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gomspalt -en -er jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
gomspalt -en -er

'farkastorok' · szájpadhasadék [f.r.] [rictus lupinus, cheilo-gnathopalatischisis, palatum fissum, palatoschisis]infocleft palate, palatoschisis, congenital fissure of the roof of the mouth produced by failure of the two maxillae to unite during embryonic development and often associated with cleft lip

läpp-käk-gomspalt -en -er [LKG]

ajak-kemény szájpad-lágy szájpad-hasadék [f.r.] [fissura labiopalatinalis]infolabio-palatine fissuree, lip-hard palate-soft palate-cleft