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betingad reflex ● villkorlig reflex jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
betingad reflex · villkorlig reflex inforeflex som genom inlärning har blivit knuten till en retning, som ursprungligen inte kunde utlösa reflexen

feltételes reflex [reflex conditionalis]infoconditioned reflex, acquired reflex

akustikomotorisk reflex

akusztikus motoros reflexinfoacoustic motor reflex

visceral reflex

zsigeri reflex [reflex visceralis]infovisceral reflex

akustisk reflex

acusticus reflex [reflex acusticus]infoacustic reflex

ansikts reflex

arcreflex [reflex facialis]infofacial reflex

corneal reflex

cornea-reflexinfocorneal reflex, eye-blink reflex

defensiv reflex

védekezőreflexinfodefense reflex, a sudden response elicited by a painful or unexpected stimulus

acusticomotor reflex

akusztikus motoros reflexinfoacoustic motor reflex

elementär reflex

elemi reflex [reflex elementaris]infoelementary reflex

gluteal reflex

glutaeus-reflexinfogluteal reflex, contraction of the gluteal muscles following irritation of the skin of the buttocks

Bainbridge reflex

Bainbridge reflexinfoBainbridge reflex, atrial reflex, resulting in an increase in heart rate following an increase in cardiac preload

cremaster reflex

cremaster-reflexinfocremasteric reflex, elicited when the inner part of the thigh is stroked

Haab reflex infopsykomotorisk pupillareflex, cerebrala barkreflex, kortikala pupillreflex

Haab-reflexinfoHaab reflex, Contraction of pupils without alteration of accommodation or convergence when gazing at a bright object

mandibular reflex

állkapocs reflexinfojaw jerk reflex, masseter reflex, a stretch reflex used to test the status of a trigeminal nerve and help distinguish an upper cervical cord compression from lesions that are above the foramen magnum

auropalpebral reflex

auropalpebrális reflex [reflexus auriculopalpebralis]infoauropalpebral reflex [APR], cochleopalpebral reflex, an involuntary eyeblink

hälknöl reflex

sarokgumóreflexinfocalcaneal reflex, A stretch reflex wherein the foot jerks towards the plantar surface by reflex as a response to a tap on the Achilles tendon while the foot is dorsiflexed

Ferguson´s reflex

Ferguson reflexinfoFerguson reflex, the fetal distension of the cervix stimulates a series of neuroendocrine responses, leading to oxytocin production

kokleopalpebral reflex

cochleopalpebralis reflex [reflexus cochleopalpebralis]infoauropalpebral, APR, cochleopalpebral reflex, winking reflex, an involuntary eyeblink caused by contraction of the obicularis oculi muscle in response to a loud, transient acoustic stimulus

monosynaptisk reflex

monoszinaptikus reflex [monosynaptic reflex]infomonosynaptic reflex, monosynaptic stretch reflex, muscle stretch reflex, deep tendon reflex, provides direct communication between sensory and motor neurons innervating the muscle

glabellar reflex infoglabellar tapskylt [framkallas genom repetitiv tappning på pannan]

glabelláris reflex · koppintásreflexinfoglabellar reflex, tapping reflex, repetitive tapping on the forehead

anconeus reflex infoarmbågsmuskelreflex

anconeus reflexinfoanconeus reflex

axon reflex

axonreflexinfoaxon reflex, flare response, a neurally mediated effector response that is brought about by the passage of nerve impulses along axons

bäckenbotten reflex

gáttájéki reflexinfopelvic floor muscle-bladder reflex [PFM-BR]

reflex i benhinna

csonthártyareflexinfoperiosteal reflex, reflex in periosteum, supinator jerk

ansikts reflex terapi

arcreflex-terápiainfofacial reflexology

avsaknad av reflex

reflexhiány · reflexkiesés [areflexia]infothe absence of deep tendon reflexes

palpebral-okulär reflex

palpebro-ocularis reflex [rövid késleltetésű pislogási reflex]infooculo-palpebral reflex, short-latency blink reflex

vaskulärt betingad impotens

vaszkuláris eredetű impotenciainfovascular impotence

psykiskt betingad förlamning

pszichikus bénulás [Ehret's paralysis]infopostantalgic posture atrophia, postantalgic atrophy