Svéd-magyar orvosi szótár »

amid -en -er jelentése magyar orvosi

SvédMagyar orvosi
amid -en -er infogrupp av kemiska föreningar som härleds ur organiska syror genom utbyte av hydroxylgruppen

ammónia-gyök [radix amidi]infoammonia radical, monovalent radical NH4

acetamid -en -er infomotgift mot natriumfluoracetat

Acetamid [nátriumfluoracetát antidotuma] [Acetamidum]infoantidote to sodium fluoroacetate, Acetamide

acetazolamid -en -er info2-acetylamino-1-4-tiadiazol-5-sulfonamid, kolsyraanhydrashämmare

Acetazolamid [Acetazolamidum]info2-acetil-amino-1-4-tiadiazol-5-szulfonamid karboanhidráz bénító szerAcetazolamide

akrylamid -en -er

akrilamid [acrylamidum]infoacrylamide, a readily polymerized amide

benzamid -en -er

Benzamid [Bensamidum]infoBenzamide, several of its derivatives are pharmaceuticals

bikalutamid -en -er

Bikalutamid [Bicalutamidum]infoBicalutamide, synthetic, nonsteroidal antiandroge, treat stage D2 metastatic prostate cancer

bromacetokarbamid -en -er

Bromaceto-karbamid [Bromacetocarbamidum]infobromacetocarbamide, carbromal, bromadal, bromdiethylacetylurea, bromodiethylacetylcarbamide

cyklofosfamid -en -er

cyklofoszfamid [Cyclophosphamidum]infoCyclophosphamide, CP, cytophosphan, used as chemotherapy and to suppress the immune system

diklofenamid -en -er infokolanhydrashämmare som används för behandling av glaukom

Diklofenamid [Diclofenamidum]infoDiclofenamide, a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor used for the management of open-angle and secondary glaucoma, acute angle-closure glaucoma

dimetylacetamid -en -er

Dimetil-acetamid [Dimethylacetamidum]infoDimethyl acetamide, a solvent for plastics, resins and gums

disopyramid -en -er

Dizopiramid [Disopyramidum]infoDisopyramide, used to treat heart rhythm abnormalities

dorzolamid -en -er

Dorzolamid [Dorzolamidum]infoDorzolamide ophthalmic drops, used to treat increased pressure in the eye

etionamid -en -er

Etionamid [Ethionamidum]infoethionamide, used in the treatment of any active form of tuberculosis

flutamid -en -er

Flutamid [Flutamidum]infoFlutamide, used with another drug to treat certain types of prostate cancer

gadodiamid -en -er

Gadodiamid [Gadodiamidum]infoGadodiamide, contrast agent

glibenklamid -en -er

Glibenklamid [Glibenclamidum, Glyburide]infoGlibenclamide, GBC, an oral hypoglycemic drug that stimulates the pancreatic beta cells to secrete insulin and is often used to treat diabetes

globotriaosylceramid -en -er [Gb3]

globotriaozil-ceramid [Gb3]infoglobotriaosylceramide, CD77, Gb3, GL3, ceramide trihexoside, a globoside

ifosfamid -en -er

Ifoszfamid [Ifosfamidum]infoIfosfamide, a chemotherapy drug used to treat many different types of cancer

indapamid -en -er

Indapamid [Indapamidum]infoIndapamide, a diuretic

klorpropamid -en -er

Klórpropamid [2-es típusú diabetes mellitus kezelésére] [Chlorpropamidum]infoChlorpropamide, used orally to reduce blood sugar in the treatment of type 2 diabetes

metoklopramid -en -er

Metoklopramid [Metoclopramidum]infoMetoclopramide, treats nausea and vomiting

nicetamid -en -er

Niketamid [Nicethamidum] [R]infoNicetamide, a stimulant which mainly affects the respiratory cycle

niklosamid -en -er

Niklozamid [Niclosamidum]infoNiclosamide, an anthelmintic drug

njurpyramid -en -er infocentrala delen av en njurlob

Malpighi-féle vesepiramis · vesepiramis [pyramis renalis, renculus]inforenal pyramid, Malpighian pyramid, Malpighi's pyramid, cone-shaped tissue of the kidney

sulfanilamid -en -er

Szulfanil-amid [Sulfanilamidum]infoSulanilamide, antibiotic against Candida albicans

sulfonamid -en -er

szulfonamid [sulphonamidum]infosulfonamide, a functional group that is the basis of several groups of drugs

tolbutamid -en -er

Tolbutamid [Tolbutamidum]infoTolbutamide, potassium channel blocker, sulfonylurea oral hypoglycemic medication, used in the management of type 2 diabetes

tropikamid -en -er

Tropikamid [Tropicamidum]infoTropicamide, anticholinergic drug, used pupillary dilatation

ättiksyraamid -en -er

Acetamid [Acetamidum]infoAcetamide, ethanolamine, an aliphatic amide, a conditioning agent