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SvédMagyar orvosi
maleinsyra -n maleinsyror

maleinsav [Acidum maleicum]infomaleic acid, used to form acid addition salts with drugs to make them more stable, such as indacaterol maleat

malonsyra -n malonsyror

malonsav [Acidum malonicum]infoMalonic acid, used to produce barbituric acid

mannuronsyra -n mannuronsyror

mannuronsavinfomannuronic acid, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive agent

medfödd syringomyeli

veleszületett üregképződés a gerincvelőben [f.r.] [syringomyelia congenita]infocongenital syringomyelia , congenital cavity formation in the spinal cord

mefenamsyra -n mefenamsyror

Mefenaminsav [Acidum mefenamicum]infoMefenamic acid, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, NSAID, used to treat mild to moderate pain

membransyresättning -en -ar

membrán-oxigénellátásinfomembrane oxygenation, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, ECMO, blood is pumped outside of the body to a heart-lung machine that removes carbon dioxide and sends oxygen-filled blood back to tissues in the body

metaborsyra -n metaborsyror

metabórsav [Acidum metaboricum]infoMetaboric acid

metakrylsyra-etylakrylatsampolymer [1:1]

metakrilsav-etil-akrilát-kopolimer [1:1] [Acidi methacrylici et ethylis acrylatis polymerisatum 1:1]infoMethacrylic Acid-Ethyl Acrylate Copolymer [1:1], an enteric coating [trigger pH 5.5]

metakrylsyra-metylmetakrylatsampolymer [1:1]

metakrilsav-metil-metakrilát-kopolimer [1:1] [Acidi methacrylici et methylis methacrylatis polymerisatum 1:1]infoMethacrylic acid-methyl methacrylate copolymer [1:1], Methacrylic Acid Copolymer, Type A–NF, an excipient used in pharmaceutical manufacturing

metakrylsyra-metylmetakrylatsampolymer [1:2]

metakrilsav-metil-metakrilát-kopolimer [1:2] [Acidi methacrylici et methylis methacrylatis polymerisatum 1:2]infoMethacrylic acid–methyl methacrylate Copolymer [1:2], an enteric film forming agent and tablet binder

metylkarbonsyra -n metylkarbonsyror infoättiksyra

Metil-karbonsav · Ecetsav [Acidum methylcarbonicum]infoMethyl carboxylic acid, Acetic acid, Ethanoic acid, Methanecarboxylic acid, hHdrogen acetate, Eethylic acid, E260

metylmalonsyra -n metylmalonsyror [MMA]

Metilmalonsav [Acidum methylmalonicum]infoMethylmalonic acid, a substance produced, when amino acids in the body break down. May order this test if there are signs of certain genetic disorders, such as methylmalonic acidemia

metylmalonsyra-acidos -en -er

Metilmalonsav-acidózis [acidosis methylmalonicus]infoMethylmalonic acidosis, methylmalonic acidemia, organic acidemia caused by an enzymatic defect in the metabolism of 4 amino acids [methionine, threonine, isoleucine ,valine]

metylmalonsyraemi -n -er

Metilmalonsav mennyiségének megszaporodása a vérben [methylmalonacidaemia]infoMethylmalonacidemia, an increase in the amount of methylmalonic acid in the blood

metylmalonsyrauri -n

Metilmalonsav-vizelés [methylmalon-aciduria]infoMethylmalonic aciduria, an increase in the amount of methylmalonic acid in the urine

mevalonsyra -n mevalonsyror [MVA]

mevalonsavinfoMevalonic acid, MVA, dihydroxymethylvalerolactone, a precursor in the biosynthetic pathway known as the mevalonate pathway that produces terpenes and steroids

mevalonsyra kinas infoenzym

mevalonsav kinázinfoMevalonate kinase enzyme involved in cholesterol biosynthesis which catalyzes the conversion of mevalonate to phosphomevalonate, the precursor of cholesterol and many natural products

