Magyar-svéd orvosi szótár »

magzatburok svéd orvosi

MagyarSvéd orvosi
magzatburok infofetal membrane, a thin tissue that surrounds the fetus during gestation

fosterblåsa -n fosterblåsor

magzatburok [velamentum fetus, chorion] infochorion, the outermost fetal membrane around the embryo

livmoderhinna -n livmoderhinnor

magzatburok gyulladás [amnionitis, chorioamnionitis] infochorioamnionitis, an infection of the placenta and the amniotic fluid

fosterhinneinflammation -en -er

magzatburok-húgyhártya [chorionallantois] infochorionallantois, a vascular, extraembryonic membrane of birds, reptiles, and certain mammals, formed by the fusion of the wall of the chorion with the wall of the allantois


magzatburok torzulás infofetal membrane distortion

fosterhöljeförvrängning -en -ar

magzatburok · magzatzsák [velamenta fetus, chorion] infochorion, the outermost fetal membrane around the embryo

fosterhinna -n fosterhinnorinfofosterhölje, fostersäck

magzatburok és méhlepény megszületése · utófájás[ok] [abruptio-, separatio placentae dolores post partum, -ad secundinas] infobirth of the fetal membrane and placenta, after-pains

efterbördsskift -et -

magzatburok összenövés infoadhesion of the fetal membrane

fosterhöljesvidhäftning -en -ar

bolyhos irhahártya · bolyhos belső magzatburok [chorion villosum, chorion frondosum] infochorion frondosum, part of the conceptus that forms as the villi grow larger on the side of the chorionic shell next to the uterine wall

chorionvilli som växer mot livmoderslemhinnan

burokrepedés · burokrepesztés [magzatburoké] [amniorrhexis, rupture of membranes] infomembrane sweep, rupture of membranes

hinnbristning -en -arinfohinnsprängning, hinnsvepning [för att initiera förlossningsstart]

burokrepesztés · magzatburok mesterséges megrepesztése infoamniotomy, artificial rupture of membranes [AROM], 'breaking the water'

artificiell hinnsprängning

chorioamnionitis · magzatburok-gyulladás [chorioamnionitis] infochorioamnionitis, infection that can occur before labor, during labor, or after delivery, associated with chronic lung disease in the infant

korioamnionit -en -erinfokorioamnit

hólyagszerűen kidudoródó magzatburok infoamniotic membrane, amnion, the innermost layer of the placenta and consists of a thick basement membrane and an avascular stromal matrix

hinnblåsa -n hinnblåsor

külső magzatburok · magzatbruk[chorion] infothe outermost membrane surrounding an embryo

yttre fosterhinna

méhlepény-magzatburok [secundinae] infosecundine, the afterbirth

efterbörd -eninfomoderkakan, fosterhinnorna o. resten av navelsträngen som utstöts efter födelse

méhlepény-magzatburok kitolás [expressio secundinae] infosecundine expulsion

efterbördavlossning -en -arinfoefterbördsskede

méhlepényi stádium · magzatburok stádium infoplacental stage, amniotic membrane stage

efterbördsstadium efterbördsstadiet efterbördsstadier