Portugál-Angol szótár »

ocidental angolul

ocidental adjective

[UK: west] [US: ˈwest]

western(pertaining to the west)
[UK: ˈwe.stən] [US: ˈwe.stərn]

ocidental noun
{m} {f}

westerner [westerners](inhabitant of Europe and the Americas)
[UK: ˈwe.stə.nə(r)] [US: ˈwe.stər.nər]

ocidentalizar verb

westernize [westernized, westernizing, westernizes](make something western)
[UK: ˈwe.stə.naɪz] [US: ˈwe.stər.ˌnaɪz]

ocidentalização noun

westernization(assimilation of the western culture)
[UK: ˌwe.stə.naɪ.ˈzeɪʃ.n̩] [US: ˌwe.stər.nə.ˈzeɪʃ.n̩]

Alemanha Ocidental proper noun

West Germany(former European country)
proper noun
[UK: west ˈdʒɜː.mə.ni] [US: ˈwest ˈdʒɝː.mə.ni]

Austrália Ocidental proper noun

Western Australia(state of Australia)
proper noun
[UK: ˈwe.stən ɒ.ˈstreɪ.liə] [US: ˈwe.stərn ɒ.ˈstreɪ.ljə]

Bengala Ocidental proper noun

West Bengal(state)
proper noun
[UK: west ˌben.ˈɡɔːl] [US: ˈwest ˈbeŋ.ɡəl]

Bótnia Ocidental proper noun

Västerbotten(province and county of Sweden)
proper noun

Europa Ocidental proper noun

Western Europeproper noun
[UK: ˈwe.stən ˈjʊə.rəp] [US: ˈwe.stərn ˈjʊ.rəp]

Grécia Ocidental proper noun

West Greece(periphery)
proper noun

Macedónia Ocidental proper noun

West Macedonia(periphery)
proper noun

Macedônia Ocidental proper noun

West Macedonia(periphery)
proper noun

Mecklemburgo-Pomerânia Ocidental proper noun

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania(one of the component states of Germany)
proper noun
[UK: ˈme.klən.bərɡ ˈwe.stən ˌpɑː.mə.ˈreɪ.niə] [US: ˈme.klən.bərɡ ˈwe.stərn ˌpɑː.mə.ˈreɪ.niə]

Muro Ocidental proper noun

Western Wall(ancient wall in Jerusalem, remnant of the Jewish Second Temple)
proper noun

Saara Ocidental proper noun

Western Sahara(a territory in northern Africa)
proper noun
[UK: ˈwe.stən sə.ˈhe.rə] [US: ˈwe.stərn sə.ˈhe.rə]

Samoa Ocidental proper noun

Western Samoa(the former name of Samoa)
proper noun

Sepik Ocidental proper noun

Sandaun(province of northwestern Papua New Guinea)
proper noun

Virgínia Ocidental proper noun

West Virginia(US state)
proper noun
[UK: west və.ˈdʒɪ.nɪə] [US: ˈwest vər.ˈdʒɪ.njə]

África Ocidental proper noun

West Africa(An area of west Africa, spanning 16 African countries)
proper noun

África Ocidental Portuguesa proper noun

Portuguese West Africa(former colony)
proper noun