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Erysipelothrix-septikemi -n · -en

Erysipelothrix-szeptikémia [P: Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae] [Erysipelothrix septikaemia]infosepsis due to Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae

erysipelothrixinfektion -en -er

Erysipelothrix fertőzés [Erysipelothrix infectio]infoErysipelothrix infection

erytem -et - infoerythema

eritéma · bőrhiperémia · bőrpír · bőrvörösség · gyulladásos bőr pirosság [erythema]infoerythema, superficial reddening of the skin, usually in patches, as a result of injury or irritation causing dilatation of the blood capillaries

erytem av blöjor infoerythema av blöjor

pelenka okozta dermatitis [erythema gluteale]infodiaper rash, dermatitis on a baby's bottom, can make a baby's skin sore, red, scaly, and tender

erytem av sol infoerythema av sol, erythema solare

I. fokú napfényártalom [erythema solare]infofirst-degree sunburn,damage to the skin's outer layer

erytem i hypertoni

bőrpír magas vérnyomásban [erythema hypertensivum]infoerythema in high blood pressure

erytem i menstruation

bőrpír havivérzés zavarában [erythema menstruationalis]infoerythema in menstrual disorders, progesterone dermatitis

erytem orsakad av röntgen bestrålning

Rtg-besugárzás okozta bőrpír [roentgen erythema]inforoentgen erythema, skin erythema dose with röntgen rays

erytemato-telangiektatisk -t -a

erytemato-telangiektáziás [erythemato-telangiectaticus]infoerythematotelangiectatic

erytematös -t -a

erythemás [erythematous]infoerythematous, relating to or marked by erythema, exhibiting abnormal redness of the skin or mucous membranes

erytematösa papler, blåsor på huden efter svettning

izzadás utáni erythemás papulák, hólyagocskák a bőrön [miliaria]infomiliaria, eccrine miliaria, heat rash, prickly heat, or sweat rash, is a frequently seen skin condition triggered by blocked eccrine sweat glands and ducts

erytemform -en -er

bőrpírforma · bőrpíralakinfoerythema form

erythema ab igne

égéses dermatitisz [dermatitis ab igne, erythema ab igne]infoerythema ab igne, a skin condition caused by long-term exposure to heat, infrared radiation

erythema chronicum migrans

idült erythema migrans [P: Borrelia burgdorferi] [erythema chronicum migrans]infochronic erythema migrans, a circular rash that often appears in the early stages of Lyme disease

erythema dyschromium perstans

idült erythema bőrpigmentatios zavarban [erythema dyschromium perstans]infoerythema dyschromium perstans, EDP, a disorder of pigmentation that is characterized by gray or blue-brown macules or patches in individuals with Fitzpatrick skin types III-V

erythema elevatum diutinum

bőrből kiemelkedő tartós erythema [erythema elevatum diutinum]infoerythema elevatum diutinum, EED, a rare, chronic dermatosis that is characterized by red–violet to red–brown papules, plaques, and nodules that favor the extensor surfaces

erythema exsudativum multiforme

erythema exsudativum multiforme [multiform exsudativum erythema, erythema multiforme, erythema polymorphe]infoerythema multiforme, a skin disorder that's considered to be an allergic reaction to medicine or an infection

erythema figuratum perstans

idült konfigurált erythema [erythema figuratum perstans]infofigurate erythema, FE, a group of diseases defined by the presence of annular or arciform erythematous skin lesions

erythema gyratum repens

terjedő tekervényes erythema [erythema gyratum repens]infoerythema gyratum repens, EGR, a rare and characteristic, paraneoplastic rash associated with a variety of malignancies [lung, esophageal, breast cancers]

erythema infectiosum infoinfektion av ett virus som angriper i synnerhet barn i åldern 4-12 år

