Román-Angol szótár »

-are angolul


-ation(-ation (suffix))

care are limită adjectiv

finite(having an end or limit)
[UK: ˈfaɪ.naɪt] [US: ˈfaɪ.ˌnaɪt]

cine are casă de sticlă frază

people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones(one shouldn't criticize others for having the same fault)

mandat de arestare substantiv

arrest warrant(document authorizing an arrest)
[UK: ə.ˈrest ˈwɒ.rənt] [US: ə.ˈrest ˈwɔː.rənt]

minciuna are picioare scurte frază

a lie has no legs(you can't get away with a lie)
[UK: ə laɪ hæz nəʊ leɡz] [US: ə ˈlaɪ ˈhæz ˈnoʊ ˈleɡz]

spune-mi cu cine te însoțești ca să îți spun cine ești [tell me who you hang out with in order for me to tell you who you are] frază

birds of a feather flock together(people of similar character, etc. tend to associate)
[UK: bɜːdz əv ə ˈfe.ðə(r) flɒk tə.ˈɡe.ðə(r)] [US: ˈbɝːdz əv ə ˈfe.ðər ˈflɑːk tə.ˈɡe.ðər]

succesul are mulți tați frază

success has many fathers, failure is an orphan(many will seek credit for success, few for failure)

sunt arestat? frază

am I under arrestphrase

sunt arestată? frază

am I under arrestphrase

the mice are dancing on the table) frază

when the cat's away the mice will play(in the absence of a controlling entity, subordinates will take advantage of circumstances)

ursul merge (the dogs are barking frază

the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on(life goes on even if some will try to stop progress)
[UK: ðə dɒɡz bɑːk bʌt ðə ˈkæ.rə.væn ɡəʊz ɒn] [US: ðə ˈdɑːɡz ˈbɑːrk ˈbət ðə ˈkæ.rə.ˌvæn ɡoʊz ɑːn]