Angol-Latin szótár »

color latinul

of a gold-colored metal adjective

oricalcinus [oricalcina, oricalcinum]adjective

of a purple color adjective

conchyliatus [conchyliata, conchyliatum]adjective

of a white color, white colored adjective

albicolor [(gen.), albicoloris]adjective

of color of ivy leaves L+S noun

cissitis [cissitidis](3rd) F

of different / party colors adjective

discolor [(gen.), discoloris]adjective

of form and color of hail noun

chalazias [chalaziae]noun

of gold-colored metal adjective

orichalcinus [orichalcina, orichalcinum]adjective

of golden color adjective

chrysitis [(gen.), chrysitidis]adjective

chrysizon [(gen.), chrysizontos]adjective

of light color adjective

candidus [candida -um, candidior -or -us, candidissimus -a -um]adjective

of one color adjective
[UK: əv wʌn ˈkʌ.lər]
[US: əv wʌn ˈkʌ.lər]

unicolor [(gen.), unicoloris]adjective

of the color of amethyst (violet-blue) adjective

amethystinus [amethystina, amethystinum]adjective

of the color of gold, golden adjective

aurulentus [aurulenta, aurulentum]adjective

of the color of gold, like gold (L+S) adjective

aurosus [aurosa, aurosum]adjective

of the color of iron-rust, somber adjective

ferrugineus [ferruginea, ferrugineum]adjective

of the same color / faction, matching adjective

concolor [(gen.), concoloris]adjective

concolorans [(gen.), concolorantis]adjective

concolorus [concolora, concolorum]adjective

of the silver colored, Corinthian bronze adjective

argyrocorinthus [argyrocorintha, argyrocorinthum]adjective

of two colors adjective

bicolor [(gen.), bicoloris]adjective

bicolorus [bicolora, bicolorum]adjective

of uniform color throughout adjective

concolor [(gen.), concoloris]adjective

olive-colored adjective

olivaceus [olivacea, olivaceum]adjective

one-color painting (Pliny) noun

monochromatum [monochromati](2nd) N

one having jaundice / the rainbow colored disease noun

arcuatus [arcuati](2nd) M

arquatus [arquati](2nd) M

one of several dark-colored fish noun

coracinus [coracini](2nd) M

orange (color) adjective
[UK: ˈɒ.rɪndʒ]
[US: ˈɔː.rəndʒ]

arantius [arantia, arantium]adjective

orange-colored adjective

arantius [arantia, arantium]adjective

aurantiacus [aurantiaca, aurantiacum]adjective

aurantius [aurantia, aurantium]adjective

paint, tint, color verb

pingo [pingere, pinxi, pictus](3rd) TRANS

painted, colored, depicted adjective

catagraphus [catagrapha, catagraphum]adjective

painted / colored white / with white lead adjective

cerussatus [cerussata, cerussatum]adjective

pale green, greenish-blue, turquoise-colored adjective

callainus [callaina, callainum]adjective

party colored, variegated adjective

varius [varia, varium]adjective

peach-colored adjective

persicinus [persicina, persicinum]adjective

person dressed in clothes of a purple color noun

conchyliatus [conchyliati](2nd) M

phloginos (flame-colored gem) noun

chrysites [chrysitae]noun

pistachio-colored adjective

pistaceus [pistacea, pistaceum]adjective