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oparig muskel jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
oparig ven infooparig ven från högra tillförande lumbalvenen

páratlan véna [vena azygos]infoazygos vein, a vein running up the right side of the thoracic vertebral column draining itself towards the superior vena cava

fot muskel

talpizom [musculus plantaris]infoplantaris muscle, plantaris, acts to weakly plantar flex the ankle joint and flex the knee join

Crampton muskel

Crampton-izom [musculus ciliaris]infoCrampton muscle, the part of the ciliary muscle formed by the meridional fibers

mylohyoid muskel

állcsont-nyelvcsonti izom [musculus geniohyoideus, musculus mylohyoideus]infomylohyoid, mylohyoid muscle, a suprahyoid muscle of the neck, ssential in performing the functions of swallowing and speaking

Horners muskel

Horner-izom [musculus lacrimalis]infoHorner's muscle, the deep or posterior head of the pretarsal orbicularis oculi muscle

zygomatisk muskel

járomizom [musculus zygomaticus]infozygomatic muscle, a slender band of muscle on either side of the face

vit muskel infovitmuskelsjukdom

fehérhús · fehérizom-betegséginfowhite muscle, skeletal muscle, but contains lower amounts of mitochondria and are myoglobin poor

stylopharyngeus muskel

íróvesszőnyúlvány-garatizom [musculus stylopharyngeus]infostylopharyngeus muscle, a long, slender and tapered longitudinal pharyngeal muscle

bortförande muskel

távolító izom [musculus abductor]infoabductor muscle, a muscle that moves a limb or part away from the midline of the body, or from another part

posticus muskel infomuskel som är aktiv vid tillslutning o. tätning mellan stämbanden

felső gyűrű-kannaporci izom [musculus cricoarytenoideus dorsalis · -posterior, musculus 'posticus']infocricoarytenoideus dorsalis muscle, abducts the arytenoid cartilages at each inspiration

halvhinnig muskel infohalvsenig muskel

félig inas izom [musculus semitendineus, musculus semitendinosus]infosemitendinosus muscle, one of three hamstring muscles that are located at the back of the thigh

antagonist muskel infoantagonistmuskel

antagonista izominfoantagonist muscle

temporal muskel

halántékizom [musculus temporalis]infotemporalis muscle, a thin, fan-shaped muscle within the temporal fossa of the skull

ögonhålans muskel

szemgödör izma [musculus orbitalis]infoorbital muscle of Müller, a small, smooth muscle embedded in the periorbita and covering part of the inferior orbital fissur

enfjädrad muskel

egytollú izom [musculus unipennatus, musculus semipennatus]infomusculus unipennatus, a muscle with a lateral tendon to which the fibers are attached obliquely, like one half of a feather

abduktor muskel infomed rörelse bort från kroppens mittlinje

távolító izom · távoztató izom [test középvonalától elfelé irányuló mozgással] [musculus abductor]infomoving away from the center line of the body

Müllers muskel

Müller-izom [musculus tarsalis]infoMüller's muscle, superior tarsal muscle, STM

testikelhöjande muskel

hereemelő izom · hererázó izom [musculus cremaster]infocremaster muscle, cremaster fascia, a thin muscle that surrounds each of the testicles and the spermatic cord

Eustachs muskel

Eustach-izom [musculus tensor tympani]infotensor tympani, a muscle within the middle ear, located in the bony canal above the bony part of the auditory tube

bulbocavernosus muskel

vizeletserkentő izom · accelerator urinae [musculus bulbocavernosus, musculus bulbospongiosus]infobulbospongiosus muscle

under muskel

izom alatt[i] [submuscularis]infosubmuscular, situated under the muscle

stylohyoid muskel

íróvesszőnyúlvány-nyelvcsonti izom [musculus stylohyoideus]infostylohyoid muscle, one of the suprahyoid muscles of the neck that stretches between the base of the skull and the hyoid bone

glossopharyngeal muskel

nyelvgarati izom [musculus glossopharyngeus]infoglossopharyngeal muscle, responsible for elevating the larynx and pharynx, especially during speaking and swallowing

Guthrie muskel infourinrörets ofrivilliga ringmuskel

Guthrie-izom [musculus constrictor urethrae, musculus sphincter urethrae externus]infoGuthrie muscle, external urethral sphincter

Brücke muskel

Brücke-izom [fibrae meridionales musculi ciliaris [Brückei]]infoBrücke muscle, Brücke-Bartley phenomenon, Crampton muscle, the part of the ciliary muscle formed by the meridional fibers

gomspene muskel

nyelvcsapizom [musculus uvulae]infomusculus uvulae, muscle of the uvula, one of the five paired muscles of the soft palate and forms the bulk of the uvula

omohyoid muskel

lapocka-nyelvcsonti izom [musculus omohyoideus]infoomohyoid muscle, a muscle in the neck, one of the infrahyoid muscles

faryngal muskel

garatizom [musculus pharyngis]infopharyngeal muscle, consist of the outer circular layer and the inner longitudinal layer, forms the lumen of the pharynx

glossopalatal muskel

nyelvszájpadi izom [musculus glossopalatinus]infopalatoglossus, palatoglossal muscle, a muscle of the soft palate and extrinsic muscle of the tongue

triangulär muskel

háromszögletű ajakizom [musculus depressor anguli oris, musculus triangularis]infodepressor anguli oris muscle, triangularis muscle, a facial muscle

Aebys muskel infospädbarns sugmuskel

Aeby izom · csecsemő szopóizma [musculus depressor labii inferioris]infoinfant sucking muscle, cutaneomucous muscle, Aeby muscle

spolformad muskel

orsóizom [musculus fusiformis]infofusiform muscle, has a shape of spindle, wider in the middle and narrowing towards both ends

bucinator muskel

trombitásizom [musculus buccinator]infobuccinator muscle, flattens the cheek and retracts the angle of the mouth

hyogloss muskel

nyelvizom [musculus hyoglossus]infohyoglossus muscle, one of the four intrinsic muscles of the tongue

cremaster-muskel -n cremaster-muskler

hereemelő izom · hererázó izom [musculus cremaster, musculus elevator testis]infocremaster muscle, contract and pull up the ipsilateral testicle toward the inguinal canal

sacrospinal muskel

gerincmerevítő izom · keresztgerinc izom · törzsmerevítő izom [musculus sacrospinalis, musculus erector trunci]infosacrospinalis muscle, extends the length of the back and neck, that arises from the iliac crest, the sacrum, and the lumbar and two lower thoracic vertebrae

radial muskel

orsócsonti izom [musculus radialis]inforadial muscle, radial musculature: brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis

glatt muskel

simaizom [musculus laevicellularis]infosmooth muscle, an involuntary non-striated muscle

mental muskel

állcsúcsi izom · állizom [musculus mentalis]infomentalis muscle, paired muscles, one on each side of the mouth, important as elevators of the chin and lower lip; the muscles are one of the facial muscles

trumhinnespännare muskel infotrumhinnespännare

dobhártyafeszítő izom [musculus tensor tympani]infotensor tympani, a muscle within the middle ear