Ungersk-Svenska medicinsk ordbok »

elfedett nyílás lemeze [membrana obturatoria] betyder på svenska medicinsk

UngerskaSvenska medicinsk
elfedett nyílás · takart lyuk [foramen obturatum] infothe obturator foramen, the large opening created by the ischium and pubis bones of the pelvis

bäckenets kaudala hålinfoöppning mellan sittben o. blygdben i bäckenet

anális nyílás [anus, cytopyge, meatus ani] infoanal opening

analöppning -en -arinfoanus, rektalöppning

Magendie-nyílás [apertura mediana ventriculi quarti, foramen Magendie] infoforamen of Magendie, a passage through the midline of the roof of the fourth ventricle of the brain that gives passage to the cerebrospinal fluid from the ventricles to the subarachnoid space

Magendie's aperturinfofjärde hjärnventrikelns bakre öppning

nyelőcsői nyílás [hiatus esophageus, hiatus oesophageus] infoesophageal hiatus, the opening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus passes from the thoracic to the abdominal cavity

esofageal öppning

foggyökércsúcs nyílás [foramen apicale] infoapical foramen, the opening at the apex of the root of a tooth

öppning i rotspetsen

külső nyílás [orificium externum] infoexternal orifice

yttre mynning

vakbélremesebél-nyílás [ostium caecocolicum] infocecocolic orifice, the exit from the cecum into the ascending colon

ingång från cecum till colon

homlocsonti nyílás [foramen frontale] infofrontal opening

frontalbenshål -et -

ovális nyílás [foramen ovale] infoforamen ovale, before birth, the foramen ovale allows blood flow to bypass the lungs [a fetus gets the oxygen it needs from the placenta, not the lungs]

ovala hålet

csúcsi nyílás [foramen apicale] infoapical foramen, the opening of the pulp canal in the root of a tooth

apikal spets

Magendie-nyílás [apertura mediana ventriculi quarti, foramen Magendie] infoforamen of Magendie, median aperture, is one of the foramina in the ventricular system and links the fourth ventricle

fjärde hjärnventrikelns bakre öppning

szívburok lemeze [pericardium] infomembarn of pericardium

hjärtsäcksblad -et -

gyűrűporc lemeze [lamina cartilaginis cricoideae] infolamina of cricoid cartilage, cricoid lamina is the roughly quadrilateral broader and flatter posterior portion of the cricoid cartilage

rektangulär broskplatta

nyílás a combon [hiatus tendineus] infohiatus tendineus, the aperture in the aponeurotic insertion of the adductor magnus that transmits the femoral artery and vein from the adductor canal to the popliteal space

öppning i låret

lyuk · nyílás [foramen, orificium] infohole, opening

borr -en · -et -ar · -

bejárat · nyílás [aditus] infoaditus

aditus -eninfoingång, öppning

csecsnyúlvány-dobüregi nyílás [fülben] [aditus ad antrum] infoaditus to mastoid antrum

tympanisk hålighet till epitympanum

lágyék alatti nyílás [hiatus subinguinalis] infosubinguinal opening

subinguinal öppning

bendő-recés nyílás [ostium ruminoreticulare] infoopening between the rumen and reticulum

öppningen mellan våmmen o. nätmagen

recés-százrétű nyílás [ostium reticuloomasicum] infoopening between the reticulum and omasum

öppningen mellan nätmagen o. bladmagen

Magendie-féle nyílás [apertura mediana ventriculi quarti, foramen Magendie] infoforamen of Magendie, medial aperture, median aperture, drains cerebrospinal fluid [CSF] from the fourth ventricle into the cisterna magna

foramen Magendie

szemüreg feletti nyílás [foramen supraorbitale] infosupra-orbital foramen a path for vessels and nerves from the orbit to the superficial region of the forehead

hål ovanför ögonhålan

körteizom alatti nyílás [foramen infrapiriforme] infoinfrapiriform foramen, the exit from the pelvis for the sciatic nerve, the vessels and the inferior gluteal nerve

öppning vid päronmuskel

szívburok külső lemeze [pericardium parietale] infoparietal pericardium, the outer layer of the pericardium

yttre blad av hjärtsäck

gerincvelő szürkeállomány-lemeze [commissura anterior grisea] infogrey commissure, a thin strip of grey matter that surrounds the central canal of the spinal cord and, along with the anterior white commissure

grå commissure [GC]

szájpadcsont körkörös lemeze [lamina perpendicularis ossis palatini] infoperpendicular plate of ethmoid bone projecting downward from the crista galli of the ethmoid

benplatta som utspringer lodrätt uppåt ifrån lamina horisontalis

szájpadcsont vízszintes lemeze [lamina horizontalis ossis palatini] infothe part of the palatine bone that forms the posterior part of the bony palate

benplatta som bildar bakre 1/4 av hårda gommen

az érzőidegpálya lemeze [lemniscus medialis] infomedial lemniscus, Reil's band, Reil's ribbon, a pathway in the brainstem that carries sensory information from the gracile and cuneate nuclei to the thalamus

inre nervtrådsskivan

rostacsont körkörös lemeze [lamina perpendicularis ossis ethmoidalis] infoperpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone [vertical plate], a thin, flattened lamina, polygonal in form, which descends from the under surface of the cribriform plate, and assists in forming the septum of the nose

runda platta av etmoidalbenet

ínhártya barnás lemeze [lamina fusca sclerae, membrana fusca] infolamina fusca sclerae, pigmented connective tissue on the inner surface of the sclera of the eye

brunaktiga membran av sklera

szívburok belső lemeze [pericardium viscerale] infovisceral pericardium, he inner layer of the serous membrane of the heart

inre blad av hjärtsäck

halántékpólya belső lemeze [lamina interna fasciae temporalis] infodeep layer of the temporal fascia, the internal layer, attached to the inner border of zygomatic arch

inre plattan av temporala fascian

szájpadláscsont körkörös lemeze [lamina perpendicularis ossis palatini] infoperpendicular plate of palatine bone

cirkulär platta av gomben

halántékpólya külső lemeze [lamina externa fasciae temporalis] infothe fascia covering the temporal muscle

yttre plattan av temporala fascian

rostacsont körkörös lemeze [lamina perpendicularis ossis ethmoidei] infoperpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone [vertical plate], a thin, flattened lamina, polygonal in form, descends from the under surface of the cribriform plate, formes the septum of the nose

lodrät benlamell utgående från os ethmoidale

nyílás a szívpitvarok választósövényén [f.r.] [foramen ovale persistens] infopersistent foramen ovale, PFO, a hole in the heart that didn't close the way it should after birth

persisterande foramen ovale [PFO]

csigolyaív lemeze · csigolyalemez [lamina arcus vertebrae] infovertebral arch plate

kotbågens dorsala bladliknande del

bursa omentalisba vezető nyílás [foramen epiploicum] infoomental foramen, epiploic foramen, a slit-like opening of about four to six cm between the abdominal cavity and the omental vestibule

hål till bursa omentalis

szemgödörbejárat · szemüregi nyílás [aditus ad orbitae] infoorbital opening, the orbital margin is the anterior opening of the globe and has a quadrilateral spine formed by several of the bones that make up the orbit

ögonhålsöppning -en -ar

savós hártya mellüregi lemeze [pleura parietalis] infoparietal pleura, pectoral plate of serous membrane

lungsäcksbladet utanför pleura