Svéd | Angol |
respekt [~en] substantiv {c} | deference(great respect) respect [respects](admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit) |
respektabel [~t respektabla] adjektiv | venerable(commanding respect because of age, dignity, character or position) |
respektera [~de ~t] verb | respect [respected, respecting, respects](to have regard for the rights of others) |
respektiv adjektiv | respective(referencing two or more things as individuals) |
respektive adverb | respectively(in a relative manner) |
respektlös [~t ~a] adjektiv | disrespectful(lacking respect) |
att respektera verb | respect [respected, respecting, respects](to abide by an agreement) |
ha respekt för verb | respect [respected, respecting, respects](to have respect for) |
med all respekt preposition | with all due respect(phrase used before disagreeing with someone) |
med all respekt för preposition | pace(With due respect to) |