Portugál-Angol szótár »

-ze angolul


-teen(to form numbers 13 - 19)
[UK: ˈtiː.neɪdʒ] [US: ˈtiːn]


-ate(to act in the specified manner)
[UK: et] [US: ˈeɪt]

-ectomia {f}

-ectomy(excision of)


-er(person whose occupation is...)
[UK: ɚ] [US: ər]

-th(used to form the ordinal numeral)


-ate(to act in the specified manner)
[UK: et] [US: ˈeɪt]

-er(used to form frequentatives)
[UK: ɚ] [US: ər]

-le(frequentative suffix)

-emia {f}

-aemia(condition of the blood)

-emos verb

let's(let us; forming first-person plural imperative)
[UK: lets] [US: ˈlets]


-ing(to form present participles)


-er((used form a demonym) resident or inhabitant of...)
[UK: ɚ] [US: ər]

-eno {m}



-er((used form a demonym) resident or inhabitant of...)
[UK: ɚ] [US: ər]


-ly(forming adjectives from nouns, in the sense "similar to, like, characteristic of")
[UK: ˈlaɪ] [US: ˈlaɪ]

-y(inclined to)
[UK: waɪ] [US: ˈwaɪ]


-ence(same as -ance; having the state or condition of)




-est(second-person singular present tense of verbs)

-s(regular plurals of nouns)

-esa {f}

-ess(female suffix)

-ish(appended to roots denoting names of nations or regions)

-esas {f-Pl}

-ish(appended to roots denoting names of nations or regions)


-esque(in the style of)
[UK: ˈesk] [US: ˈesk]

-eses {m-Pl}

-ish(appended to roots denoting names of nations or regions)

-eto {m}

-ide(binary compound of a nonmetal)

-ez {f}

-ness(appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning "the state of being...", "the quality of being...", or "the measure of being...")
[UK: nes] [US: ˈnes]

-eza {f}

-ness(appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning "the state of being...", "the quality of being...", or "the measure of being...")
[UK: nes] [US: ˈnes]

alef zero proper noun

aleph-null(first of the transfinite cardinal numbers)
proper noun

artigo zero noun

zero article(non-appearance of an article)

budismo zen noun

Zen Buddhism(the Zen denomination of Buddhism)

começar do zero verb

wipe the slate clean(to make a fresh start, forgetting differences)
[UK: waɪp ðə sleɪt kliːn] [US: ˈwaɪp ðə sˈleɪt ˈkliːn]

do zero preposition

from scratch(from the beginning)
[UK: frəm skrætʃ] [US: frəm ˈskrætʃ]

estaca zero noun

square one(the place where one begins)

jogo de soma zero noun

zero-sum game(system in which one player's winnings must equal losses of others)

Nova Zelândia proper noun

New Zealand(country in Oceania)
proper noun
[UK: njuː ˈziː.lənd] [US: nuː ˈziː.lənd]

Nova Zembla proper noun

Novaya Zemlya(archipelago in Russia)
proper noun

peixe-zebra noun

zebrafish(Danio rerio)

peixe-zebra violão noun

jarbua terapon(Terapon jarbua)

tubarão-zebra noun

zebra shark(Stegostoma fasciatum)


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