Tanimura betegség · ötödik betegség [P: parvovirus B19] [erythema infectiosum]infofifth disease, a mild rash illness

erythema marginatum

rózsaszín gyűrűs bőrelváltozás törzsön [erythema marginatum]infoerythema marginatum, an evanescent, erythematous rash characteristically seen in the early stages of rheumatic fever

erythema marginatum vid akut reumatisk feber

erythema marginatum akut reumás lázban [erythema marginatum rheumaticum]infoerythema marginatum in acute rheumatic fever, an erythematous, non-pruritic, non-painful macular lesion on the trunk or proximal extremities

erythema migrans

vándorló bőrpír [P: Borellia spp.] [erythema [chronicum] migrans]infoerythema chronicum migrans, a circular rash that often appears in the early stages of Lyme disease

erythema neonatorum

erythema neonatoruminfoerythroderma neonatorum, skin redness

erythema nodosum

göbös erythema [erythema nodosum, EN]infoerythema nodosum, EN, is swollen fat under the skin causing bumps and patches that look red or darker than surrounding skin

erythema orsakad av exponering för ljus

bőrpír fény hatására [photoerythema]infophotoerythema, reddening of the skin caused by light

erythema palmares

tenyerek erythemaja [erythema palmarum]infopalmar erythema, is reddening of the palms at the thenar and hypothenar eminences

erythrasma -t infoytlig hudinfektion orsakad av Corynebacterium minutissmum, l. som ibland av en svampinfektion

erythrasma [P: Corynebacterium minutissimum, gomba]infoerythrasma, a patch of pink to red, scaly skin

erythroblastosis fetalis infohemolytisk sjukdom hos nyfödda

újszülöttek erythroblastosisa [magzat, újszülött isoimmunisatio okozta haemolytikus betegsége] [erythroblastosis fetalis]infoerythroblastosis fetalis, hemolytic disease of the newborn, HDN, alloimmune HDFN, is caused by the destruction of neonatal red blood cells by maternal immunoglobulin G [IgG] antibodies

erythrocuprein -et

eritrokuprein [erythrocuprein, hemocuprein]infoerythrocuprein, the superoxide dismutas, copper-containing proteins found in human erythrocytes and tissues

erythrocyanos -en

bőr vöröseskék elszíneződése · eritrocianózis [erythrocyanosis]infoerythrocyanosis, discoloration on the legs that has a bluish or purple hue

erythrocyter per kubikmillimeter [EPK]

köbmilliméterenkénti vörösvértestszáminfoerythrocytes per cubic millimeter, EPCM

erythrocytisk -t -a

eritrocitás · vörösvértestes [erythrocyticus]infoerythrocytic

erythrocytometer -n erythrocytometrar infoanordning för att räkna antalet erytrocyter i ett prov av blod

eszköz vörösvérsejt nagyságának, számának megállapítására [erythrocytometer]infoerythrocytometer, an instrument for counting the number or measuring the size of red blood cells in a sample of blood

erythroderma -n

eritroderma [erythroderma]infoerythroderma, exfoliative dermatitis, a severe and potentially life-threatening

erythrodermatit -en -er

fekélyes bőrgyulladás [erythrodermatitisinfoerythrodermatitis, a condition in which the skin is reddened and inflamed

erythrodiapedes -en -er

vörösvérsejtek vérerekből való kilépése [erythrodiapedesis]infoerythrodiapedesis, ED, extravasation of erythrocytes

erythrofobi -n -er infoerytobfobi, rädsla för att rodna, röd färg

félelem elpirulástól, piros színtől [erothophobia]infoerothophobia, fear of blushing, the color red

erythroleukoplaki -n -er

erithro-leukoplakia [speckled leukoplakia]infospeckled leukoplakia, has the highest malignant potential among the various types of leukoplakia

erythroleukos -en -er infoen form av hönsleukosen

tyúkleukózis egyik formája [P: Avian leucosis virus, ALV] [erythroleucosis, erythroblastosis, erythrosis, erythroleukaemia]infoavian leucosis, lymphoid leukosis is a neoplastic disease of poultry, is characterized by B-cell lymphoma