Svéd-magyar orvosi szótár »

lock -et - jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
lock -et -

alsó-homloklebenytekervény fedőrésze [pars opercularis gyri frontalis inferius]infopars opercularis gyri frontalis inferioris, the part of frontal lobe that overlies the insular cortex and may be associated with recognizing a tone of voice in spoken native languages

atrioventrikularblock -et - infoatrioventrikulärt block, atrioventrikulärt hjärtblock

atrioventricularis blokk · pitvarkamrai blokk [intermissio cordis]infocardiac intermission

AV-block -et -

AV-blokk · atrioventricularis blokkinfoAV block, atrioventricular block

ciliärblock -et -

sugártestbénulásinfociliary block

fascikelblock -et -

fascicularis block · hemiblokk]infofascicular block, hemiblock, involves the anterior or posterior fascicle of the left bundle branch

grenblock -et - infoskänkelblock

ágblokk · szárblokkinfobranch block, BB

gällock -et -

kopoltyúfedő [operculum]infooperculum, a hard flap serving as a cover for [a] the gill slits in fishes

hjärtblock -et -

szívblokk · szívérelzáródás [arrhythmia cardiaca, atrioventricularis block, Adams-Stokes syndroma, obstructio-, thrombosis vascularis cordis]infoStokes–Adams syndrome, Adams–Stokes syndrome, Gerbec–Morgagni–Adams–Stokes syndrome, an abrupt, transient loss of consciousness due to a sudden but pronounced decrease in the cardiac output

huvudblock -et - infoprehospital spinal rörelsebegränsning vid trauma

fejrögzítés [prehospitális gerinc mozgáskorlátozása trauma esetén]infoheadblock, prehospital spinal motion restriction in trauma

högergrenblock -et -

jobboldali Tawaraszár-blokk · jobbszár-blokkinforight bundle branch block, RBBB, a slowing of electrical impulses to the heart's right ventricle

lårbensblock -et -

combblokkinfobundle-branch block, either a complete or a partial interruption of the electrical pathways inside the wall of the heart between the two lower chambers

pannlock -et -

homlokfedél [operculum frontale]infofrontal operculum, the part of the frontal lobe that overlies the rostrodorsal portion of the insula

skänkelblock -et - infohjärtblock: retningsledningssystemet i det His'ska knippets skänklar satts ur funktion

ágblokk · szárblokkinfoheart block: the conduction system in the Hiska bundle's legs has been put out of action

tinninglock -et -

halántéki fedél [operculum temporale]infotemporal operculum, the part of the superior temporal gyrus that overlies the ventral portion

vänstergrenblock -et -

baloldali szárblokk · baloldali Tawaraszárblokkinfoleft bundle branch block

öronlock -et - infolock för örat

füldugulásinfoear blockage, earwax blockage