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MagyarSvéd orvosi
NAD infoNAD, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, an electron acceptor coenzyme

NADinfonikotinamidadenindinukleotid koenzym

NADH, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide infoNADH, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydrogen, the biologically functional form of NAD containing catalytic properties

NADHinfonikotinamidadenindinukleotid reducerad form

Nadolol [Nadololum] infoNadolol, to treat high blood pressure

nadolol -et

NADP infoNADP, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, a biological carrier of reducing equivalents

NADPinfonikotinamidadenindinukleotid fosfat

NADPH infoNADPH, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate hydrogen, It plays a crucial role in the photosynthesis

NADPHinfonikotinamidadenindinukleotid fosfat reducerad form

nadragulyagyökér · Atropa bella-donna gyökér [Belladonnae radix] infoBella-donna root, the root of the plant Atropa belladonna

belladonnarot -en belladonnarötterinfoanvänds som smärtstillande medel vid behandling av sjukdomar i mag-tarmkanalen, gallgångarna, urinvägarna, livmodern

Nadroparin [Nadroparinum] infoNadroparin, an anticoagulant

nadroparin -et

Nadroparin-kalcium [Nadroparinum calcicum] infoNadroparin-calcium, an anticoagulant

nadroparinkalcium -et · nadroparinkalciet

ADH inadekvát kiválasztása infosyndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, SIADH, characterized by excessive unsuppressible release of antidiuretic hormone, ADH, either from the posterior pituitary gland, or an abnormal non-pituitary source

inadekvat insöndring av ADH [SIADH]

agonadizmus [f. r.] [agonadismus] infolack of internal genitals, agonadism

agonadism -eninfobrist på inre könsorgan

albuminadalék [additivum-, admixtura albumini] infoalbumin additive

albumintillsats -en -er

anadicrot érverés [pulsus anadicrotus] infoanacrotic pulse

anadikrot pulsinfodess stigande gren visar två små extra vågor

anadidymus [f.r.] [anadidymus] infoanadidymus, developmental abnormality: the upper parts of the bodies of twins are fused, the buttocks and legs are free

anadidymus -infosammanfogade tvillingar har ett enda huvud och överkropp

beadandó inzulinmennyiség · inzulinadag · inzulindózis [dosis insulini] infoinsulin dose

insulindos -en -er

belladonnalevél · nadragulyalevél [Atropa bella-donna levél] [Belladonnae folium] infobelladonna leaf, ragweed leaf

belladonnablad -etinfoanvänds som smärtstillande medel vid behandling av sjukdomar i mag-tarmkanalen, gallgangarna, urinvägarna, livmodern

belső nemi szervek fejlődési zavar okozta hiánya [f.r.] [agonadismus] infoagonad, lacking gonads

medfödd fullständig frånvaro av könskörtlar

chorion-gonadotropin [choriongonadotropinum] infochoriongonadotropin, a hormone produced primarily by syncytiotrophoblastic cells of the placenta during pregnancy

choriongonadotropin -etinfohormon

Cronkhite-Canada-szindróma [syndroma Cronkhite-Canadai] infoCronkhite-Canada syndrome, CCS, gastrointestinal hamartomatous polyposis, alopecia, onychodystrophy, hyperpigmentation, and diarrhea

Cronkhite-Canada-syndrom -et -

eunuchoidizmus · férfi hipogonadizmus [eunuchoidismus, hypogonadismus masculinus] infoeunuchoidism, male hypogonadism

manlig hypogonadism

fehérüsző-betegség [f.r.] [gonad-hypoplasia pigmenthiányos üszőn] infowhite heifer disease, congenital reproductive abnormality in Belgian Blue and Shorthorn ruminants,the white color is inherited as a recessive trait which is associated with defects in the female reproductive tract [Muellerian system]

vit kvigsjuka

ferredoxin-NADP-reduktáz infoFerredoxin—NADP[+] reductase,FNR, an enzyme


Fexofenadin-hidroklorid [Fexofenadini hydrochloricum] infoFexofenadine hydrochloride, antihistamine medicine

fexofenadinhydroklorid -en -er

Fitomenadion [Phytomenadionum] infoFitomenadion, K1 vitamin

fytomenadion -etinfoK-vitamin i gröna växtdelar o. äggula

galambok trichomonadosis [P: Trichomonas gallinae] [trichomonadosis columbarum, trichomoniasis columbarum] infotrichomonas gallinae, disease at the back of the throat and in the gullet

trikomoniasis hos duvungar

gennyes mirigygyulladás [blennadenitis] [R] infoinflammation of a mucus-secreting gland

blennadenit -en -erinfoblennadenitis

gonadotrofin-felszabadító faktor infogonadotrophin-releasing factor, gonadotropin-releasing hormone causes the pituitary gland in the brain to make and secrete the hormones luteinizing hormone, LH, and follicle-stimulating hormone, FSH

gonadotrofin-frisättande faktor

gonadotrop hormon infogonadotropic hormone

gonadotropt hormon

gonadotropin · chorion-gonadotrofin hormon [gonadotropin] infogonadotropin, any of a group of hormones secreted by the pituitary which stimulate the activity of the gonads

gonadotropin -en -erinfoöverordnade könshormoner som stimulerar könskörtlarnas funktion

gonadotropinfelszabadítás infogonadotropin release

gonadotropinfrisättning -en -ar

gonadotropinfelszabadító infogonadotropin releaser


gonadotropinfelszabadító hormon infogonadotropin-releasing hormone, GnRH

gonadotropinfrisättande hormon [GnRH]infogonadorelin, LHRH

gonadotropingátló infogonadotropin inhibitor


gonadotropinhiány infogonadotropin deficiency

gonadotropinbrist -en -er

gonadális · nemi mirigyhez tartozó [gonadalis] infogonadal, belonging to a gonad

gonadal -t -a

gonád-diszgenezis · nemi mirigyek fejlődési zavara [f.r.] [dysgenesis gonadalis] infogonadal dysgenesis, developmental disorder of gonads

gonaddysgenesi -n -erinfogonadal dysgenesi, störd utveckling av könskörtlarna

gonád-insufficiencia · nemi mirigy működési elégtelensége [insufficienta gonadalis] infogonadal insufficiency, functional insufficiency of the gonad

gonadinsufficiens -en -er

gonád · ivarmirigy · nemi mirigy [gonad] infogonad, an organ that produces gametes, a testis or ovary

gonad -en -erinfokönskörtel

gonádblasztóma · valódi nemi szervi daganat [gonadblastoma] infogonadblastoma, true genital tumor, that is made up of more than one type of cell found in the gonads [testicles and ovaries]

gonadoblastom -et -

gyomor mirigyhiánya [f.r.] [anadenia] [R] infodeficient glandular activity of the stomach

avsaknad av magkörtlar

hereműködés hiánya, - funkciózavara miatt bekövetkező kóros állapot [eunuchoidismus, hypogonadismus] infoeunuchoidism, hypogonadism,eunuchoidism, low libido, decreased spontaneous erections

eunukoidism -en -er