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brosk -et - jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
brosk -et - infostödvävnad, en form av bindväv

porc · porcogó [cartilago, chondros]infocartilage, a strong, flexible connective tissue that is found in various parts of the body, including the joints, the outer ear, and the larynx

ala-brosk -et - infonäsvingebrosk

alaris porc [cartilago alaris]infogreater alar cartilage, major alar cartilage of nose

arybrosk -et - infoarytenoid brosk

kancsóporc [cartilago arytenoidea]infoarytenoid cartilage, small three-sided pyramids which form part of the larynx

bogbrosk -et -

lapockaporc [cartilago scapulae]infoscapular cartilage, cartilage of scapula

bröstbenspetsbrosk -et -

praesternum porcos része [cartilago manubrii]infocartilage of manubrium, cartilage of the broad upper part of the sternum

epifysbrosk -et -

epifízisporc [cartilago epiphysealis]infoepiphyseal cartilage, hyaline cartilage tissue with a gelatinous texture

fiberbrosk -et -

rostos porc [fibrocartilago]infofibrous cartilage

glasbrosk -et -

üvegporc [cartilago hyalina, cartilago hyaloidea]infoglass like cartilage, hyaline cartilage

gälbagebrosk -et -

kopoltyúív porcléc [cartilago branchialis, branchiostyl]infobranchial cartilage, one of a series of bony or cartilaginous arches that develop in the walls of the mouth cavity and pharynx of a vertebrate embryo

hyalinbrosk -et -

hialinos porc [cartilago hyalinica]infohyaline cartilage, a translucent bluish-white type of cartilage present in the joints, the respiratory tract, and the immature skeleton

hyoidbrosk -et -

nyelvcsonti porc [[cartilago] tympanohyoideum]infotympanohyoid cartilage, one of a pair of rods of cartilage that connect the hyoid bone to the styloid process of the petrous part of the temporal bone

hörnbrosk -et -

gége szarvporca [cartilago corniculata [Santorinii]]infolaryngeal horn cartilage

kannbrosk -et - infoen av de broskdelar som ingår i struphuvudets uppbyggnad

kannaporc [cartilago arytaenoidea]infoarytenoid cartilages, a pair of small three-sided pyramids which form part of the larynx

krikoidalbrosk -et - infokrikoidbrosk

gyűrűporc · gyűrűsporc [cartilago cricoidea]infocricoid cartilage, a hyaline cartilage ring which fully encircles the trachea and composes the inferior-most boundary of the laryngeal skeleton

larynxbrosk -et -

hörgőporc [cartilago laryngis, cartilago laryngeales]infocartilage of larynx, laryngeal cartilage, a cartilaginous skeleton

revbenbrosk -et -

bordaporc [cartilago costae]inforib cartilage

revbensbrosk -et -

bordaporc [cartilago costalis]infocostal cartilage, connects the sternum and the end of the rib

ringbrosk -et -

gyűrűporc [cartilago anularis, cartilago cricoidea, -cricoides]infoannular cartilage, quadrilateral plate curved to form a ring and united by elastic tissue and rolled into short tube

skovelbrosk -et -

lapátos porc [cartilago xiphoidea, processus xiphoideus]infoxiphoid process, a tiny bone structure located at the center of the chest, just below the lower part of the sternum

skulderbladsbrosk -et -

lapockaporc [cartilago scapulae]infocartilage of the scapula

sköldbrosk -et - infosköldkörtelbrosk

pajzsporc [cartilago thyr[e]oidea]infothyroid cartilage,a firm, resilient structure, composed entirely of hyaline cartilage, protects and supports the vocal cords

struphuvudbrosk -et -

hörgőporc [cartilago laryngis, cartilago laryngeales]infobronchial cartilage, hyaline cartilage provides the structure that keeps the bronchi from collapsing during inhalation and exhalation

symfysbrosk -et -

symphysis porc [cartilago symphysis]infocartilage of symphysis, secondary cartilaginous joint, is a fibrocartilaginous fusion between two bones

traktbrosk -et -

pataporc [cartilago ungulae]infoungual cartilage, collateral cartilages of the distal phalanx

trådbrosk -et -

fonalas porc · rostos porc [cartilago fibrosa, fibrocartilago]infofibrocartilage, tough, dense, and fibrous material that helps fill in the torn part of the cartilage

tyreoideabrosk -et -

gégepajzsporc [cartilago thyreoidea]infothyroid cartilage, firm and resilient structure, composed entirely of hyaline cartilage, which serves to protect and support the vocal cords

Y-brosk -et -

Y-porc [cartilago ypsiloformis]infoY-cartilage, triradiate cartilage, 'Y'-shaped epiphyseal plate between the ilium, ischium and pubis