mjölksyrenivå -n -er

tejsavszintinfolactic acid level

mykolsyra -n mykolsyror

mikolsav [Acidum mycolicum]infoMycolic acid,found in the cell walls of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis

myristinsyra -n myristinsyror infomättad fettsyra, som finns i depofett

mirisztinsav [Acidum myristinicum]infoMyristic acid, raises low-density lipoprotein, LDL, cholesterol

nalidixinsyra -n nalidixinsyror

Nalidixinsav [Acidum nalidixicum]infoNalidixic acid, used for treating uncomplicated urinary tract infections, UTIs

nukleinsyra -n nukleinsyror

nukleinsav [Acidum nucleinicum]infonucleic acid, large biomolecule that play essential roles in all cells and viruses

nukleinsyra hybridisering

nukleinsav hibridizációinfonucleic acid hybridization, involves the bonding of a short, complementary nucleic acid strand [probe] to a target sequence

nukleinsyra sekvenshomologi

nukleinsav szekvencia homológiainfonucleic acid sequence homology, the biological homology between DNA, RNA, or protein sequences

nukleinsyrahybridisering -en -ar

nukleinsav hibridizáció [hybridization of nucleic acid, annealing, nucleic acid hybridization]infonucleic acid hybridization, involves the bonding of a short, complementary nucleic acid strand [probe] to a target sequence

nukleinsyramolekyl -en -er

nukleinsav-molekulainfonucleic acid molecule, molecule of a nucleic acid, macromolecule, which means molecule composed of many smaller molecular units

nukleinsyraprov -et -

nukleinsavpróbainfonucleic acid test, Nucleic Acid Amplification Test, NAAT, a type of viral diagnostic test for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. NAATs detect genetic material [nucleic acids]

nukleinsyrarenaturation -en -er

nukleinsav renaturálásinfonucleic acid renaturation, renaturation of nucleic acids, the denatured DNA can reformulate hydrogen bonds between complementary single strand, making it likely to reform double helix structure again

nukleinsyrasyntes -en -er

nukleinsav szintézisinfonucleic acid synthesis, synthesis of nucleic acids

nukleinsyrasynteshämmare -n · nukleinsyrasynteshämmarn nukleinsyrasynteshämrar infonukleinsyrasyntes inhibitor

nukleinsavszintézis-gátlóinfonucleic acid synthesis inhibitor

ökad magsyraproduktion

fokozott gyomorsavtermelés [hyperchylia]infohyperchylia, excessive secretion of gastric juice

ökad uttömning av fenylpyrodruvsyra

fokozott fenil-pirőszőlősav ürítés [fenilpiruvia]infoincreased phenylpyruvic acid discharge

omega-3-syraetylestrar 60

omega-3-sav-etilészter 60 [Omega-3 acidorum esteri ethylici 60]infoOmega-3-acid ethyl esters 60

omega-3-syraetylestrar 90

omega-3-sav-etilészter 90 [Omega-3 acidorum esteri ethylici 90]infoOmega-3-acid ethyl esters 90

omega-3-syratriglycerid -en -er

omega-3-sav-triglicerid [Omega-3 acidorum triglyceridum]infoOmega-3-acid triglyceride

övertrycksbehandling med syrgas

oxigénnyomás-terápia [oxygenatio hyperbarica]infohyperbaric oxygen therapy, a well-established treatment for decompression sickness, a potential risk of scuba diving

oxiättiksyra -n oxiättiksyror infoglykolsyra

oxi-ecetsav · glikolsavinfoglycolic acid, founds in foods, works by removing the top layers of dead skin cells, help reverse sun damage to the skin

oxolinsyra -n oxolinsyror

Oxolinsav [Acidum oxolinicum]infoOxolinic acid, antibiotic

pangaminsyra -n pangaminsyror infovitamin B15

pangaminsav · pangamsavinfoPangamic acid, vitamin B15, used for asthma, alcohol use disorder, high cholesterol, athletic performance, and many other conditions

pantotensyra -n pantotensyror

pantoténsav [Acidum panthotenicum, Vitaminum B5]infoPanthotenic acid, vitamin B5