sidofårorinfosidofåran på hjärnan yta

húgyivarszervi barázda [sulcus urogenitalis] infourogenital groove, a temporary linear indentation on the ventral side of the male penis during embryonic development

urogenitalspår -et

Sylvius-barázda [fissura Sylvia [lateralis cerebri] infoSylvian fissure, lateral sulcus or fissure, begins near the basal forebrain and extends to the lateral surface of the brain

sylviska fåraninfosylviusfåran

singcsonti-barázda [sulcus nervi ulnaris] infosulcus nervi ulnaris, groove for ulnar nerve on the back of the medial epicondyle

kanal Guyon

köbcsonti barázda [barázda alakú csontos mélyedés az os cuboideum talpi oldalán, a musculus peroneus longus ina itt halad át] [sulcus ossis cuboidei, sulcus peronealis] infoperoneal sulcus, a groove-shaped bony depression on the plantar side of the cuboid bone, the tendon of the musculus peroneus longus runs through the sulcus peronealis

fåra av tärningsbenets på undersidans främre del

központi barázda [fissura centralis] infocentral dissectional groove, a groove in the occlusal surface of a posterior tooth that runs from the mesial to the distal and dissects the tooth into buccal and lingual parts

centralfissur -en -er

orsócsonti-barázda [sulcus nervi radialis] infosulcus nervi radialis, radial groove

en fåra i överarmbenets baksidan

központi barázda [sulcus centralis] infocentral fissure, central sulcus, a prominent sulcus that runs down the middle of the lateral surface of the brain

centralfissur -en -er

trapéz alakú test [corpus trapezoideum] infotrapezoid body, part of the auditory pathway where some of the axons coming from the cochlear nucleus decussate

trapezoidkropp -en -ar

gomba alakú papilla [papilla fungiformis] infofungiform papilla, club shaped projections on the tongue, generally red in color

svampformig papillinfoå tungan

gömb alakú baktérium [coccus] infospherical bacterium, a coccus

coccus -en cocci

ív alakú mag [nucleus arcuatus] infoarcuate nucleus of the hypothalamu,s an aggregation of neurons in the mediobasal hypothalamus

arcuatuskärna -n arcuatuskärnor

szabálytalan alakú vörösvértest [poikilocyta] infopoikilocyte, an abnormally shaped red blood cell

onormalt förändrad röd blodkropp

kúp alakú lencseburjánzás [cataracta pyramidalis] infopyramidal cataract, unusual conical opacity that project into the anterior chamber from the anterior capsule of the lens

pyramidal katarakt

korong alakú méhlepény [placenta discoidea] infodiscoid placenta, part of the chorion remains smooth, while the other part interacts with the endometrium to form the placenta

skivformig moderkaka

patkó alakú retinaszakadás infohorseshoe tears, flap or U-shaped tears, full thickness breaks in the neurosensory retina that occur secondary to vitreo-retinal traction

hästskoruptur -en -erinfohästskoformat hål i retina

gyűrű alakú záróizom [constrictor] infoconstrictor, a muscle whose contraction narrows a vessel or passage

ringformig slutmuskel

pálcika alakú baktérium [bacillus] infochopstick-shaped bacterium

bacill -en -er

gomba alakú nyelvszemölcs [papilla fungiformis lingualis] infopapilla fungiformis lingualis, Projections of mucous membrane of

fungiform tungpapill

pillangó alakú kiütés [lupus erythematosusban] infobutterfly rash in lupus erythematosus

fjärilsutslag -et -infoutslag i ansiktet på kinder o. näsben

hódfarok alakú polírozó [T] infotooth burnisher with tapered cone

tand-burnisher med koniska kotten

ék alakú mag [nucleus cuneiformis] infocuneate nucleus, a part of the brainstem

cuneiformis-kärna -n cuneiformis-kärnor

horgony alakú heg [cicatrix ancoraeformis] infoanchor-shaped scar, anchor breast lift

ankarformat ärrinfoett snitt runt areolan rakt ner och i vecket under bröstet

hólyag alakú csíra [blastula] infoblastula, an animal embryo at the early stage of development when it is a hollow ball of cells

blåsformad grodd

orr-ajak barázda [sulcus nasolabialis] infonasolabial folds, creases in the skin extending from both sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth

fåra vid näsvinge

bendő-recés barázda [sulcus ruminoreticularis] infofurrow between the rumen and the net stomach

fåra mellan våmmen och nätmagen

kamrák közötti barázda [sulcus interventricularis] infosulcus interventricular groove, anterior interventricular sulcus, one of two grooves that separates the ventricles of the heart, near the left margin

interventrikulär sulcus

fali-nyakszirti barázda [sulcus parieto-occipitalis] infoparieto-occipital sulcus, a deep sulcus in the cerebral cortex that marks the boundary between the cuneus and precuneus

hjäss-nack fara

nyakszirt-halántéki barázda [sulcus occipitotemporalis] infooccipitotemporal sulcus, lateral occipitotemporal sulcus, runs anteroposteriorly on the inferior surface of the temporal lobe, separating the inferior temporal gyrus laterally from the fusiform gyrus medially

nack-tinningfåra -n nack-tinningfåror

állcsont-nyelvcsonti barázda [sulcus mylohyoideus mandibulae] infomylohyoid groove,a vasculonervous impression that runs under the mylohydoid line

mylohyoid fårainfomylohyoid fåra, benfäste till mylohyoidmuskeln

a madársarkantyú-barázda [sulcus calcarinus] infocalcarine sulcus, calcarine fissure, located at the caudal end of the medial surface of the brain

den sporrliknande fåran

deltaizom-mellizom-barázda [sulcus deltoideopectoralis] infodeltopectoral groove, an indentation in the muscular structure between the deltoid muscle and pectoralis major

Mohrenheims fossa

tüdőlebenyek közti barázda [incisura interlobaris [pulmonum]] infopulmonary interlobar fissures, divide the lung into the right superior/middle/ inferior lobes and the left superior/inferior lobes

djup fissur mellan lober