Angol-Latin szótár »

provided with latinul

provided with adjective

praeditus [praedita, praeditum]adjective

provided with / having / pertaining to testicles adjective

coleatus [coleata, coleatum]adjective

provided with / having pillars adjective

columnatus [columnata, columnatum]adjective

provided with a circumflex / prolonged accent adjective

circumflexibilis [circumflexibilis, circumflexibile]adjective

provided with a ring, ringed adjective

anulatus [anulata, anulatum]adjective

provided with beasts (real or on embroidery) adjective

belluatus [belluata, belluatum]adjective

beluatus [beluata, beluatum]adjective

provided with grain adjective

farratus [farrata, farratum]adjective

provided with oars adjective

epicopus [epicopa, epicopum]adjective

provided with property adjective

peculiatus [peculiata, peculiatum]adjective

provided with stakes adjective

characatus [characata, characatum]adjective

bed provided with a mosquito-net noun

conopaeum [conopaei](2nd) N

conopeum [conopei](2nd) N

conopium [conopi(i)](2nd) N

having / provided with handle / handles adjective

ansatus [ansata, ansatum]adjective

not provided with a dowry adjective

indotatus [indotata, indotatum]adjective

richly provided with everything (L+S) adjective

dapsilis [dapsile, dapsilior -or -us, dapsilissimus -a -um]adjective

well provided with harbors adjective

portuosus [portuosa, portuosum]adjective