Magyar-svéd orvosi szótár »

hasadék [rés, repedés, lék, nyílás] [fissura, rima] [t] svéd orvosi

MagyarSvéd orvosi
repedés · hasadás · hasadék · rés [fissura] infofissure, a long, narrow opening or line of breakage made by cracking or splitting

djup inskärning

hasadás · hasadék · repedés · szakadás · törés [fissura, rima] infofissure, fracture

bräcka -n bräckor

húgyivarszervi hasadék [fistula urogenitalis] infourogenital fistula

urogenital fistel

levátor-hasadék infothe major function of the levator ani muscle is supporting and raising the pelvic visceral structures. It also helps in proper sexual functioning, defecation, urination, and allowing various structures to pass through it

levatorspalt -eninfoöppning centralt i m. levator ani, släpper igenom uretra, vagina o. rektum

gerincvelő-hasadék [f.r.] [diastematomyelia, diastomyelia] infodiastematomyelia, diastomyelia, a part of the spinal cord is split

diastematomyeli -n -erinfodiastomyeli

tókérgi hasadék [fissura calcarina] infocalcarine fissure, a deep sulcus located on the medial surface of the occipital lobe

sporrfåra -n sporrfårorinfodjup fåra-, springa på nacklobens insida

gerincoszlop-hasadék [f.r.] [myelorachischisis] infomyelorachischisis, spina bifida

myelorachischisis [en]

szemgödri hasadék [fissura orbitalis] infoorbital fissure, a bony cleft found at the orbital apex

ögonhålsspringa -n ögonhålsspringor

hasadék [schiso…] info… fissure

…schisis -en

szegycsonti hasadék [f.r.] [fissura sterni] infosternal fissure, congenital cleft sternum

ofullständig tillslutning av bröstbenetinfodefekt av bröstbenet

tókérgi hasadék [fissura calcarina] infocalcarine sulcus, calcarine fissure, an anatomical landmark located at the caudal end of the medial surface of the brain

synbarksfåra -n synbarksfåror

gerincvelő-hasadék [f.r.] [myelorachischisis] infomyelorachischisis, spinal cord cleft

kotpelare rachischisis

gerincvelő-hasadék [f.r.] [myelorachischisis] infospinal nerve, mixed nerve, interacts directly with the spinal cord to modulate motor and sensory information from the body's periphery

spinal rachischisis

gerincvelő-hasadék [myelorachischisis] infomyelorachischisis, spinal cord cleft

spricka i ryggen

Glaser-rés [fissura petrotympanica [Glaseri] infopetrotympanic fissure, Glaserian fissure, a small fissure in the temporal bone that connects the mandibular [glenoid] fossa and the tympanic cavity

springa dorsomedialt om fossa mandibularis, mellan pars tympanica o. klipbenets synliga rand

Fontana-rés [spatium anguli iridocornealis, spatium Fontani] infoFontana canal, the vascular structure encircling the anterior chamber of the eye and through which the aqueous is returned to the blood circulation

utrymmen av iridokorneal vinkel

szinaptikus rés infosynaptic gap, synaptic cleft, a gap between the pre- and postsynaptic cells

synaptiska gapetinfosynapsspringan, synapsspalten, synapsklyftan, synapsgapet

térdízületi rés [spatium articulationis genus] infoknee joint space

knäledspalt -en -er

nyaki rés [fissura cervicalis] infocervical fissure, cervical annular tear, a small tear located in the cervical region of the spine

nackspalt -en -er

petefészek-repedés [ovariorrhexis] infoovarian rupture

äggstocksruptur -en -er

epevezeték-repedés [ruptura choleduchi] infocholeduchus rupture

ruptur av gallgång

koponyavarrat-repedés [protrusio fontanellae] infocranial suture fissure

sutursprängning -en -ar

epehólyag-repedés [ruptura cholecystae] infogallbladder rupture

gallblåsbristning -en -arinfogallblåsruptur

artéria repedés [dissectio arteriae] infoarterial rupture

artärdissekering -en -ar

szaruhártya-repedés [keratorrhexis] infokeratorrhexis, rupture of the cornea

ruptur av hornhinnan

epehólyag-repedés [ruptura vesicae felleae] infogallbladder rupture, the gallbladder wall leaks or bursts

ruptur av gallblåsa

anális nyílás [anus, cytopyge, meatus ani] infoanal opening

analöppning -en -arinfoanus, rektalöppning

foggyökércsúcs nyílás [foramen apicale] infoapical foramen, the opening at the apex of the root of a tooth

öppning i rotspetsen

külső nyílás [orificium externum] infoexternal orifice

yttre mynning

homlocsonti nyílás [foramen frontale] infofrontal opening

frontalbenshål -et -

csúcsi nyílás [foramen apicale] infoapical foramen, the opening of the pulp canal in the root of a tooth

apikal spets

Magendie-nyílás [apertura mediana ventriculi quarti, foramen Magendie] infoforamen of Magendie, a passage through the midline of the roof of the fourth ventricle of the brain that gives passage to the cerebrospinal fluid from the ventricles to the subarachnoid space

Magendie's aperturinfofjärde hjärnventrikelns bakre öppning

nyelőcsői nyílás [hiatus esophageus, hiatus oesophageus] infoesophageal hiatus, the opening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus passes from the thoracic to the abdominal cavity

esofageal öppning

vakbélremesebél-nyílás [ostium caecocolicum] infocecocolic orifice, the exit from the cecum into the ascending colon

ingång från cecum till colon

ovális nyílás [foramen ovale] infoforamen ovale, before birth, the foramen ovale allows blood flow to bypass the lungs [a fetus gets the oxygen it needs from the placenta, not the lungs]

ovala hålet

Magendie-nyílás [apertura mediana ventriculi quarti, foramen Magendie] infoforamen of Magendie, median aperture, is one of the foramina in the ventricular system and links the fourth ventricle

fjärde hjärnventrikelns bakre öppning

distolingvális fissura [fissura distolingualis] infodistolingual fissure, distolingual deep pits and grooves on the surfaces of the teeth

distolingual fissur

branchiális fissura [fissura branchialis] infobranchial fissure, a deep cleft in the surface of a tooth

brankial fissur

transzverzális fissura [fissura transversalis] infotransverse fissure, separates the thalamus superiorly from the parahippocampal gyrus inferiorly

transversal fissur

ékcsont-sziklacsonti hasadék [fissura sphenopetrosa] infosphenopetrosal fissure, the cranial suture between the sphenoid bone and the petrous portion of the temporal bone

fissura sphenopetrosa