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flying latinul

flying adjective
[UK: ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ]
[US: ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ]

volucer [voluceris, volucere]adjective

volucer [volucris, volucre]adjective

flying, soaring adjective

volans [(gen.), volantis]adjective

flying / soaring things, birds (pl.) noun

volans [volantis](3rd) M

flying about noun

volatio [volationis](3rd) F

flying around adjective

circumvolitabilis [circumvolitabilis, circumvolitabile]adjective

flying fish [flying fishes] noun
[UK: ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ fɪʃ]
[US: ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ ˈfɪʃ]

hirundo [hirundinis](3rd) F

flying gurnard (fish) noun
[UK: ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ ˈɡɜː.nəd]
[US: ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ ˈɡɜːr.nərd]

accipiter [accipitris](3rd) C

flying high adjective

altivolans [(gen.), altivolantis]adjective

altivolus [altivola, altivolum]adjective

flying often to adjective

advolitans [(gen.), advolitantis]adjective

flying past adjective

praeterlatus [praeterlata, praeterlatum]adjective

flying saucer (disc-shaped unidentified flying object)
[UK: ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ ˈsɔː.sə(r)]
[US: ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ ˈsɒ.sər]

patella volansnoun

Flying Spaghetti Monster (spaghetti deity)
proper noun

Macaronoteras Volatile, Monstrum Spacellinum Volatileproper noun

flying straight ahead adjective

praepes [(gen.), praepetis]adjective

flying swiftly adjective

fugax [(gen.), fugacis]adjective

flying towards / against noun

advolatus [advolatus](4th) M

flying with sails adjective

velivolans [(gen.), velivolantis]adjective

bird, flying insect / creature noun

volucris [volucris](3rd) F

equipped to fly, flying fleeing, fleeting transient adjective

volatilis [volatilis, volatile]adjective

high flying adjective

altivolans [(gen.), altivolantis]adjective

altivolus [altivola, altivolum]adjective

night flying mammal noun

vespertilio [vespertilionis](3rd) M

of / produced in / existing in / flying in air, airborne / aerial adjective

aerius [aeria, aerium]adjective

swift, moving with speed of flight, "flying" adjective

alipes [(gen.), alipedis]adjective

swiftly flying, swift-flying adjective

citivolus [citivola, citivolum]adjective

cituvolus [cituvola, cituvolum]adjective

winged, flying adjective

volaticus [volatica, volaticum]adjective